Eating and spirituality

Ewwwww leave the fishes and eggs alone :unamused:

Henllo 🙋 Vegan and Yogi here too :two_hearts:

This is true. But as long as we ground naturally not having that feeling of nasty heaviness that meat gives the body is amazing. It feels amazing. Ill never ever go back.

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Best way to me remains good ol zhan zhuang.
But it requires a lot of PRACTICE and PATIENCE


This is the event that convinced me, that I have to become a vegetarian:
(Note: I’m not yet a full vegetarian. I’m working on it)

After I started using two of the Soul Restoration audios I did a spontaneous 48 hour fast. My body felt super light and energized. My vibrations were high and I felt like a divine being.

Was really looking forward to break my fast with a good beef stake. A single bite of the steak destroyed my sublime state. From the heavens I crashed back to earth.

It was expensive meat, from a farm, that treats their animals well and I looped the Food Charger for 10+ minutes before eating. It didn’t help.

I tried, but I couldn’t bring myself to finish the steak that night.


i love how similar yet different our experiences are!

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It is very interesting to learn about this. Please let me know where I can find the Backster’s research you are talking about. Thank you very much.

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I’ve been wanting to incorporate this into my life. Heavily based off the important research conducted by Weston Price, a dentist who traveled the world and noticed the correlation of indigenous people’s diets and their almost non existence of diseases endemic to Western culture. One of this primary theories was tooth decay and teeth health and how the way indigenous people ate made them far healthier than Westerners.


I first read about it in David Wilcox’s first book The Source Field Investigations.

You got me thinking about this @ConkerRyan. Yes I’m still omnivore as I said but veggie food always makes me feel much better.

The problem is cultural: meat and eggs are strongly anchored in our culinary habits. Like if someone refuses to eat an omelet at breakfast, he/she will be treated like an ET and mocked with no mercy. Our people also loooooove to insist when they offer food, like “come on, have some more please or I’ll cry”. Gee… We have a well-known and true story based novel, in which a mother and daughter put their German guests into the coma, because they make them eat like crazy during a dinner.

So that’s the big deal… Being invited to people’s place for dinner, trying not to have a stomach explosion while also trying not to sound like a Veruca Salt and offend them. I’ll have to figure it out someday.


What about eggs? That’s 50%-75% of my daily calories lol

You remind me of my grandma… ahahah

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I was eating them almost daily… but then removed cause I have to heal my liver
Eggs can cause inflammation and trigger allergies, can promote growth of bacteria, viruses, yeast…

On the counterside you’ll lose a lot of daily good proteins

From someone who does serious training is very difficult to take a good amount of proteins without damaging the liver


lol and I have around about 36 raw a day so that doesn’t add up nicely for me lol

It really is bro, I should start listening to liver fields…

If it weren’t for bodybuilding I would be a vegan bro, I don’t eat for pleasure I eat for results, so if I wasn’t bodybuilding I would be vegan for vibrational results


:))) If I become a grandma someday, I promise here and now, on this forum, that I’ll only offer open buffet to my grandchildren :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:t2:


I think I’ve seen some books about vegan bodybuilding diet in the past…
I don’t know how feasible it is though

Hi @GoddessesAndGod have you watched the movie “The Game Changers” ?

Not to feasible unfortunately enough lol if you want to be the best you have to eat the best, there hasn’t been a single Mr Olympia that was vegan, and that’s including Arnold

Speaking of Arnold…

Hey Jenny!

No I haven’t but I’ve heard of it and I know Arnold is in it… and I know his stand point on the situation as well…

To put it simply

Arnold is such a sell out lol money talks for him I guess

And I don’t want to get into a discussion about why veganism isn’t optimal for athletes either lol

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Please take the time to watch the movie, it could be a game changer for you. Yes Arnold is in the movie but so are a lot of other world class top athletes. You will learn a lot from all the other athletes that are featured in the movie, don’t let one person stop you from becoming a better version of yourself.

I’m sure I would! I can learn a lot from every one, however I don’t want to watch it because i view it to be propaganda for veganism and I’ve done enough (more than I’d like to admit) research myself to know that it just isn’t as optimal for an athlete, and I also don’t want to dive into that realm any more either lol spent a few years partaking in such discussions, and I no longer seek to be involved

But I’ll leave some food for thought here…

Name me one plant in the world that has more nutrients than animal organs (liver, kidney ect) :slightly_smiling_face:


I also said he’s a sell out because the man is no vegan, the man also says steroids should be banned from bodybuilding… the man was the biggest meat eater and steroid user around and he wants to advocate this? He’s just in the movie talking up lies for money… I wonder what they’re paying him… he’s a politician, money talks for him