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It work very well for me


Which fields of his have you used so far?

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Here people look

And yet there are here so many people who are bashing Sigh

Thank you for your positive response on Digg
I will now think about using them also

Like really :flushed:
You have sensed this

Road opener, and healing inner child


I am replying here with my own opinion and everyone can have their own, sharing my arguments why I disagree and think that Sigh is to be avoided at all cost.

Yes, people LOOK!!! And don’t trust blindly. Check for yourself!

Are you serious? Is this a paid review?

The description of that video is a total joke and has nothing to do with how the theft of sexual energy takes place.

What implant would that be?
Physical or etheric or astral?
Who installed it and for what reason?

And if someone would want to steal your sexual energy, even the government could that remotely right now. They already have this type of tech… no need for Aliens, Golums or other explanations.
The only ones who would be interested in your sexual energy are lower astral parasites and maybe some cabal globalists who want to reduce your energy that you would otherwise use for manifestations.

By the way, sexual energy is not stored in the penis…

I’ve read it.

“The Laws of the Matrix”

One cannot really call it a book, since it is a 24 pages long poorly edited PDF. Almost 6 of those pages is just a list of recommended movies and series.

Content wise it is worse than those channeling books from the early 2000’s that were all about the “2012 Ascension”. It is full of wrong facts, misunderstandings, limiting beliefs and other thrown in basic esoteric concepts. Any person that has ever read at least 5 proper esoteric books in their life, will instantly see that Sigh team have no clue about anything.

It is also full of grammar errors and written in a very poor English.
If someone can’t even master basic English, I would definitely not trust them with my energy system and mind or high level stuff like removing J-seals…
Maybe they should start using their own “language field”: Improvement of language skills EXTREMELY POWERFUL!!! (Energetically Programmed) - YouTube :laughing: :rofl: :laughing: :expressionless:

Oh man, I don’t even know where to start, lol, sometimes they write complete BS under their videos, like for example:

“The energetic information in the videos and mp3s work directly with your first level DNA (atomic) through resonance causes your changes, so it is important to play every day without fail.” :rofl: :laughing:

…or this from the “5555 Lifetimes” video:

"Codes to heal and repair the damage of five thousand five hundred and fifty-five random lives.
This programming can help heal many types of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual problems.
Important to use for at least 555 days non-stop."


You were the guy who said 3 months ago how much he loves eating animals:

Does this mean that now, since you love everybody, you have finally stopped eating animals? :thinking:


How do you know he is still eating animals
That’s just your assumption, and of course it’s reality for you and happening in your head therefore :roll_eyes: I mean it’s truth for you

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I don’t know. That’s why I have put a

at the end of the sentence.

It implies that it is a question :wink:

Question mark - Wikipedia


Who are your top trusted creators?

(post deleted by author)

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I am using Sigh’s Renewal Time paid audio daily during my daily meditation. I tried the youtube version first and it works for me so I decided to buy the gumroad one.

I also tried looping his anti-rodents youtube video for several days and surprisingly, the rat infestation in my bedroom has decreased a lot. I use it only when needed.

Lastly, I listened to this free Sigh audio on gumroad for over a month but I cannot comment on this yet since I had to stop due to my busy schedule:


Lol ,but his fields has change me Alot ,i use that one from sexual implant and with that i never go porn website again ,i also improve in my gaming skills and by using the matrix break the code series i gain reflex without practicing ,and i become very very observe of the enverioment and my self ,my percepción increase alot ,i also use his full body detox and i can clearly feel the cleansing over my body and even in my brain also my organs make sounds while playing it and that’s the sign that it work ,i also use the extreme weight gainer to complete my diet for gaining muscle mass since is hard for me to eat Alot and you need to eat Alot to make muscle gains ,also i use his 3 treasure one and my sexual energy explode like never before and the urge come hard bcs it also increase all 3 treasure + sexual energy ,i use the Ojas ,tejas and prana and i feel it producing the Ojas in my heart ,use the semen retention one and when the urge of masturbate comes and i edge ,untill orgams the body not let me it self to expulse the sperm and it automatically absorbed by the body again + i feel that my PC muscle improve since using that one ,i use the increase bone width and that had my bones to ah level that it can resist Alot of stress for example i some times punch the wall very hard and i don’t feel to much pain like before and also heal the bone fast ,i use divine fire ,divine recodification ,karmic distortion ,divine freedom etc and it had change me Alot the way I treat people and even people treat me different and very kind and Alot of things work in my favorite ,I also been using the shadow resolution and internal change process and that make all other feels work in me very powerfully yesterday i use the vibration series from sapien and i vibrate to hard like never before I think is because of daily using the internal change and shadow resolution i also use become and man 2.0 and my voice become very deep and my balls and pennies increase the size also i notice that womans look at me like never before ,so the sigh team work ,and i don’t feel negative stuff or attracting demons ,low vibration Stuff ,low vibration events and situations ,so I don’t know bro :frowning: at least they are not like Thomas ,or other creators that pretend to be morphic fields creator and is not lol :laughing:,btw sigh is not the only creator i use Sigh has became my favorite but i also use a lot programed intention ,freedom ,Maitreya ,sometimes spirituality zone,and obviously the king of morphic fields sapien medicine .


I use the multidimensional one daily cuz it clear stuff from things you do in social media ,comment something bad,scams ,screenshot that can destroy your life ,your reputation and your relationship with someone etc is my favorite daily cleaning i also use it when I get home from work and before I go through work

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I also combined the DNA activation XS with blueprint of life and i feel like my genetic is becoming perfect i also sleep for 6 or less hours and feel that i sleep 8 bcs i still feel very energetic with it

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This was the only reason i liked the comment :joy:


i don’t remember saying i love eating animal just that their nourishing which i still agree with. Now my goal is to not eat all.

Im not sure how i could know who, maybe in the future i’ll find out. but there for inducing sexual addiction. I basically felt like a slave before, i was way too horny.

probably the a.i since they need us they have no divine spark like us. so they need our energy to live

they literally say i can do anything even fly. we are GOD. we can do anything because we are god and made everything around us. so what limiting beliefs are you talking about?

Definitely serious I love the sigh team. They have paid me nothing

Sapien is best


I looped a couple of sigh energy workout videos today and I actually felt something
. I was a little taking back because idk if he is legit and the way he pushes out videos so fast makes me question the honesty of his descriptions. I will use his videos for a couple more days to see if I still feel the same thing or if it were a one time placebo thing.

Do you feel it? I certainly did something

This brings you close to God
Morpheus created yesterday

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New video from Drvirtual7!


The majority of mankind is imprisoned into the dark satanic illusion that certain groups have been spreading for thousands of years. The result is the mass mind control system, keeping people away from their true nature as Divine Beings of Light. The days of glory of the dark forces are nearing the end. And they know it as they’re panicking. It is time to disconnect from all the evil they’ve done to you and humanity. It’s time to break ALL dark spells. Will you join to make this happen?

This video will not only support you, but also your loved ones and all human beings on our beautiful planet! Because we’re all connected it’s not only you that hears this sound healing and subliminal creation that goes deeper than you might think. All people will subconsciously pick up the vibrations.

Listen to this video for at least 40 days in a row, if you want to create an even stronger effect for all humans visualize the sound vibrations spreading around Mother Earth through your crown chakra, putting a blanket of purification and pure Light…

Best to listen with stereo headphone, without will work as well… It’s time to take back your freedom and connect to the amazing Divine Creator that you ARE! Because the evil ones read along we decided not to openly publish the affirmations. If you have questions feel free to email Dr Virtual. Blessings to all of You wonderful beautiful Souls!