Is Gaia benevolent to us? What is our Best Path as a specie? (Divinely Incarnated discussion)

Rather the opposite.
When you no longer desperately need someone for survival, you can actually start loving them unconditionally.
When humans will no longer need earth, it will enable them to love earth unconditional for what it is and actually help her in her development without asking for anything in return.

And that’s why those animals are pretty bad at surviving.
Because humans take more and hoard more, they are better at survival than most other larger species.

Lol, we are definitely not.
The world even had to shut down in 2020 because of some average virus.
Millions still die every year of measels, malaria, cancer, dirty water, radiation, lack of nutritious food etc.
Humanity is still long away from having ensured its survival.

Humanity is already working on those solutions.
And more people could be working on these if they wouldn’t be occupied with everyday survival, which takes most of their time.

I was not even referring to Enki.
This planet has always received alien intercessions.
And even if you look at the evolution of mainstream science earth history, there are so many inconstencies…

I think it does not matter whether humans invented the technology or whether it was given to them.

Our current technologies cannot even help us feed all the people on the planet, fight off basic viruses and leave the solar system. We still live in a complete and total Stone Age.


Are you saying humans are still in the survival mode, so humans are allowed to hoard because we can and no one to stop us, but once we no longer need earth we will love her unconditionally? Isn’t it like saying I love my cat and I like to squeeze the life out of her and drag her by leash even though she hates it, all because I need her for my survival for self-love may be? And once I no longer need my cat for my surival I will love her unconditionally?

Nature created new bacteria to eat plastic because nature knows very well humans will ruin the planet. It is a good news that research is being done on it. Agree some people have developed some small things using plastic but as long as there is no profit to make a lot of money, investors won’t pool in money to save the planet.

It is debatable but think of it like this why is there is not much research done to fix thyroid problem even with so much of advancement in medical technologies but a lot research happens in cancer? Because cancer is extremely painful and life-debilitating while people can survive even if their thyroid gland is removed. It is all money for pharma and health care companies.

Im not JAAJ but thats exactly right. Anything that you do is because of survival. Anything that you like is because of survival. Anything that you hate is because of survival. Even thinking is survival, why else do it?

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Interesting, never thought on those lines. So, anything humans do is for surival? Is it for individual surival or the survival of species, meaning some humans consume and hoard more than others, so are they doing for their own survival or for the survival of entire human species?

Species may not be the right word here but humanity combining all the races that inhabit the earth from aboriginal tribes still living to the most well-off community on the planet.

Because the way I see it, actions of such humans are negatively impacting the planet and all the species that inhabit it. Let’s imagine the same plastic eating bacteria forms a symbiotic relationship with sea life and these creatures when consumed become poisonous to humans, who shall be blamed in a situation like that? Humans who are filling the oceans with plastic or nature who created such bacteria?


Pretty much, even wanting to die is survival. But dying or being dead isn’t. So, to transcend survival the Ego needs to die. Either by psychedelics or dissociatives, meditation or other spiritual practices.

There is individual and collective survival, anything that makes you feel good or benefits you, you will protect its survival for your own survival.

Btw I don’t mean just physical survival.

I dont know. I didnt read the whole bacteria stuff from above, but what are you trying to get to?

Actions of humans have consequences, nature will respond with kindness or otherwise depending on our actions. Consuming way more than necessary like ultra-fast fashion, dumping waste in oceans etc., is farm from surival but a form of abuse for which all the species that inhabit the earth have to suffer as well including humans.

My points were all to say on this topic that earth is not against humans, thinking so would be our downfall, we can co-exist and live happily with other species as long as we don’t get greedy and violate the nature.


That still is survival. A messed up degree of survival, but still survival.

I agree. I don’t think earth is against us either. It’s just trying to survive, that’s how it was programmed.

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Yea, curious though, your definition of survival is until death of ego or body dropping down?

I wished I could articulate my thoughts about this well.

There seems to be many paradoxes at work here.

I think we at least should try to ensure our own survival, meaning destroy the least as possible while we develop our technology, and prepare for the natural, not man-made changes coming.

Sometimes we discover good things about other species or earth itself. So it may be looking out for us (or itself at least, of which we are a part of). And that’s a reason to conserve nature as it is…just to learn about its processes cause it already does things way better than us, sometimes.

The idea of us not belonging on earth, as of now, is dangerous. Muggles need to think they are stuck in here.

This is just banter...please excuse my rambling

Does this mean if I die of illness I failed to evolve, spiritually?

When Elon Musk mentioned catgirls, he had the wrong idea. I’m all for giving cats hands. I’d like to see how that evolves (from a distance…like in a holodeck simulation xD). The thing is I didn’t know cats were so smart.

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I have only scanned through the thread and all of this came over those last days, while meditating with the Divinely Incarnated (or One with Gaia) field.

Here is my feeling & intuitions regarding your initial points @JAAJ:

  • Our planet is a living entitiy like us, with her own consciousness, just at a different scale.
  • She is here to experiment like us and ultimately reduce her entropy (evolve towards higher love and light)
  • She is most likely not attached to all of those dual (good and bad) concepts as our limited human consciousnes.
  • Is she perfect? No. Like us she makes choices at her level of consciousness and have to deal with their consequences, until she reaches the consciousness of other highly evolved planets like Arcturus, and go beyond.
  • Is she benevolent? Yes. I am intuitively convinced she is doing the best she can, but like us is learning along the way, and is not attached to the outcomes as we are.
  • What about things like viruses or cataclysm? She is like us, as much at the source of her problem, as much as suffering the consequences of her unconsciousness. For viruses per instance, history & sciences proved decades ago that those were born due to a lack of adaptation between our human hardware (body), our software (mind) and our environment (ruleset). We were not built to become sedentary and to reproduce so much. Like water, if things stagnates, this creates disease. This is part of the ruleset, and rulesets at a planetary scale seem to take time to evolve.
  • What about all of this suffering? This is how our limited human consciousness is currently wired and interpreting it, this planet is full of what we define as “suffering” or entropy, but how come from a certain stage the enlightened masters only see the beauty of it?
  • We are one and the same, only our ego mind say differently. She is us, we are her. Those physical & etheric bodies “belong” to her, not us. She is graciously borrowing a vehicle to our individuated consciousnesses (or soul) so we can grow & learn together.
  • Why are those vehicles broken? Well she is learning too, just at a different scale, and with way different perceptions and a way different ruleset. We know the consciousness of a humming bird or a dragonfly highly differs from the human one, based on speed of processing and many other factors.
    Likewise for trees compared to animals. Why would it not be the same for Gaia vs humans?
  • Is she screwing up? Like us with many past/parallel lives, we’ve done good things and horrible things, this is how a soul learns until it reaches lower levels of entropy. Ultimately this little glimpse in the evolution of earth (and humanity) is a little speck of dust in the scale of Eternity.

My thought then on “does Gaia want our highest good?”

YES. But like a teenage mother (she is only 4.5 billions years and humans have only been around for 200 000 years), which is nothing time-wise when we look at the pace of evolution), she is doing the best she can with her actual capabilities.

But I believe all of this from a place of Love, as we know it to be at the Source of our reality.

I do feel then, our duty as beings incarnated into a human body, or as beings of light incarnated as the sons & daughters of a small planet called Gaia, is to be the best children we can.

At some point we grow as adults and realize our mum is not perfect, we understand her and accept her how she is, we do our best to support her while she supports us as well, we set clear boundaries to respect each of our individualities & integrities (cf. technologies & ethical advancements as a race)


No, you as a soul are immortal and can reincarnate again and again.
And take all the time you need to evolve “spiritually”.
You cannot really fail at spiritual development, only take a shorter or longer route.
Only the physical body dies and while you are in it, you experience all the fun and suffering that the body also experiences.


Do you subscribe to the idea of Darwinian evolution? Because of your points on prefrontal cortex in humans above makes me think so, if you do, how does soul fit into this framework?

Can you expand on your idea man?

You mean Darwinian vs Creationism?
Or something else?

My understanding of thing, and a lot of thing backed up by my time with Tom Campbell and other “spiritual teachers” is that an individuated consciousness (or a soul) can choose to inhabit any vehicle, as everything is consciousness after all.

Though your experience and growth highly diverts between inhabiting a rock, a plant, a monkey, a human, a pleiadian, a planet, etc.

According to him, at some point of our evolution, where Artificial Intelligence will be intelligent enough to be fully self-organized (a major attribute of consciousness) and is somewhat compatible with evolution, a Soul could decide to live an experience through an “artificial” vehicle rather than a “biological” vehicle only on Earth.

At least this is somewhat the direction our civilization is taking, first with transhumanism, then perhaps further (or our civilization may be extincted before that).


Sure, I don’t subscribe to Darwinism, I don’t believe that birds came from dinosaurs. My idea is consciousness seeds planets with different life forms at once with an intent to grow and evolve.

I have to look up this guy Tom, what is his definition of soul then?

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Welcome to Tom’s world, have a good read man: Understanding IUOC and FWAUs in Terms of the Larger Consciousness System - My Big TOE Wiki

His approach has been mastered and refined for the left brain of westerners.
He calls Source or God or All that is the Larger Consciousness System (LCS).

I am forever grateful to him, as besides buddhism (for meditation & mindfulness) it is what opened me to the larger reality.

Yeah I have had a lot of synchronicities and intuitive feedbacks those last years that showed me that the Darwinist theory might have its limits. But when you don’t know, you don’t know :slight_smile:


Thanks, looks like a science guy turned mystic. Do you see in this system, psychedelics, science, magic, old gods, ghosts, new age universe, fitting in nicely without any need to force fit things? It is my personal measuring stick to know if a system of knowledge is close to the truth or reality.

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Yes and no, because his niche audience is left brainers.

He keeps most of those concepts out to keep the theory as streamlined a possible. And rather use computer metaphors, so the rational mind can understand how our larger reality function, without too much blocks from our belief system.

He of course mentions and speaks about non physical realities, and his experiences with non physical entities. But the focus of his work is mostly on bridging science and spirituality (or the larger reality).

During retreats or more intimate online, yes, as his goal is for people to “taste the pudding”. Though he always adapts his approach to the audience and keeps it simple.

He is a full scientist, but was born as a right brain. Until he grew up and forgot most of those abilities, and later re-discovered it as a young adult with the help of meditation, and down the line Robert Monroe.


Good or bad ar categories created by the human mind.

The example for this is Adam & Eve’s ban from the garden of eden.

By the moment that Adam & Eve become rational (they eat the apple from the tree of knowledge), they discern between good and bad and therefore they are already stuck in their Ego loops that codify reality and experience through their retro-active mind and tons of new artificial lenses in which past-present subjective abstractions and imaginary projections can occur, therefore they’re “ejected” from Paradise (ever present consciousness) into the “waste land” (unconscious programmed Ego iterations).

There’s no nature and the universe and our existence is neither good or bad in nature.

High vibration and low vibration are principles that are universal, but none of them are good or bad, just different, and obey rules or laws beyond our subjective interpretation of them.


Ok, will check him out.


This has been very helpful Boris.
Thank you very much.
A lot of great insight and new perspectives here :pray: