Is it better to have a stack or just loop 1 audio repeatedly

should i just loop blueprint of love for 2 hours or should i add more self love fields to it to make a stack ? is it better to listen to 1 audio repeatedly or add multiple audios regarding the same topic

thanks for help as always guyz love you all

stack. not loop unless intuition tells you to.


Depends on the individual big fields like that can be draining because they do many things at once.
Specific smaller fields could help to fine tune whatever your goal is and lessen impact.

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Both responses so far are insightful, but I think what would be most helpful is if you tell us your goals and the fields you have accessible to you.

Have you purchased any or are you working off of free fields exclusively?

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im working on self love at the moment and yeah i have blueprint of love

Do you have Omega Love - Psychic University?

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Highly recommend

You have the new course I believe

course + revision of self love + omega love + blueprint of love + become whole + VODL

Sounds like a powerful stack


wow thank you man

so that would be better than spamming blueprint of love? only asking bc bol does like 1000 different things and maybe its better just to loop that?

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I don’t have blueprint of love or know all it does but no fields are the exact same so it’s still a good idea to use a combo imo to get to the your goal easier

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Usually I tend to have stacks.
But let’s say for instance a new audio gets released and I wanna test it more, I would loop it with a relaxed focus on it. Not meditating, simply being. I did that for Malleable Ego for instance. Or I remember Atreides looping plasma flaunt for god knows how long when it was released :grin:

Some fields you notice after 1-2 loops it’s enough. Plasma glass skin for instance is like that. When I say “enough” I mean the energies have been applied sufficiently for the day; you don’t notice more effects by looping more.

For the nft audios, Captain often said they’re worlds within worlds, so looping might make sense. In most cases I would advise however not to loop. That’s because for NFTs we have mandalas also.

Effectively you could say, play so much so that your energy system doesn’t get overwhelmed, as in such a case you’re hindering your own growth. I have definitely been guilty of this.

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Maybe try all variants and see how you react to it. You may add journaling as well.

But a diverse stack, and conscious interaction with BoLove would be more advised.

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Thanks all <3

I have been using self love transcendence. I definitely recommend it.

also, the tracks are narrated by @SammyG himself :grinning:

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