Is it ok to have doubt?

It’s not a frequency but yes the programmed energy in the morphic fields stimulate certain reactions in your body. In this case it makes you tan.

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If you like science, make a experiment… There really cant be any controll groups…
But 3 days, 3x listen a day(closed eyes, while listening)

A perfect experiment? :thinking:


Hi @Reyes, welcome to the forum!

Yes, doubt is fine. If you’re concerned about experiencing slower results, Subconscious Limits Removal is often helpful to play daily, particularly recommended if you are new to morphic fields. Many people play this audio daily as it can help speed up results and dissolve limiting subconscious beliefs which might slow your results.

Here is another morphic field which might be of interest to you, meant to allow most people to experience the effects of a morphic field quickly:

Yes, the Sun Free Tanning audio promotes actual biochemical signals for melanin production and melanocyte-stimulating hormone.

No, the audios do not rely upon your belief to work and do not require belief as a placebo would. Morphic fields which create physical changes will directly alter biochemical factors regardless of your belief.

Believing in changes can increase your receptivity to the morphic fields and aid changes, but it is not required for the changes to occur. One way in which belief might also aid any changes: The nervous system can alter many biochemical signals, depending upon what is prioritised and focused upon. This occurs in each moment of our lives.

So belief can help speed the process of any biochemical changes you wish to make, but it is not necessary and doubt may not necessarily hinder you very much. Doubt and interest in experimenting with the field may actually help you in some ways as you may be more engaged with the process and results.


Not that it matters, but I feel like you are just a little unsure, because you are still taking the initiative to listen to it. When I first came out of prison, I had seen all of Dream’s audios on his channel “Sapien Medicine”, and I just knew it was some bullshit. That’s why I didn’t even bother to give it a chance. It would be 3 months or so later before my intuition would lead me to read the comments of one of those videos. Believing is better than not believing, but it doesn’t mean you aren’t going to get results. One of my family member’s awhile back(who’s religious, but not spiritual) had a BAD case of stomach flu(whatever you call it, maybe food poisoning?) from the food they’d ate. But after the first listen of one of the Detox videos, it was almost gone. By the second one, the symptoms were gone. Just detach from the result bro. Set it and forget it. You’ve got nothing to lose, but a few minutes of your time, a day.


(btw… how come nobody remembers we have crowd sourced the plant growth results?)


Plant Growth Experiment Results:


Yay!! Daddy scolding us guys lol

Im so sorry for the late reply, thank you for your answer and can i ask you something?

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No worries, glad to be of help. What would you like to ask?

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What are those audio? Is it basically pseuroscience? I believe certain frequencys can promote biochemical signals but i saw some weird spirtual videos on their channel…

People from 200 years ago would call the electrical devices in our age heretical sorcery.

Sapien’s stuff looks like pseudoscience to the mainstream, because science isn’t there yet. They need major paradigm shifts in several disciplines, before morphic fields would be accepted in the scientific community.

You can be a cheerleader of science and wait, until the scientific community reached an understanding of what Sapien does.

Or you could be an actual scientist yourself and start experiment with his videos.

There are some scientists who already are on to what Sapien does. Read the book, that Atreides posted:


All this… Didn’t give you a hint? A small hint?


You have 17 years…
What the hell do you have to loose?
Just try it and see if it works for you or not

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I dont want to lose my time… im currently using the sunfreetanning2.0 from patreon for almost 2 hours everyday… im not sure if i got results yet but the point is … what does the audio do? Because i dont wanna spend my time using some audio that they charged with some spirtual enregy or something u know? I wonder if the frequencys almong with everything they encoded in that audio actually promote biochemical signals… u know what i mean bro?

I feel that you have already been aswered… so in the end you are wasting your time anyway :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Something tells me he will never even consider that

I believe meditation is really good , i just red their faq , what do they mean by putting a field into an object? Please tell me its not what i think it is guys…

How can i keep my mind open if they say they put some enregy into an item? Its clearly that sepien and dreamweaver are spirtual and not scienctific… i dunno what to do now guys

You got your answer than lol

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Hahh im from israel actually

Sorry if i was rude man