Is it possible to remove chakras?

Hello everyone anyone tried chakras removal subliminal??if it true that chakras removal from system then what would happen ??

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What is a Chakra? If you examine old Tantras and ignore the New Age definitions, they are centres of conscious energy that represent different aspects that make the physical and energy body. They are not blockages or knots that can be “removed”. It is a concept of energy that can be utilized for cultivation or ignored. But how do you “remove” it and what comes of it? Does not seem to make sense to me.

When one is in Nirvikalpa Samadhi - aka Kundalini is refined completely, the consciousness resides in the Crown - one is considered fully Awakened and the lower Chakras are no longer significant. Such a state can be considered as “removal” - and that is the goal of most non-dual Indic practices.


I saw on google many people’s work on removal of chakras and many testimonials r there after removing they said life get more better without any negativity. And free from matrix…removal means all chkaras minimize at one place…but who knows its good or bad??

There is a “new age” thing that Chakras are some kind of limiting framework some aliens have imposed on us - but I have not really found evidence for it to be true. It seems more a New Age thing to me.

I am not saying that old is always gold - but many many established Yogic systems have dealt with Chakras for centuries - so I would be cautious dissing them as some new age conspiracy based on “channeling”.


Right sir…u searched about it on google?u should check people’s testimonials on google but m so confused about that…what u think it is good or bad?

I mean you can always try it out. Sometimes its all in the “head” like they say - if you believe strongly that Chakras limit you, they probably will :D

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Yeah I think even Dr Virtual 7 has something that supposedly removes chakras or something.

I didn’t get it either. It’s like saying you wanna remove your aura or something.

Yes some sub makers made chakras removal subliminal but who knows it is good or not…its a unknown thing for us…

he doesnt, he mainly speak about other implants , i however did not stumble across chakra removal on his channel, i may be mistaken though… but i highly doubt it

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A chakra consists of organs, glands, neuronal connections, archetypes and energy.
I highly doubt you can remove them, btw. why would you even want to?


Write out a full-length, erudite, annotated essay on what chakras are, how they work, and what you use them for. Then go into how initiatory systems use them. If you can’t do that, why listen to New Age rumors? There’s a pretty dense, ancient literature on them.

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Why would anyone do that? Would you like to remove some organ? Or would you like to remove emotions and become a psychopath? The same goes with the energy. Chakras are a compass to enlightenment, without them you would just lose your way. My aunt closed her ajna chakra cause she was seeing ghosts everywhere. Now she gets constant migraines…she needs to reopen that chakra and balance all the other chakras to be ok.


Recently I have also noticed this “trend” of chakra removal and it sounds disturbing lol
It is popular among light workers and light language channelers(at least that’s what i noticed) and from what i understand it’s not exactly removal but more like merging all chakras into one chakra or something, it’s supposedly that old/traditional chakra system is connected to matrix and it was installed into our collective consciousness and some believe it limits us
I don’t know what to think of it, it’s a weird concept but I always try to keep an open mind


Besides the question of it being possible ask yourself… is it even necessary?
I don’t think so. Subliminals… well let’s just say they don’t make a certain amount of effort obsolete.
But as much effort as you may put in, it is doubtful you will become a werewolf, or vampire or anything like that, for example.

What we call chakras is a very complex mechanism that is invisible to the eye and is in several dimensions. Removing chakras is about how to remove the brain and live happily, well, what a stupid idea it occurred to you to remove the chakras, right now throw it out of your head once and for all and do not write more about it in different forums, in my opinion it’s already for you became an obsession, don’t fall so low in your vibrations, think better about how to increase your vibrations. Raise your vibrations to such a high level that you really do not need something else that a person possesses in 3 and 4 dimensions.


Ascension Archangel (King Lui) supposedly provides a Chakra removal service, but the safety and effectiveness of such a thing is questionable; especially considering all the other controversies surrounding him.