Is it safe to listen to morphic fields whilst pregnant?


Can someone advise if it is safe to listen to morphic fields during pregnancy, I am asking on behalf of my wife,

As a general rule of thumb, sure!

I wouldn’t recommend that she listen to any hormone-related fields, which could affect her pregnancy. And I would recommend that she consult with her doctors if she’s contemplating any health-related fields so that she can make informed decisions about how her fields might impact her particular health situation at this time.

I would also recommend that, because her physical and energetic systems already have an additional “work load” they’re now “dealing” with, she start slowly and carefully with each field (maybe as slow as adding one new field at a time) so that she can be sure she’s not overwhelming her already hard-working physical and energetic systems.



Things like self love. Unconditional love ect it’s safe but just avoid something related to hormones


This thread may be of interest…


Stick to the environmental ones, if any at all. If possible, none for now.

I can see you want to support your wife and the baby throughout this strenuous time, there are many non-energetic ways to do that. Come back postpartum, then I have many suggestions.