Is my stack for muscle gain efficient?

Sup guys!
I would like to know what you think of my stack.
I mainly built it to help me gain muscle mass and to improve male characteristics in general and it has worked for me, but I would like to know if it could be improved with your help.
I just turned 18 years old and I practice calisthenics at home.
Before workout:
2x SuperHuman Mutant
2x Plasma Charged Mitochondria
2x BN’s Androgen Receptors
After Workout:
2x Muscle Recovery Ver 2.0
2x BN’s Androgen Receptors
3x BN’s Sensitized Leydig Cells
2x Luteinizing and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (added yesterday.)
4x BN’s Testosterone Enanthate
2x BN’s HCG (to keep testosterone levels stable and not to decline.)
2x The Overwhelming DHT Presence
2x BN’s DHT
3x HGH
2x Automated grounding
Is it ok? Any opinion is welcome.

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BN’s sideeffects get really bad, its like your actually using steroids.

But if you feel good than roll with it bro ig


Who is BN?

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A big poopoo head

Kidding, i stay away from that guy

@nerverin you wouldn’t want to add anything for your mindstate before your work out? Like unstoppable willpower, inner strength, hand of glory, grace of saints and angels, amygdala healing, all purpose anxiety, the spear of destiny ect

Strength is mentality, so that’s why I listen to mind/mentality fields for an hour before the gym

Do you have time to listen to more fields before the gym? Maybe add nitric oxide boost for that pump, flow of jing, chi elixir, shen yang, enhanced fat metabolism just to name a few…

Also you should listen to 5 elements balanced 3 times a day either before or after your work out, i listen to it before


Why don’t you add myostatin inhibitor it also includes hgh & testosterone it would help you to reduce your play list

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Actually, I wouldn’t mind adding some audio related to mental attitude, if it helps in achieving my goals, it’s more than welcome!
I’m skeptical of concepts like chi, jing and related concepts, but I don’t deny that they catch my interest. Is there any audio that you would recommend in particular?
I don’t know if I understood completely what you were saying at the end, is the “5 balanced elements” an audio?


Yes, I was thinking about it but what made me backtrack is that as far as I know, the audio “myostatin inhibitor” uses the free testosterone and hgh, i.e. it does not increase the levels of the hormones but makes use of the already existing ones.
Maybe I will remove some audios that do not collaborate much because sometimes I do not have time to listen to all of them because some are a bit long, although I still do not know which ones.

Binaural Nutrition

Try it bro you would be muscular for sure

Such strong language!


Those are fighting words :triumph:

Whenever i call @Desiree this you immediately know it’s serious :’)

I always immediately regret it and say I’m sorry though :sneezing_face:


What if i told you, morphic fields use up energy from you Dan tiens to work? More specifically Jing…

When i first started listening to these fields i would listen to a lot of jing fields to help allow me listen to more fields so i wouldn’t get tired…

Try looping jing and see how you feel, you’ll definitely feel the effects of high jing… lol

For jing chi and shen? Or for mentality? If i could choose 3 or 4 mentality ones it would be these in this order:

Child like wonder x2 (so you feel really excited and passionate about what you’re about to do, which is working out)
Unstoppable will power x3 (name says it all)
Hand of glory x1 (check out the description)
Spear of destiny x2-3 (helps you mold your destiny to your liking, great for molding a work out to your liking)

Yes sir, check it out:

Check out the thread too man for more info… If all of your elements are balanced your body is working more optimally for growth and work out performance…

Id also recommend listening to amygdala healing (atleast listen to extreme self confidence if you don’t wanna listen to this one 3 times a day) to remove any fears you may have about going heavier or harder, any ounce of doubt in executing a motion can hinder your performance drastically believe it or not… You are what you believe yourself to be, and if you believe you can go hard and lift tons of weight from the depths of your soul then so you are.


using morphic fields but sceptical of traditional medicines :face_with_monocle:



For me, biceps audio, anti aging, follistatin and myostatin, mstate Indium is my daily muscle stack.

I add ocassionaly other audios, like 5 elements, jing when tired, muscle recovery when sore… And ojas to feel good


This makes sense. However, isn’t it like that, that pretty much everything in the physical and energy body requires Jing to function? My impression is that you need Jing for absolutely everything.

I believe it is very important that you pointed that out, because most people and even field users are not aware of the importance of Jing. Negetropic Jing is a “Top 5 Fields Must-Purchase” :man_judge:



Soul restoration for the core too!


Tried LGD 4033 today, Boys the workout was insane


Check DMS