Is reality subjective?

Can each and every one of us change and create his own reality or are we dependent on the collective counsciousness? Does every one of us lives in a certain "“time line” and can change his frequency and therefore his world and experiences or are there certain limits which are set by the collective? I mean, if someone tries to manifest something and the other tries to manifest the exact opposite, what will come true? Will the time lines “split” and both experiences come true for every individual?


You can see for yourself if reality is subjective by believing it is and then acting accordingly

We all have a different idea of what reality is, because we all have a subjective experience and personal stories. It’s merely our interpretations of something beyond ourselves that changes.

That’s why it is extremely difficult to have meaningful conversation about abstract concepts.

The human mind also has a personal interest and evolutionary incentives to interpret reality in certain ways. These biases are invisible to most and few people manage to see both beyond their original filters (inside themselves) AND beyond their surroundings (psychic, rational etc).

So, we cannot be 100% sure since we all experience one facet of a divided reality that we cannot hope to understand totally in this life and we have a hard time unifying our individual perceptions.

Now, we have an impact on reality through our actions or even just our subconscious state of mind (which influence our state of being and different layers of energy outside ourselves) we do and we can learn to change bigger aspects of it through conscious energetic manipulation.

These changes are in my opinion still subject to the basic rules of causation and do not create reality as much as they use the basic rules of reality to transform it in ways that are already possible.
I do not mean in the sense of what we think is possible or impossible but in terms of forces and energy (condensed matter) that is allowed independently of us.

We transform and pattern our reality everyday individually and collectively based on universal principles.

Forces and intentions are relatives and can conflict with each other’s, the strongest force then wins. Reality is build off of elements whose state and forces have a relationship to each other hence our ability to transform it.

Time and space are relative, if you can change space in such a way that it changes time and the world around you, you would live in a different space and time. There is a probability that you would live in this space/time and a probability that it would be different.
You experiencing this event does not make the others fake or unreal and if you can reach another time/space event, with a different chain of causation, it’s another timeline.

Do you change this space/time to be another way or are you going somewhere that is already naturally that way…

This all relates to a divided consciousness, experiencing a fragment of reality and consciousness being able to expand beyond this physical world.


Yes, this is all correct.

The one who has most powerful mind will bend the timeline towards his Will.

Unless a lot of minds are involved, here it becomes a massive Egregore steering the direction of humanity a certain Way.

And to add to this we are all in co-creation and the collective is the co-creation of the whole of humanity and the powers that be.

This is the reason for such things as cord cutter or setting boundaries is to be released from the creations of others, to a certain extend if they do not serve us.

But there is a bigger and smaller creation at hand.

Think microcosm and macrocosm.

The planets are imbuing us with “fields” too, transforming all life on the planet and steering it in directions accordingly.


How do we know that this whole subocnious mind gets to pick reality thing, Is not just the brain just looking for signs outside the world then confirming it with its self? So that makes you take action and look for opportunities making you push for a goal.

I mean if you can change your reality, then your changing somones else indirectly, so really other peoples realitys will be effecting yours right?

But hey am mostly likly worng as this whole thing ties in with the fields and the fields work for me soooo. :man_shrugging:

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Why would there be a brain then ?
Would the part of your brain that interpret visions and space be real ?
What about the bundle of optic fiber linked to your eyes ? Are your eyes real ?

Why would you need a brain for then ?

Would it still need oxygen and food and trick itself into dying which it doesn’t want ?

If the physical world and beyond is fake, so is the brain since it belong in this dimension.

It would just be thoughts and consciousness.

The immaterial consciousness that made it up would make it real to itself and since there are others like it around it, they would have to be part of himself too and since he can’t control them directly there must be a higher level that controls both, a source that hold everything within itself.

Then he would be made up of this source and so he is the source and the source must have decided to divide itself to play this game and expand.

I suppose lol


I had thought OP was talking about how we can change our reality by our thoughts.

I dont really know if reality is real or fake but I was talking more about how people say that our future changes based on visualisation and so on.
I think i think visualisation fake because all theirs youtubers make it sound like somthing out of a fairy tale, When really its training your brain to see opportunities and to stick to the right path

I reread my comment that came before this and i myself dont understand what am trying to say.
Maybe my higher self took control to spit some facts and then dipped.

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Reality is cooperative. Not purely subjective and not purely objective.