NEW RELEASE!: Ego Dissolution

YOOo i second this shit

maybe even teach stuff that is only INTENEDED TO control u. may all evil have no rest on this planet
all breath mediation except listening to the breath is a trap to keep u stuck i realized this when i done breath for 2 years and not really any improvement , may god watch over those who are good

sum this shit don’t let ur bad habits win is wat i think

is it spirtual to build ur ego up i think its psychopathic like to hear someone elses thoughts on this


In this exercise, you’ll begin to develop your awareness skills by observation. You will need a timer or stopwatch for this exercise, as you will want to do this exercise for two to three minutes at first, gradually working your way up to fifteen to twenty minutes.

Read the steps outlined in the paragraphs below one or two times, start the timer, and then perform the steps in the exercise from memory, based on what you read. Don’t worry if you can’t remember all the steps, you will get better each time you do the exercise.

  1. To begin, sit comfortably in a quiet room. Turn off the TV, radio, or any other device designed to hook your attention. Start your timer, and close your eyes.

  2. Next, consciously bring your attention to the present moment. You do this first of all by acknowledging to yourself that for the next couple of minutes you don’t need to think about the future or the past. The mind is often resistant to this idea initially, as it loves to spend its time in the past and future.

  3. As you sit quietly in the present moment, bring your awareness to your ears and what is happening outside of you. Notice what sounds you hear, such as the hum of the refrigerator, the ticking of a clock, birds chirping in the distance, and the sound of your own breath. These are the sounds that the mind usually misses, as the narrators of the mind deem them “unimportant.” If you listen deeply, you can also hear the silence that exists right behind these sounds.

  4. Sitting quietly in the present moment, listening to what is going on around you, now turn your attention to within. Feel your body in all areas, moving outside of your head where attention normally resides, and scanning your body all the way down to your toes. You are so much more than just your mind. Notice any areas of tightness, heaviness, or discomfort. Bring your attention to your breath. As humans, we take over twenty thousand breaths a day, but on many days we don’t notice even one of them. Next, as you breathe in, direct your breath to any areas of tightness, heaviness, or discomfort in your body, and imagine that as you breathe out the breath washes away those negative feelings. Sit in this present awareness, eyes closed, surrendering the past and future, listening to your outer world and feeling your body in its entirety.

  5. Throughout this process, notice what thoughts arise while you sit. Don’t try to fight or control any thoughts, but when you notice you have gotten caught up in a thought chain, simply bring your attention back to the present moment, listen to the external world, and feel the entirety of your body and breath. When the timer beeps, open your eyes and carry this experience of present moment awareness into the world…


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Developing Your Awareness Skills

After the exercise is over, make a mental list of the thoughts that arose. What was the predominate category?

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(If you don’t already know this, you might like to know that the link to your image is broken.)

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ive dealt with alot of anti socail behavior it some the most awful behavior to be on the other end of i swear

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Things you want to manifest will take time; you’ve got to be patient. You can’t play guitar right off the bat. The results will take care of themselves; if you express yourself with the proper means, you will have the correct illusion of an end goal. Do you understand? If you focus on the end, your means will get screwed up. If you focus on the means, meaning have Faith.

That’s where trust comes into play, Faith in your instinct in the expression of love. If you believe that love is the superior consciousness, then you have to trust that. You must extend Faith to your spirit to the Truth. Love is interchangeable with Truth. People misunderstand that they’ve been misled; it’s not their fault, the problem that people have is a belief that “unconditional love” means unconditional fluff; try substituting the word love with the word Truth and then say it “unconditional truth” love doesn’t go around and act fluffy Duffy love does what’s appropriate in any given moment sometimes you may seem to be rude to somebody.

Why that was needed you may not know, but it knows. Trust love in the moment.

I/You/We… cannot control my experience this I understand, I cannot control what happens in my reality; my mind may affect what happens, but I really have no control over it, so what do I have control over?

What I give to it? How I? perceive it when they say “he who overcometh”? What is it that you think you’re overcoming?

What is the ego other than submitting to the collective input you’ve had from your reality since day one? That’s the ego. This idea of dismantling the ego completely is wrong.

You would still know how to interact you’re not gonna lose your mind unless you’re part of some cult that tries to brainwash you. When it’s said that the ego is the problem, what is meant by that is believing that you are your ego. Believing that you are your ego means that you have allowed society to tell you what you are in a prison system, and that’s wrong. Your objective is for you to tell society, yourself what you are. Regardless of its input, that is what honesty is. Where you express yourself, how you truly feel, what you know, regardless of your reality, you are not where you are, you are not what you experience. You are the EXPERIENCER.

If you let your experience change you and tell you what you are, then you become the experience, and that’s how you get caught in the web. If you’re constantly running from pain and chasing pleasure and think that that is somehow your identity, you’re in the web. This is very important, very important you can’t change what happens to you. In the sense that your ego creates your life here through the law of karma and the law of attraction, which is an imposition on you. It’s an imposition; stop watching “the secret” it’s wrong. Anything you want to manifest out of the ego is just an accident waiting to happen it’s only a matter of time before you impose upon another’s will, and “they” know that.

When you manifest out of love. Love takes priority. It will manifest correctly whether you understand it or not, so your mind creates your reality so if you’re just “mind” ignoring input from spirit, you can potentially create very bad things. If you submit to the Truth which is what it comes down to people.


It’s not falling on your knees and worshiping as some enslaved servant serving god

You don’t serve god, you wouldn’t be without god.
Serve god?
You wouldn’t be without it…
women, do you have a child? Do you go through the whole process and give birth so you have your child to worship you? Is that your motive? Do you make your child’s contract to worship you? and bow down five times a day?


Does this temporarily disable subliminal programs that are archetypal and identity related because this would disable that “Ego”?

Is this available for download somewhere? It’s not available on Patreon unfortunately… @SammyG

It’s on patreon I just checked

If there’s no download link, try signing in on a browser instead of the app

And as far as the subliminal question goes, I have no idea


Yes, but no download link so well check on the webbrowser later :)

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if they are ingrained in your subconscious then nah

the audio says you will come back to normal, just like tripping lol, your ego dissolves depending on how much you take, or listen to in this case, not always your behavior changes naturally, most times a conscious effort is needed.

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For me it completely dissolved all the subconscious programming from those subliminal programs. I’m sure it is temporary but it’s gone, completely.

Probably not going to use this daily but more so as a temporary disabler of such programming if it bears any discomfort. In essence, I feel more like myself, more of who I truly am, my pure being. Not just the perceived identity…


then they didn’t completely integrate and became your new identity

or this audios is really strong for you

Must be nice

This audio temporarily dissolves what is known as your identity.

If anything, it allows me to feel more of “me” without the alter ego’s, facades, manyfold personalities and masks that we carry in day to day society.

I’m a doctor, I’m a father, I’m a footballer, I’m a scientist, I’m a…

Beyond the restrictions and limitations these forms impose on our Soul. This Ego dissolution just wipes them clean for who knows how long but it feel liberating.

It’s similar to awakening and enlightenment because when you are enlightened, while you still use a form, Ego, to participate in society, your consciousness becomes an embodiment of the higher presence and being which is truly you.

Why you ask questions if u know everything yourself?:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::face_with_monocle:


Because the knowing is not always present, and also because it’s often not from experience but from understanding or intuition and the people here have a lot of experience… with the fields, or have knowing from one of the authorities. :)


There are many degrees of Ego Dissolution/Layers of Ego to dissolve

but understanding these can be a good foundation

Absent selfhood:

An absent selfhood can be described as a complete lack of the subjective experience of one’s own sense of identity. During this form of ego death, there is a profound experience of no longer having an “I” experiencing one’s sensory input; there is just awareness of sensory input as it is and by itself without a conscious agent to comment on or think about what is happening to it.

Objectified selfhood:

An objectified selfhood can be described as a person remaining aware of the existence of their self, but they no longer feel integrally attached to their identity. Instead of feeling that they are a unified whole with their sense of self, their awareness feels entirely separate from it’s own identity, as if this selfhood is now the object of experience instead of the subject.

Expanded selfhood:

An expanded selfhood can be described as one’s sense of identity becoming coming to include a wider array of concepts than it previously did. For example, while a person may usually feel that they are exclusively constituted by their ego and physical body, this effect can cause their sense of identity to also include the external environment or an object they are interacting with. This results in intense and inextricable feelings of unity or interconnectedness between the self and varying arrays of previously “external” systems.

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Just click on the link below the name “Ego Dissolution” to download from patreon:

Also, I use this forum thread to download audios directly from patreon. It is easy to use, convenient and always updated. (Just click on the bullet pointer ‘patreon’)


Playing before sleep
Don’t kill me! mockingly
By the end of the audio, 3 gunshots

Reminds me of this

Followed up with Etheric Cord Cutter
It feels very different today. I feel very different today.


I think ego should aslo be added to the end of a playlist,

Been listeing to it at the end of my playylist and am getting more out of the audio


Is this field somewhat dependant on how much “base-ego” you have when listening to it - like , if you have a very strong ego in terms of the definition of what ego is, i.e unable to see things objectively, feeling personally attacked if someone objectively point out a flaw in you that is true etc.

Meditation in itself removes ego by quite a bit - so is this field more important to those who has a bigger ego in general? Or am i misunderstanding this completely

The fun part in this is, that someone with a large ego will not admit that he has a large ego - so he won’t think that this field is necessary for him :)

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