Ego Dissolution Audio

According to Sadhguru, the ego is everywhere in the physical body, but especially in the face.

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In my opinion the ego is a psychological construct (complex program) residing in your subconscious mind.

This construct has a strong connection with the physical reptile brain (limbic system).

The main function of the ego construct is to ensure your physical survival, plus integrating yourself into society through observation and copying of observed behavior.

In most cases, while you grow up as child, the ego acquires unproductive and limiting beliefs from the society, because it always puts survival above everything else. E.g. it learns from others that “winning”, “being dominant” and “giving in to consumption” means survival and happiness. Then it tries to push you into these directions.

Because it believes that these beliefs and behaviors “keep you safe”, it shows a lot of resistance to any change of those beliefs and behaviors.

The Ego Dissolution field temporarily (for ca. 1 day) takes away a part of the control from the ego contruct, so that your other parts of your consciousness and psyche are able to create change and/or do what they believe “is the right thing”.

While the ego is important for survival, fitting in into human society and for having a real experience of being individualized and separated from others, in most cases it makes sense to reprogram it to a world view that is more constructive than what it has picked up from mainstream society.

The ego contruct can become one of your best allies and supporters if you manage to repgrogram it to what is actually beneficial for you.


Hey guys,

I wanted to know if listening to this over time yields permanent dissolution (and what it would look/feel like)(fearlessness? Resistance-free? Ultimate freedom?)

But then I’ve found this conflict:

Which is from the ego dissolution description.
However, in the energy course audio document, it says:

‘Over time, listening to this audio consistently can also dissolve your ego permanently, which is the goal of many spiritual practices/traditions.’

@SammyG is this wording correct? How can this be understood?


Majority of our fields can grant permanent effects over a long period of time. With ego dissolution, through meditating daily with it, you can dissolve attachments/densities of the ego. So perhaps I should have been more clear, but just listening to it daily won’t give you permanent effects. Spiritual practice combined with the audio can grant permanent effects. Why? Dissolving the ego is consciously catching onto attachments and letting go of them. It is something you must be conscious of otherwise your ego remains even if you silence it.

Another thing about ego dissolution is that you don’t ever permanently get rid of your ego. That isn’t what happens. You can increase your vibration, dissolve your ego to the extent you awaken as the pure/true self. But you can still fall again. You can lower your vibration again through drinking, drugs or falling back into old bad habits. As you do, your ego will arise to be dominant again.

So in a sense, your state of being is fluid. It isn’t exactly a permanent state. Although it is usually in a very solid/consistent state. Which we are all in and are working on changing.


Thank you sir :pray:

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This is very insightful. Thank you for the explanation.

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How long does the effects of Ego Dissolution last?

I currently have 2 stacks and a little time, I listen to this Ego Dissolution the first thing in the morning (8 am) and after that stack1, and later in the day I listen to stack 2 at about 3 or 4pm for about 2 hours.

What do you think guys, would be enough listening once in morning ?


As a general rule of thumb, it’s usually a good idea to put Ego Dissolution in the front of your stacks. It primes your energy systems for the fields which will follow.

If you have enough fields to make a “stack,” that’s generally the amount of time Ego Dissolution “lasts.”


I do want to know this. Does the ego dissolution last longer in VoT audio? Ego dissolution and vibration risen.

Also I feel as if the first 2 hours you are awake, the ego is somewhat dissoluted anyways.

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It’s great that you’re interested and curious. Since this is one of those questions that can’t be definitively answered, my personal approach is to decide which answer I’d prefer it to be and to look for reasons and evidence for it to be the way I want it to be. No one can tell me I’m wrong, then.

Remember that when previous fields are combined into newer fields, we don’t get the whole previous field. Cap’n has said that the previous fields have to be tailored to work in harmony with the newer fields.

I like to think of that as making a stew. When I’m making a stew, I might take a carrot (the previous field) to add a base for my stew, but I’m going to peel, trim and perhaps chop my carrot so that it’s a base for the–say–beef stew that’s built upon it. My “carrot” might not be visible or even noticeable in my finished stew, but you’d know that something wasn’t right if I left my carrot out the next time.

My smart alec-y ego’s first reaction as I read this was, “Yeah, just what your ego wants you to believe.” Haha.

But I know a bit about what you mean. A lot of us have the luxury of sort of easing into our days, where we’re less likely to be bothered by and responsive to the many others out there who highlight our egos for us.

All this being said, you’ve been around here a long time and you’re knowledgeable about fields and your energy system, so you know what’s going on for you. Good for you.

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I fell asleep in the middle of ego dissolution with eyesight restoration field and dna healing and brain healing & activation fields (and more) with a few subliminals prior and woke up with my eyesight adjusting more easily… “It’s working! It’s working!” - anakin skywalker



Lol they did crash like water in that scene though.

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I really like this one, listening to it (almost) daily, my Ego (and it’s Superficial Worries) doesn’t bother me, almost at all and I just began listening to it for a few days.
Thank you so much for this, Captain and thank you @Zen for this thread!


Is feelings of intense anger a side effect of listening to ego dissolution? I’ve only played it twice, once yesterday and once today… I grew up in a violent household, my dad would regularly smash things, put a golf club through the tv, smashed a guitar on the stair bannister, smashed all kitchen cupboards etc. and I have always had anger issues myself. I am actually trying to tackle gynecomastia, this is my main goal right now, my playlist looks like this -
Ego dissolution x1
SLR x1
Torsion field x1
The Plasma Light x1
Gynecomastia v.2 x3
Automated grounding x1

But yeah after playing the playlist today, I had extreme anger rise in me and my victim mentality came back to the surface too. Any insights appreciated.

I will also note that I did not get off to a good start today which might have fueled the anger, I had interrupted sleep as there was all sorts of noise in the house this morning (I live in a shared house).

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It’s not a side effect for this essentially. I’ve experienced similar. (Links in my profile) It’s things that are surfacing in front of you which gives you clues about yourself and those around you.

Look up on the search box
“Anger Management”, eventually you’ll know what to do from there. Focus on the general topic of Heart Coherance and “Your Self Love” and the “Alchemy of Love” and “Be Kinder and more patient” and “Inner Pillar of Power”

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Thanks man, much appreciated.

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Very important to listen to Self Realization series included in this playlist as fundamental basis behind ego dissolution @StayHard

Edit add
Here is a more simple playlist as a start

Edit add Aug 17

Mindfulness Mental Emotional Relief and Recovery Playlist

Thanks, I’m trying not to overload myself with too many frequencies… there’s so many but I’ll keep those in mind for sure!

That’s where the mindfulness practice meditation (self realization series linked above) comes in so you clear away any clutter and have your focus more intuned and freeflowing as well as having more ease in what to pick. But ultimately it’s up to you to do what wills