Ego Dissolution Audio

Thank you very muchhh!!! Have a nice weekend!!!


Hey does the ego have an actual physical location?
I’m still awake at night doing some work and watching some stuff, when all of a sudden some unwanted thoughts crept in… I’m listening to a bunch of Eckhart Tolle recently so i could firmly stay in the present. And then my mind told me play ego dissolution. Then i noticed a kind of itching near the solar plexus and wondering if that could be it? At the same time i always thought the ego’s seat is in the mind?


Solar Plexus has indeed some connections to ego stuff, even if it’s probably not a seat in itself.

French people say stuff like “I’ve been stomached by his insolence” = my ego got triggered in there ;))


Yes as @Bronyraur said, and ive seen it or head it said around, its mostly house is the plexus.

But in my opinion it finds its home at every chakra area depending on what triggers it.

And the reaction depends on where the trigger started.

Like for instance:

Anger and fuming literally its felt in the head chakras
(When your reasoning or opinion about things is being tested)

Throat chakra: you feel a lump there when the triggers make you feel insecure and that you can’t express your hurt or frustration so you react with a harsh communication, arguments or none at all and close up like a clamp

Heart chakra: you feel that area closing off and tightened when your wounds of abandonment, self pitty, lack of self love, etc are pushed

Plexus: burning sensation, stomach ache, a knot, cramps etc when the triggers are about your self worth, your abilities, your power etc

Sacral: cramps, inflammation, diarrhea, heavier menstruation, kidneys pain etc when the triggers are about anger or guilt towards family and relationships.

Root: ibs flare ups, inflammation, pain, legs cramps, knee pain and the triggers are about having your security in danger (job, finances) etc

Those symptoms can be felt right when the ego is being triggered or after in the same day or the days after.


This audio kills me personally emotionally and mentally, I’ve been using it daily since December and holy shot though I’ve changed a lot, my ego fights so hard so so hard, It might be serotonin syndrome tbh I know it’s not good to drop it but I have to im not ready for this audio, SLR tag and blueprint do their thing for results tbh


is that an audio?

What does this part do?

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I saw that no one has replied yet, so:

Having looped this one like an idiot for weeks (maybe even a couple of months, I don’t remember exactly. It was again one of my “challenge” episodes and the “someone” in _OM’s post happens to be me lol), I can confirm that it has acted like a… LSD-ish macrodose. Unnecessarily high glutamate level = overexcitation of the cells involved.

It may sound tempting for the adventurous ones or maybe encouraging for the tempered ones who just want to transcend ego trickeries as fast as possible. Sure thing that this episode of amplified use has had some benefits for me. But looking back now (after several months), I also realize how much my ego took it extremely badly, some other times. As if saying “hey, I didn’t deserve such a torturous treatment. You wanna play it rough? Ok, eye for an eye then. ‘Say hello to my little friend! :zap:’”.

… pulling me into some random reactions that amazed even myself (negatively).

I extrapolated the answer to your question in order to write this note of caution ;) Regular but moderate use recommended by someone who has burned her tongue with this one.

I was also saying elsewhere that no other field replaces this one (even VoT, etc.), despite some similarities, precisely because of having investigated the effects in an experimental way lol.



What does “excitation of cells” do exactly?

I googled it but couldn’t understand the relation to this field


In short words , unbalannces on biolectrical processes which lead to undesirable results

lmao :business_suit_levitating: :spades:


How much were you looping it?

Sometimes I loop it overnight because usually it helps me fall asleep, also I would use it 1-3h a day, but not every single day - most days it’s just a few times.

It the beginning after an overnight loop (then it was always accidental) I would be extremely drowsy and even physically dizzy in the morning - kind of a low blood pressure feeling.
Now it’s pretty normal.
The only thing I noticed is I would get spaced out quickly and a bit detached (especially from “time”, I think I wrote about it in the thread somewhere how my sense of time changed completely) when I use it a lot.

I’m with you on this one!
I hardly ever use VoT to be honest, I’m 99.9% of the time drawn to VoC :sweat_smile:


Actually… After last night, I’ve been re-reading some material about glutamate. There are divided views + interindividual differences regarding sensitivity to it. I prefer letting the more scientific forum folks explain it properly.

Also, caution: I don’t want to sound as if I was anti-promoting this great field :))

One thing that got me thinking in the description:

(…) enhanced glucose absorption,(brain fuel) to compensate for the increased cell excitability“.

This has made me wonder whether my “issues” were rather related to the glucose metabolism…


This should happen with brain fields (outlook retrainer /magnnetic deep stimulation ) , caused by stimulation . I mean in general . This have a specific warning , perhaps because the deep work… So deep precautions. :D


It went from 4 hours to 6 sometimes (:expressionless: :x:)…

Ah you would too? :)) Tell me about it…

I got into VoT much later than many of you guys, so it hasn’t become a long-time buddy like VoC yet. But yes, apparently you and I are more… sage-types (to use _OM’s analogy about the 3 Vibration series) :)))

Also depends on the mood, no? Although I try to listen to them consecutively, most of the time :)

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Thanks for the reminder Akirito. Not to be taken lightly indeed. I usually don’t mess around with “directly” brain-related fields and comply with the instructions. On the other hand, some limits can be crossed or expanded over time (like playing more than the indicated amount) but not straight away or without evaluating our reactions :sweat_smile:


:flushed: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


(I don’t know if this was just an expression or you meant for me to tell you about it lol :sweat_smile:)
I suppose it’s also a bit of a disconnect from the body.
I would forget I had already done something that day, the most surprising was sport.
Like I would go to the gym/run in the morning or lunchtime, then as I’m finishing work I would think about what I have to do after work…
And I would think something like
“Maybe I should go to the gym, I haven’t been in a while”
And then after a few moments I would remembe"oh hang on… I was there just a few hours ago!"

Same thing about when I last spoke to my mom or met a friend.
Like… I would think “I should call my mom”
Just to then realize we spoke 2 hours ago already.

Normally when something happened to you recently the experience is fresh in your mind, it’s like there is an “imprint”. When you just have left a shop after buying groceries, you still have the experience (or like an echo of the experience) of grocery shopping within you in a way.
With ego dissolution, I didn’t have it anymore. I would be walking home from the shop and all I have is “the experience of walking” but not the “experience of shopping”. The shopping may have been just now, yesterday or a year ago 🤷

I think I had some work disagreements as well in that time. Normally when you have a conflict with someone, it influences your way of thinking, and your mood. With playing ego dissolution it was more like… I would have the conflict/disagreement, but the next time I saw the person it would be a blank page, I wouldn’t have the imprint/echo of the conflict influencing my mood/judgement. Because I knew I had a conflict but there is no feeling of recent-ness, it could have been 5 years ago, ancient history.

I don’t know if I managed to convey the experience in an understandable way :sweat_smile:
It’s quite strange but it wasn’t bad in a way that it didn’t disturb my daily life really.


It was initially said as an expression but so glad you shared more! :star_struck:

You did, perfectly and very interestingly :+1:t2: Honestly you gave me/us additional material to think about. At least I am always fascinated to read about what this field may bring ;)


So back to your post after MonkeyOwl and Akira’s posts. In layman terms lol.

I sort of grew up among hardcore LSD users in high school but I was not interested, except for the anecdotes about Timothy Leary. Those guys used to eat lots of donuts and other sugary stuff of course. To compensate.

So I guess people dealing with hypoglycemia (it happens to me sometimes), low blood pressure, etc. (see MonkeyOwl’s posts) should watch out their diet while hanging out with this field (glucose intake with healthier options of course, etc.). Just like with many other fields, in sum.

Regarding what she said about feeling detached and spaced out: the arrogant sides of the ego don’t enjoy such experiences (except if it has become a “spiritual ego”, which is a whole other shitty story to watch out lol). Because the ego-dude is convinced about the supremacy of the physical body over everything else + spends much time proving to others how right it is (see the decrease of conflict mentioned again by MonkeyOwl) + makes us believe in the linearity of time (again some elements in her post).

So when one shakes up its habits by using this field… it may strike back with some aggressive survival responses (my case). A very mundane, typical portrait in sum… especially with folks like me having a big monstrous one :)) Doesn’t apply to everyone here in the same way of course.


Thank you for sharing your experience @Bronyraur and @MonkeyOwl! :pray:

You’ve helped me connect the dots between some things I’d noticed but not linked to this field.

I normally loop it for a couple of hours until I have calmed down and am feeling comfortably relaxed but have been known to loop it for a whole afternoon.

I also experience spaced out and detached which I attributed to the relief from the peaks of fear and panic that drove me to use the field. (My ego is the Doomsday type). A really welcome experience in my case but I shall be careful not to overuse it.

I have noticed the same thing about time, @MonkeyOwl, most noticeably at work.

Interesting point about the glucose consumption as well. It ties in with a few things I have experience lately. Definitely food for thought.

Still, this field has been a lifesaver for me this year and I couldn’t do without it. I don’t have VoT so can’t make any comparison but I’m so grateful to have this gem in my life! :pray: :pray: :pray: