Is the ego dissolution track (without the field) created or for the exclusive use of Enlightened States?

Hi, I would like to know if the track (without the field) is free to use, I mean, if someone else can use it or buy its license, or it is an exclusive creation or acquisition of Enlightened States.

Knowing this is something important for me, thanks :slight_smile:

Itā€™s royalty-free music.

you can use it.

Itā€™s not owned by dream.


Excuse me??

Ummā€¦ Dreamy spends ALOT of time making sure his music is either entirely created and produced by himself and/or isnā€™t just random "royalty freeā€™ music

So in generalā€¦ copyright law says unless something SPECIFICALLY says it can be used for ā€œfree useā€ then THE LAW says the owner of the work retains all RIGHTS to the production whether explicitly spelled out or not.

So @Deepocean to answer your questionā€¦music and field are both to be assumed copyright protected under Sapien Medicine BY LAW.

And considering the massive and extreme hassle that his channels have gone thru with others stealing his music and creations without permission and then FALSELY claiming they were the oneā€™s who created this or that first.
I would strongly suggest finding some unique music insteadā€¦

@Dreamweaver may disagree out of kindnessā€¦ but the scenario goesā€¦ he allows you to use itā€¦ . someone steals it from you without permissionā€¦then goes and claims copyright on Sapienā€™s original work

which HAS already happened many times with the youtube channelā€¦

and againā€¦bye bye :wave: :wave: goes all those great FREE fields that no oneā€™s has to pay for cause ā€¦ reasonsā€¦


My mistake.

I thought dream bought this music from some website.


@Deepocean is asking that question specifically for the Ego Dissolution track, I know why?

Does the below audio Sounds familiar?


Made my thoughts known in the ā€œother threadā€ā€¦ but againā€¦ my point for that one and this one standsā€¦ even more apparently now, eh?




This is one of those subjects that drives me absolutely nuts.

Did Maitreya actually steal the music from Dreamweaver, or is the audio free, or did she buy it from a 3rd party that allows as many people to purchase as want to?


yeah, makes no sense.

Why would you steal music from the top guy in the same field as you?

When you can just get the music for a couple of bucks from so many websites.

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Canā€™t even be comparable!

Just shows what kind of ā€œfieldā€ you are in.

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Which thread?

This is just blatant thievery.

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If she acquired it separately, there is no reason for her to change it to cater to complainers.

If the changes are indeed there, I would very much appreciate it if Sapien would identify it as his personalized track.

This whole ā€œsome of those other creatorsā€ thing without any firm statements seems counterproductive as shit to me, and is exactly the same thing that pisses many of us off when itā€™s done to Sapien.


To go back to the original questionā€¦

Ask Maitreya where you could download that royalty free track since you like it, if you think the sound is close enough for you.


Uh, no. It is actually royalty free music. I know this for a fact because it is also here:

And here:

And iā€™m pretty sure both of these videos were released before the Ego diss. audio. So unless some time travel was involved, I think itā€™s safe to say that nobody stole anything from anybody.

To Dreamā€™s credit, however, Iā€™ll note that he or SammyG has said before that any audio which they use for a field that already exists is tweaked slightly by them in Audacity so that it isnā€™t the exact same (slight change in tone, speed etc.) this is so that the original source audio isnā€™t embedded with the field, which would cause all occurrences of that audio to hold the field and make the above videos work for ego dissolution instead of their intended purposes.


@_OM you played me :expressionless:

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Thereā€™s alot of people ā€œplayingā€ a lot of other people around this whole topic/subjectā€¦
but I can ASSURE you, that Iā€™m the one not playing anyone and looking out for everyoneā€™s best interest.

I would hope, at this point, one could assume that from all my posts on this forum, but heyā€¦ feathers are going to get ruffled when speaking Truth.

Either way, I can assure you, once again, Iā€™m not "playingā€™ anyone for any reasonā€¦

Donā€™t know what to tell you after that :man_shrugging:


Yes, I know you look out for our best interests.
Iā€™m grateful for that.

Whatā€™s 2+2 = ?


Please stop inferring that I dont have proof and several credible witnesses and the full story.

Iā€™m actually the one TRYING to be nice and not expose all this for everyoneā€™s sake so no oneā€™s feelings are ā€œhurtā€ā€¦
mainly out of consideration for Dreamweaverā€¦

but if you do a simple ā€˜searchā€™ of my posts on this subject you could put the pieces togetherā€¦ itā€™s pretty obvious what happened even without knowing all the intricate details.

And without involving those parties involved rest assured I am NOT making baseless accusationsā€¦
That if needed could be proven in court if someone wanted to accuse me of slander or libelā€¦ iā€™m ready to go!

Still not convinced? as I said in other threadā€¦Iā€™m ready to meet out every iota of karma in the situation if neededā€¦ every. single. iota.


If you really do have some smoking gun that would blow all this open, Iā€™d like to know instead of being kept as some ignorant sheep whoā€™s wasting time with another creator that doesnā€™t work. If you think nobody else can properly handle the information, please PM me privately instead.

Iā€™m not sure if iā€™ve said this before, but inferring subtle details isnā€™t exactly my forte.