Is the ego dissolution track (without the field) created or for the exclusive use of Enlightened States?

This is just blatant thievery.

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If she acquired it separately, there is no reason for her to change it to cater to complainers.

If the changes are indeed there, I would very much appreciate it if Sapien would identify it as his personalized track.

This whole “some of those other creators” thing without any firm statements seems counterproductive as shit to me, and is exactly the same thing that pisses many of us off when it’s done to Sapien.


To go back to the original question…

Ask Maitreya where you could download that royalty free track since you like it, if you think the sound is close enough for you.


Uh, no. It is actually royalty free music. I know this for a fact because it is also here:

And here:

And i’m pretty sure both of these videos were released before the Ego diss. audio. So unless some time travel was involved, I think it’s safe to say that nobody stole anything from anybody.

To Dream’s credit, however, I’ll note that he or SammyG has said before that any audio which they use for a field that already exists is tweaked slightly by them in Audacity so that it isn’t the exact same (slight change in tone, speed etc.) this is so that the original source audio isn’t embedded with the field, which would cause all occurrences of that audio to hold the field and make the above videos work for ego dissolution instead of their intended purposes.


@_OM you played me :expressionless:

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There’s alot of people “playing” a lot of other people around this whole topic/subject…
but I can ASSURE you, that I’m the one not playing anyone and looking out for everyone’s best interest.

I would hope, at this point, one could assume that from all my posts on this forum, but hey… feathers are going to get ruffled when speaking Truth.

Either way, I can assure you, once again, I’m not "playing’ anyone for any reason…

Don’t know what to tell you after that :man_shrugging:


Yes, I know you look out for our best interests.
I’m grateful for that.

What’s 2+2 = ?


Please stop inferring that I dont have proof and several credible witnesses and the full story.

I’m actually the one TRYING to be nice and not expose all this for everyone’s sake so no one’s feelings are “hurt”…
mainly out of consideration for Dreamweaver…

but if you do a simple ‘search’ of my posts on this subject you could put the pieces together… it’s pretty obvious what happened even without knowing all the intricate details.

And without involving those parties involved rest assured I am NOT making baseless accusations…
That if needed could be proven in court if someone wanted to accuse me of slander or libel… i’m ready to go!

Still not convinced? as I said in other thread…I’m ready to meet out every iota of karma in the situation if needed… every. single. iota.


If you really do have some smoking gun that would blow all this open, I’d like to know instead of being kept as some ignorant sheep who’s wasting time with another creator that doesn’t work. If you think nobody else can properly handle the information, please PM me privately instead.

I’m not sure if i’ve said this before, but inferring subtle details isn’t exactly my forte.


Here’s the thing. I know most of these folks are legit. I don’t know what the evidence is or which ones are claiming Dreamweaver’s work as their own.

By dropping these hints we get the general feeling that the only one we can trust is Sapien. “All the top bankers are Jewish. Bankers have taken advantage of this country. Jews must go!” Not that I’m comparing you to Hitler, but it promotes exactly that type of collectivist thinking for those of us who don’t know what the difference is.

Drop the karma hammer. Tell us what you know about who has verifiably passed off Sapien’s work as their own. Otherwise this he-said she-said is going to go on forever.

I realize you’re doing this out of consideration for Dreamweaver, but there are now daily discussions on who is and is not legit on his forum. I would be a wino by now if I were him.


Sure …so is actually stealing someone else’s stuff…

Again, I’m well aware of slander and libel laws, so if someone… ANYONE wants to sue me of slander and libel, I’ll be more than happy to present the case in a court of law…

If you want to understand … DO THE RESEARCH… just like any other topic I have brought up here a thousand times about anything…

Or stop inferring that I’m making stuff up…or simply block and ignore me guys…

Seriously, if you don’t like what I have to say…just block me…
seriously… i can’t stress this enough… simply block me…

My original statement was a direct response to deepocean and Actionguy about the use of using other people’s stuff…and the LAWS around that which get broken everyday by millions of other youtube “creators” …nothing more

My posts and topics are always about INTEGRITY… so… if integrity isn’t your “thing” then please, please, please, ignore me.
I doubt you would like anything I have to say in any of my posts…


I don’t think you’re making stuff up.

I do want to know who you’re accusing of this.

To be fair I give no shits about the laws. I’m an anarchist, and nobody’s getting sued over this.

However, it’s worth saying that I’m a professional sorcerer who both uses and shares fields (as in, here’s a YouTube playlist for you to listen to). I’m also quite active in two local metaphysical groups (complete with some surprisingly high-powered people, but not so much hip to morphic fields or YouTube subs). In the end if it works for people it’s all good, but I would much prefer to know which ones you’re accusing of this and why so I can avoid them for myself and my friends and clients.


Chill out guys. Something like this comes up, just ask me or the Cap’n first and we’ll lay out the facts without all kinds of assumptions being thrown around. The Ego Dissolution track is royalty free. We edited it a little bit to make it a little unique for our field but yeah, it’s not produced by us.

Most of our newer tracks are inside productions though.


btw do you know the song’s name? I think OP would appreciate it

Oh I don’t personally know lol. Dream would.


Is Maitreya using your edited version?

And in that case let me ask straight out. @SammyG @Dreamweaver What YouTube vid makers are using your audios or mandalas in their vids?

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You can use Audacity to make a comparison i think

Nah, she’s using the royalty free.


I’m not trying to reignite this whole channel discussion. I’m pouring water into the fire so let’s just let it go. This thread wasn’t even about any of that.

@DeepOcean I’ll let you know when I find out where you could get the original.


Hey i’m curious, did you ever find it? Or where most of the royalty free tracks came from?

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