I find myself being a little to in tune with what others think of me. I was wondering if there’s a field that can let me not care about what other people say / think of me as that’s trivial and I shouldn’t lose sleep over it lol or is a subliminal better for this
Emphatic shielding mandala on SM instagram and Trauma release.
This is charm!!!
I don’t have headphones for computer…
Does it required ? Or not …
Regular speakers are fine and even considered somewhat better…
Headphones are fine as well…
Friend of mine who understands audio systems said that on case of subliminal fields, we are not gonna achieve any specific results by listening them only on phone speaker or on headphones but only by using really high quality stereo speakers with rebuilt amplifier in!
Does this include even morphic fields or not?
Someone said to me ‘it doesn’t really matter’ but are you sure? What does Sapien say about this?
I still use about 27 different fields cause I feel that I can’t use only 3 or 10 max! Anyway, morphic messages require energy flow but one previous reiki healer said that all my chakra are blocked because of running off energy flow based on scar leak!
But I don’t say that plasma doesn’t help, I just mostly I feel out of mind !
Were here any other people with scar tissue problem on basal root area to completely reversed the problem?
These are not subliminals. They don’t work like subliminals.
They don’t depend on frequency or speakers or earphones.
As long as you can hear the sounds, they work.
They don’t need to be “equalized” or “adjusted” or “boosted”
That person is an idiot… Sorry. Hope it’s not your mom or something.
But yeah, they are clueless.
He basically said that he sees that I am luck of energy flow but at least he can see small electricity in basal area where is my minor surgical scar!
Honestly I don’t know what to think!
Can someone explain me the differences between subliminal and morphic in way of successful treatment and results? Without searching and making long stated researches?
I believe this group is full of a new scientists with opened minded believes and amazing results, my point is: I think u will explain it to me much better then Google !!!
The users you are trying to reach are currently busy learning and researching not being lazy
Btw not x amount of hearts and love bombs will help you
I am not lazy, I have just pointed out that sometimes something could have been misunderstood and as known that on this SM forum I am able to reach out to someone more qualified who’s already made some long period research to explain me the things easier way
Why don’t U use the search on this forum. Your questions have been answered probably close to 50 times by forum members.
I don’t ask on other things, I am aware of it, I ask on the difference between subliminal and morphic fields from easy perspective and where is the benefit of subliminal!
(Taking back the question on morphic fileds that I already know that from forums anyway)
Fields is vibrations…
Subliminal is unheard-able words…
@_OM is right. How could one’s chakra is all blocked in a body. If they are all blocked you are already dead and not typing an explanation or a question clearly like now.
That’s what he said, that I probably leaked some vital energy out and now I am having a trouble but some electricity still remaining in basal root area in pelvis where I am having a scar !
That’s what he said to me, and yes, I know I would be dead by now, meybe his interpretation was DIFFERENT, meybe I have just misunderstood him!
Doesn’t matter, the matter is that I believe that morphic fields can reverse/cure my problem, I was just interested in subliminal soundtracks and main difference between them and MORPHIC fields, that’s it
At other hand, I was interested why is not necessary to use a proper stereo speakers to increase morphic field’s effects on the body and soul, and it just more then enough to use phone speaker instead (curiosity
I am gonna have the research on theme of MORPHIC fields anyway, just wanted simple answer of someone who’s made research already! I have a lot positive comments on different things but because none of them is close enough to my healthy issue, I am working out on my own by my own way with understanding of all answers I have been receiving few weeks already but still questing others to know more! Of course, as I have mentioned to one of members to not expect quick results