Is there anyway to know the purpose of my life?

apart from moksha and spritual developments.
A specific purpose…


you can find a good medium

You could pick a purpose and live your life accordingly. That would give you both a starting place and knowledge. If you can’t pick one, just be a good person and a purpose will find you.

If you mean a purpose hidden from you, why worry about such things. What’s hidden from you will always be greater than what’s not. The gods, your higher self, a guru know more than you, but that doesn’t mean they know your purpose. Write your own story.


life has no purpose, life is the purpose!


I know what I will be doing in future.but I want to know it’s accuracy…

The mind tends to work through opposites.

If you say or think “I have no purpose” you may start having thoughts about why that is not so. It takes 20 mins for me.

In those thoughts, you may already find some pointers. Then afterwards, once your mind has built momentum on “I have a purpose”, you can say “I don’t know my purpose”…very likely (you don’t have to make any effort, you can go do other things) you will start thinking about things you love or similar things that could be related to your purpose, and you will have a bit of an answer.

You can also literally make a list of “what I know” and “what I don’t know” about your purpose. Once you finish, you make a list of “what I know” and “what I don’t know” about the second list (what you don’t know about your purpose). So now it is what you know about what you don’t know. And you just keep going levels deeper and see what thoughts that pulls from the subconscious.

Now…the thing is, my purpose didn’t bring me any success. You may sabotage yourself some way, or simply bad luck or what have you can get in the way.

So…I can’t say this exercise was good for me…so you do at your own risk xD

But I wish you good luck.

When it comes to exercises, usually it means sitting down and writing everything you can until you’re left with no more answers. Or similar exercises, such as answering from various viewpoints.

Remembering your whole life will make you see phases and give you a sense of what is to come.

People often use questions like how a perfect day would be, what they would do if they had unlimited money, if they knew they couldn’t fail, etc.

Closest I’ve gotten is with “who would I be if I was fearless?”, assuming the higher self is fearless…that’s the closest I’ve gotten to almost feel my higher self…and I guess I wouldn’t care about a purpose then.

So that’s how they tend to be. Here’s a guided exercise to give you an idea too:


The Dive - An Advanced Reality Creation Technique

Similar to this, if you can make yourself feel as happy as possible without any trigger, just by will, and multiply that by 10 times, and that by 100, and so on, until you’re about to explode of happiness, then you can let some images come from that emotion and it would be related to your purpose.


My two cents but I have found that the purpose of my life is to serve others.


I will give you a purpose.

Find practical ways how you can make the world/community/something a better place, something that resonates with you.

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Enjoy this time while you can, before your purpose chases you and you can no longer run from it :rofl:

Find peace, find the things that bring you peace, listen to silence, let yourself be guided and speak up when you feel the push to speak intuitively.

You’re already living it… my perspective is when we’re wondering what our purpose is, there’s a part of us that’s expecting it to speak to us in a particular way. IMO if it feels like it’s taking time to cook, it’ll be quiet before it’s loud

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You give life meaning


Imaginarium Divine (Patreon)

Song of the Core from Mandelbrot Symphony


I feel the can no longer run from it…it’s sad

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Some days it’s invigorating, and some days you may wish you came for a simpler reason, like building a resort on a beach to live your days out in :laughing: . But I suppose maybe there’s a perceivable difference between a calling and a purpose. A calling will keep at you, a purpose perhaps what you give yourself to find meaning in this life

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Zen Story

A wise Zen frog was explaining to the younger frogs the balance of nature: “Do you see how that fly eats a gnat ? And now (with a bite ) I eat the fly. It is all part of the great scheme of things.” “Isn’t it bad to kill in order to live?” asked the thoughtful frog. “It depends…” answered the wise frog just as a snake swallowed the Zen frog in one chomp before the frog finished his sentence. “Depends on what?” Shouted the students. “Depends on whether you are looking at things from the inside or outside,” came the muffled response from inside the snake.