Is this channel authorized to upload sapien tracks

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And he manipulates them (or pretend to) in order to make combos

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the person doesn’t mind taking the work of sapiens medicine and putting it on his channel without mentioning it …

no respect . it will not last long, he will be reported.

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the imaginarium divine is uploaded as it is man not even a combo

“not even” sounds like the less work he does the less of a plagia it is, I’m thinking him extracting a basic field is far from a clear fact, I’m already running. But him tweaking it !?

i dont know if youtube would considered a plagia since the track exist only in patreon

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Not what I meant, but it doesn’t matter much :man_shrugging:

this just makes me want to do less or nothing.

Man i really cant wait to just stop this, i am so tired of having to deal with people wholesale stealing and ‘copying’.
Just makes you wonder… why am i even continuing to do this.
People have started entire livelihoods from ripping me off.

Yet half of you here follow them also.


just looking for a way to report it using mass members from here


I really dont think people understand the channel isnt monetized.
Youtube will never monetize any channel like this.

How can a small obscure channel like sapien medicine have sooo many rip-offs.
I could never understand it.
spooky2rife used to rip off and bundle my audios with his product,
now everybody thinks Rife worked on chakras on advanced medical diseases. Imagine somebody counter claimed this on me, because my original old audios were the ones stolen, so you know, youtube matches them for you.
I got counterclaimed for my own stuff, and now people pass by my channel to say, Oh yeh i know this rife frequency.

So if i am trying to be creative and come up with novel ways to fix a problem, then all your other ahem… it is what it is.
Carry on.

Youtube isnt going to do anything, see if you can find virus disruptor 2.0 by just searching for it.
google or anywhere.


Found it. But yeah, google’s shady tactics started to become clear once you passed 50K subscribers.
Maybe it’s because I go there a lot. At one time enlightened states became hard to find on google despite the fact that it matched my terms better than other blogs. I used to write sapien med on youtube and got lots of channels with few subscribers who’s name didn’t match.

Just checked Spooky2, it’s under 40k subscribers


oh thats good.

But i have a vpn, so my location changes around and they dont keep a general history for me either.

Just checked Spooky2, it’s under 40k subscribers

thats probably 3rd incarnation.
The 1st, yyoutube found at least 40-50 videos they stole from me.
and i guess… maybe they deleted and re started after that, i dunno why or what caused the leaving That time.
BUT they were selling my audios as a bundle when you buy their ‘device’


It’s tricky, cuz you can cancel the field, it takes lots of time and work, it would never end. But the bad rep of the “industry”…

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I’ve tried it and Virus Disruptor 2.0 is nowhere to be found… I use mp3 and never listen to it on youtube.


Yup, log off google and tried another vpn location… nothing


I’ve checked all 10 pages, even… Nothing.




back in mid 2020 the virus distruption 2.0 was everywhere on youtube some channels claimed having permission to upload but now i dont see it anymore


La vidéo se trouve sur la section vidéos de Google

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