Is this dream significant?

In my dream i lose control of my body like someone else is possessing it and when i try to move my body (not the real one but in my dream) its hella hard but i can move my body but it moves very slowly as soon as i start moving for some time i just wake up from my Dream
And i have this kind of dream frequently like every other day(its not the same dream but in one way or another it ends up with me feeling that i suddenly lost control of my body)
I can feel the sensation of losing control even after i wake up

Can it be sleep paralysis

Hi there @Just_meeee!

Nice 2CU again KY Lotus

seems like a dream about identity, like never knowing who you might wake up as. could be fear of change, of wanting to stay familiar with who you are rather than losing the “you” you think of yourself as, as a consequence or outcome of spiritual growth

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Ohh ok
I was scared maybe some entity was harming or something

So should i just let it take control of it and fo with the flow or try to take back control

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Exercising control in dreams is always a nice feature. I was suggesting a possible meaning. Things only known to you might change that meaning. It is not necessarily “negative” but might have other more useful meanings. Everything is coming from your subconscious, so ask yourself what it means and how it may be of use to you.