Science says time is discrete in quanta called the Planck time.
When I focus on that, I feel it discrete energetically.
But when I focus on time being continuous, and infinitely smooth and subtle, I feel that.
Is time fluid, or discrete quanta?
Science says time is discrete in quanta called the Planck time.
When I focus on that, I feel it discrete energetically.
But when I focus on time being continuous, and infinitely smooth and subtle, I feel that.
Is time fluid, or discrete quanta?
If it is discrete quanta there would have to be something else going on behind the ticking of one planck time moment in order for it to be determined when one planck time had passed and it was time for the next to appear.
Well I had heard before the Universe itself goes in and out of existence every planck time. But I can’t be sure.
It might go in and out of existence every planck time. But there would have to be some other process going on as well in order to keep bringing it in and out of existence at regular intervals. You have frames per second on your PC but there is some other process going on other than the frames themselves that determines how many frames there are in a second, and that keeps bringing the new frames in at the right interval.
If it’s a fractal, it could just be the substructure of the Universe, the geometry of it where time is a byproduct and it just happens without anything really having to work at it. But I don’t know.
Then our consciousness would be viewing different parts of the fractal as our consciousnesses moved along in “time”. For us to keep seeing a planck second as having the same length, we would have to move our awareness from one part of the fractal to the next at a consistent pace. Fractals constantly change length, space and distance. So our consciousness would be constantly moving at different distances through the fabric of reality in order to keep the planck time second as a constant.
Here’s some mind candy: what if a planck time is an eternity in another frame of reference?
I would like @Dreamweaver for his opinion on this topic if possible.
I think he is enough advanced for this quest
Nassim Haramein has an interesting take on this. He said that when his team ran the planck scale though their math formulas, they discovered that there was a smaller scale, which they dubbed sub-planck. The size differential between the size of the universe and the size of the planck scale is the same as the size differential between the planck and the sub-planck.
After discovering this, they determined that size probably goes on infinitely in both directions.
My question - does that mean time does as well? Can you feel both because at the planck scale, time at that scale feels discrete, but sub-planck time feels continuous?
I think we’re thinking of time as one-dimensional, when according to Dewey Larson’s Reciprocal Theory, time is three-dimensional. I don’t know much about it, but I learned that through the Law of One and L/L Research. Time is also a spiral rather than linear.
Agreed, generally, but we’re still mostly stuck with our linear perspective. I think we’re only just starting to learn how to interact with non-linear time.
There’s something about time crystals that Science is working with lately. I think they grow backwards in time or something. Not sure exactly.
On the blog, Dale has an article about his experiments with time. Also, Sapien has two audios relating to time, one to speed up perception, another to slow it down.
I did experience the creation of a black hole within a day. Not exactly seeing it, but circumstantial evidence that it was created outside of time, and next day it was discovered. I didn’t actually know it was going to be created, but events in my life led me to realize that my influence put me into a reality where it was created. All within a day. When you open to Intelligent Infinity, it’s possible to experience these things. Reality gets strange sometimes.
@_OM posted a paper about this in another thread. It might be of interest to you.
before i read this i just want to share my current viewpoint!
time looks linear to us in 3D, but think about your whole being as a stationary point that time moves through! you’re not experiencing time because time is experiencing you.
i’ll explain through my movie analogy. the film strip is time and every sequential frame is the 3D space. if you are able to cut up every frame and re-arrange it back to one film strip, you just mastered time travel.
your past can be your future and vice versa or you can order it so that you can age from 1 to 18 to 6 to 50 etc.
it can get really chaotic so i think that’s why we experience time linearly like we do because it makes sense to our mind and body.
if we surpassed time, we could just experience all the highs and never experience the lows. this doesn’t really work with duality because even our lows have valuable experiences. without lows, we wouldn’t appreciate our highs as much.
i think life would be very short lived if you graduated school, got married, became rich, and solved world peace in a week.
please note that i have only experienced time linearly and i’m just mentally philosophizing what non-linear time is.
oh i should also mention that i enjoy listening to sapien medicine’s Timelessness audio! and i thought about this stuff when i was first introduced to marijuana and got really high like many times.
Time is relative, not an absolute measure.
The time units we use is to organize our lives, our society and for understanding events.
Time is an illusion.