Is your higer self the same as your intuition?

Sometimes my intuition is strong and sometimes completely absent, would this field help with that or do I pair it with other fields?

do what feels right even if slightly, you’ll learn to listen to yourself and pickup more efficiently on what your intuition is telling you. The fields can help but your consciousness will be the ultimate factor.

Don’t think you can pick up a guitar and you think you’re going to play like eric clapton. You can’t so you think ‘ah screw it’ and you put it down, well you’re out of your mind to think that in the beginning you’ve got to put some effort in.

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Also, there’s the experience of others.

I would read Maoshan Wandering and Lunamoon — they have stacking (sequencing) and pairing guidance all over the forum. You don’t need to follow their advice 100%, as sometimes they will mention more expensive fields, but after you read enough posts, you’ll start to get the hang of the better practices to follow.

Hi there @miep!

Nice to see you crystal ball

Yes, living with your intuition 100% = surrender to your higher Self.

Our “higher self” is our divine essence, our spirit, the conscious, omniscient part of God that we ultimately are, beyond our physical body and more subtle bodies.

Intuition is a “paranormal” capacity, that becomes normal when we “evolve” spiritually, piercing the veils of illusion / “burning” our karma (transcending our resonances with a wrong understanding of the world’s mechanisms and laws and the consequences of these resonances).
Karma is “burnt” at the level of Ajna chakra, by understanding the Truth, the Divine, Absolute Truth, which dissolves our old, wrong ideas and their consequences - the necessity to incarnate again and again in order to discover and feel that Divine Truth , our divine nature, our Higher Self / Supreme Self, Atman.