Isis of Egypt: Testimonials

(reuploaded on the Solana network)


@Violet :D

Thanks Zen


It did give me her vibes :blush:


Also thanks Captain N :D


This is all Dream’s stuff
It has nothing to do with me lol

Nice NFT though damn.
Gon go grab a copy lol


Lol yes
But I think, this is a good one for you, considering the other idea you had :joy:


Anything about Peitho a greek goddess of persuasion, seduction and charming speech


I don’t understand how he could make five nfts so quickly from
Aphrodite to Michael, Isis, Osiris, and Persephone.

I don’t want to thank him anymore because words lack the depth of what I feel in the process; but my hands are folded and my heart is overflowing. I’ve a subtle smile on my face since yesterday- even when I got my bimonthly injection (which makes me feel like my body is on acid) not even that could deter me from this little bubble of joy and overgratitude I feel for all of this. Especially for this NFT above

Isis is one who reminds me of something so familiar. Never understood what exactly but I’m so excited because maybe nows the time I’ll come to know. I’ve been waiting for years but I understood every season has its time; maybe the time is now :cherry_blossom:

The whole gang is here

Isis is the High Priestess; and the Star, the Lovers the Strength, and Magician. She’s one full of faith and one full of love. She’s sharp but calm. She’s wise yet strong. She knows when to strike, and she knows in the eye of the storm, you must rise and get up.
I adore her for it!


Last night as I was preparing my NFTs for the night, I wanted it to be as pure as just these two together, Isis and Osiris

But oh no, they did not want that haha. It was a request and an instantly fulfilled one.

Horus, must be in there too.

And so it was the three of them for the night :)


It sounds so poetic

I love it!! May you always remain blessed :sparkles::sparkles:

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Isis was the Egyptian Goddess of Magic. She was originally associated with the throne of Egypt, which contained magical power because it could turn a prince into a king .

As the personification of the ‘complete female’, Isis was called ‘The One Who Is All’, Isis Panthea (‘Isis the All Goddess’), and the ‘Lady of Ten Thousand Names’.

She came to represent the powerful attributes of faithfulness, love, inner beauty, oracular insight, and spiritual awareness. She could also change Her followers’ destinies.

Hmmm I may have to get this to join Thoth, Aphrodite, and St Michael. Especially with her qualities of love :heartpulse:

One traditional activity today is fortune-telling, an art under Isis’ dominion. To encourage visionary dreams from Her, put some rose petals under your pillow before going to bed, and burn some myrrh or jasmine incense.

This tells me she would be of great assistance for divination, such as reading tarot with the Corpus Spiritus Deck. While playing Frankincense & Myrrh or The Essence of Three Kings

The price is so generous! For a lifelong connection with an Egyptian god. Dream is too kind, really. Allowing us this effortless connection with powerful gods/deities :pray:
Thank you brother @Captain_Nemo You have my heart


Also magical ability to heal.


Collage courtesy of @sensin-sensei :sparkling_heart:
Osiris, Egyptian Magic & Healing, Isis


How long does it take to receive the NFT? Bought Isis a couple of days ago, still have not received anything from Bondly.

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So far (previous releases) it was up to 2 weeks to land in wallet.


Isis is sold out! :sparkling_heart:
She should land in our wallets, soon!


Did this land in the wallet for anyone?
I got it a few weeks ago and I still can’t find it in my venly wallet althrough I got the purchase confrimation email.


nope. i haven’t received it in my wallet
I asked about it to teespring support but they sent me the pdf again


This happened to me before couple weeks … after purchas and still nothing , just pdf as saying that thy will make my wallet …
waiting for Isis to arrive I guess wen time come !.🥹

Any advice anyone?? 🪷💥