
Oh wow thank you so much for tagging me @Desiree :blush: I will try it in the morning and let you know how I get on. It also seems to help with stomach issues judging by @ELA2200 comment so this field should do wonders for me hopefully :grinning: Thank you for thinking about me :heart:


Hi @Desiree it seems to loosen my jaw whilst listening to it. A lot of other things also, weird tongue feeling, burning head, itchy all over, feeling hot. I listened x3 times. Iā€™ll keep at it for a week and see how it goes. My jaw is a bit tight now again after finishing it but Iā€™ll stick with it and hopefully see great results :blush:


Had a sudden onset of runny nose and sneezing, listened to this, Parasite Destroyer, Restoration for the long haul, vitamin D for 2 hours got rid of it. and I had a negative antigen-rapid test too. (didnā€™t take 1 while I had symptoms for comparison though)


For those of us who are linked to be torchured that inteligent audio is a way out of the torture pit. use it with your will and see the marvelous results!


Hereā€™s an interesting testimony I found on another website. Make me really wanna try this field.

" I have felt and observed a plethora of amazing benefits from Ivermectin. My hypothesis is several fold. Many chronic illnesses go undiagnosed and may have an underlying parasitic cause. Particularly, in Western nations where ā€œparasitesā€ are ā€œrareā€ according to a few drs I have asked. Second, if we have been exposed to viruses that hang out in the body, ivermectinā€™s antiviral properties could have a positive influence. I read it also has antibacterial properties. Finally, there are studies that show it is anti inflammatory in nature. My doc subscribes to chronic disease as being inflammatory in nature.

I have seen my chronic pain condition almost disappear. My physical therapist said my spine and ribs slip into place easily since taking it. I feel fantastic mostly, long haul, shedding symptoms gone when I take it including cardio and gi. In others, Iā€™ve seen remission of psoriatic, rheumatic and regular arthritis clear up. Other chronic viral infections go into remission. A woman who always used a cane, rarely uses one now, flexibility increases, better sleep, more energy, mood and mental health improvements and the list goes on. It is being studied for its use in cancers also.

That said, daily use may negatively effect liver function. Some people do well twice a week as prophylaxis and others take every other day or two days for long haul depending on symptom management. So far, I find symptoms seem to return when I go back to twice weekly at 12mg. Not sure if thatā€™s due to the thought that spikes circulate up to 15 months, but Iā€™m past that mark. However, I work in the health field and I am exposed to triple vaxxers daily. I was also exposed more directly by exchange of fluids within hours of 2nd dose. Confused face :confused: This area is notably understudied. I do note waves of symptoms with each roll out even though I take everything on the list to protect myself."


Ivermectin is being found to help with MANY diseases, including curing cancer! No wonder ā€œtheyā€ attacked it so hard.

Edit: my bad, just realIzed I missed where you already mentioned the cancer thing.

Remarkable drug. And I doubt there is the downside of bad side effects in this field.


Iā€™m just not sure if this is included in this field . It says it only targets parasites. So what about the anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-cancer effectsā€¦?

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@Captain_Nemo can correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but the very nature of creating morphic fields means tapping into the thing itself and recreating it. Of course, he can modify it. But Iā€™m pretty sure this is Ivermectin in itā€™s totality minus bad side effects. So it would have all the benefits of Ivermectin.


ā€œAll else that elicits a responseā€ could include bacteria, cancer cells , viruses etc ā€¦

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Ah yeah that makes me rethink. Maybe Captain did modify it and take out some of its properties. Been a while since I read the description.

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Leads to skin diseases


I listned to it for just 3 minutes and I feel slightly euphoric ,mood is very good ! Like Iā€™m slightly drunk or something.
Also had to go to bath room right away .

Also feel hungry immediately as somebody else said above.


Ivermectin seems to help many people in many areas of their life .

Hereā€™s another testimony:

"Back in Sept-Oct, I did a podcast about how to use Ivermectin. I tried it a couple times so I had some personal experience with it.

Around 8-12 hours after taking it, something strange happenedā€¦people noticed me much more often. Women stared at me more, guys patted me on the back and shoulder, one women asked me on a date. It wore off after around 24-36 hours.

So fast forward to a month ago, I decided to do a 5 day trial of the drug. 12mg per day just to see how I would react.

I never stopped taking it and itā€™s been about a month. The stuff is amazing for me. I am building muscle in my back and shoulders and arms like I never have before. I can do more pushups/burpees, row for longer, and my leg muscles have gotten thicker. My mental health is much calmer and focused. I have been on more dates in the last month then the last 2 years.

I have had CFS in the past and still do to a certain extent. My theory is the antiviral component suppressed a virus that was lowering my dopamine and testosterone. This virus would be the cause of my CFS, maybe an enterovirus of some kind (theorized to cause CFS).

So, am I crazy to want to take Ivermectin every day? Can you give me a good reason not to, weighed against these benefits?

I am moving forward in life and getting what I want in a way I havenā€™t in 10 years, so some slight concerns are really not going to sway me much."


Wow Sapien audio so many hidden feature.


do you know what a targeted person is?

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Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re referring to. The text I just posted or something else ?

So this drug makes you attractive? :thinking:

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It sure seems so for this dude.

I also notice that I look better since listening. my skin and hair looks softer and more tanned . My eyes look brighter as well. Maybe face looks less puffy.

Ivermectin affects many ,many processes in the body. It works on a very interesting receptor called farnesoid x receptor (FXR). That alone could be responsible for many benefits.


I have been having Covid-19 side effects, I listened to this field 3 times, really relieved a lot thank you


This helped with a bad time with my stomach :relieved: thanks !