JAAJ's Daily Self Love Stack 2024 šŸ¤

Keep going. Be consistent. Dedicate yourself and commit to the process.
The fields are doing their work and will sooner or later crack your issues.


Thanks @JAAJ @onwards :pray: :purple_heart: :heartpulse: :white_heart: :gift_heart:


@JAAJ Which stack (the shortest possible) is the best for sexual deviants (BDSM and related trouble)? I mean, for those of us who want to become ā€œnormalā€, to abandon unnecessary uglinessā€¦

Also, for Self Love (in general, non sexual stuff)?

Also, can you please give me a stack made up of free or the middle tier Patreon?

Or itā€™s better to Go with the Stack(s) You Already Mentioned?
Since less fields might mean diminished or much slower results (?).

Iā€™m gonna be honest: the number of fields you recommended and the reps made me not want to use the stack(s), but now Iā€™m starting to reconsiderā€¦

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loop the shit out of breaking tab 3


Thank You. I found it.

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The sexual revision field should help with the root cause.

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Thank You. :pray:

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  • 1x Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning
  • 3x Raise your Vibrational State
  • 2x Alchemical Revision of Trauma
  • 2x Trauma Release and Healing
  • 2x Alchemical Revision of Childhood
  • 2x Alchemical Revision of Inner Self Love
  • 4x Alchemical Revision and Pre-potential Revision of Sexual Trauma
  • 1 hour of Higher Self Revision of Sexual Trauma (PU patreon)
  • 3 hours of Breaking the 3X Tab Habit (PU patreon)

Repeat Daily.

Furthermore, all of those fetishes in order to let them really go, you will need to find one of two things in your life:

a) A Higher Purpose that gives you more motivation than indulging in these fetishes.


b) Finding something that gives you bigger dopamine shots than the fetishes (unlikely as this solution usually involves simply switching to other drugs). One solution that provides more dopamine would be a healthy sex life with a partner with whom you have a deep connection with ā€“ but for that to manifest you first need to heal the trauma and those fetishes in the first place. Kinda ironic, I know.

I will think about it.


Thank You So Much. :pray:

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My mind is money oriented but its not giving me satisfaction i want to make self love my new mind oriented just for 1 year and see what will happen :white_heart: :pray:

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Back on the OG Self Love Stack+ some little add-ons (Quantum Love, Alchemical Revision of Sexual Trauma, and Energy Being, obviously plugged in on a coherent manner with JAAJ Masterwork)

Time to slay those trauma for good!

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@JAAJ Iā€™m headed to India at the end of December for 2 weeks. By then Iā€™ll have completed 4 runs with the stack. Iā€™m unsure if Iā€™ll have internet access there and therefore may not be able to listen to the stack there. If I donā€™t listen for two weeks would you suggest that I have to start over from square one?

I think you can download most of the fields from Sapien Medicinā€™s patreon as ab mp3 and then create a playlist on your phone (with the free VLC Player app).

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Itā€™s my seventh month now and itā€™s so true what you said, JAAJ: self-love really is the game changer and the foundation of everything! I feel like a completely new person. Thank you for sharing this stack and the updated versions with us! Wirklich ganz herzlichen Dank.


Thank you very much for your feedback Siria and respect for staying committed to the process and congratulations on your progress :mechanical_arm:

But really, all praise should go to Dream for creating those powerful tools of change in the first place :hugs:


Iā€™ve noticed some trends with this. For me, stage 1 I donā€™t really feel much in terms of emotions. Stage 2 and Stage 3 Iā€™m a roller coaster of emotions but I notice especially in stage 3 that I get frustrated and angry easily. Stage 4 rolls around and I notice Iā€™m more loving, jovial, and happy go lucky. Just my experience so far.


Self Love, a.k.a ā€œthe Love for the Selfā€ is no different from Love itself.

To ā€œunderstandā€ self love one needs to understand love itself first.

Once the concept of love is realized, self love is simply this concept applied to oneself (whatever this means as everyoneā€™s definitions of self will certainly vary).

So what is love then?

I donā€™t think love can be understood logically or symbolically (by using words).
It can only be realized conceptually, feelings-wise, qualia-wise and experience-wise.

Deep down probably everyone knows what love feels like.
And even if it cannot be grasped with the rational understanding of the brain, the concept of love is inherently built into every consciousness fragment.

So if you already are the love, then what is self love?
The ā€œfully realized youā€.

This is all I can say as an abstract short answer.
Otherwise, I could certainly write a book on the whole topic of self love.
Maybe I should do that one day and cash in lol.

To describe how self love feels:
Feeling whole.
Feeling complete.
Feeling true.
Feeling more than good enough.
Feeling free.
Feeling expressed.
Feeling realized.
Feeling infinitely negentropic.
Feeling of ultimate belonging.
Feeling of the highest joy.
Feeling compassion.
Feeling of conceptually understanding the bigger picture of everything.
A mix of all of these.
And much more.

Self love as a human:
Realizing and living all these described feelings and concepts in a permanent way applied to you and your ā€œselfā€.


I am planning to use your stack (from 1st January) multi -stage one. I think some of the audios can be upgraded with newer ones. Some of the old audios are no longer available and can be replaved.

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me looking at this thread


Iā€™m not saying this is the ultimate truth, at the end everything can be twisted or put out of context.

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