JAAJ's Daily Self Love Stack 2024 šŸ¤

Long testimonial with regards to long-term usage of the stack(s), thanks to @onwards :


is procrastination a sign of lack of self love or is it just laziness?

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An element of it will be cause if you loved your self you wouldnā€™t want to cause last minute stress when putting tasks off


Thank you Dream and JAAJ, this was a great beginning for me and allowed me to achieve some nice results. I am glad when it bumps because it reminds me I have to heal from some things and change perspectives. Still have some things to work on but I feel better than when I first got here thats for sure.


Procrastination is in most cases an escape behavior from having to experience certain negative emotions.

You need to look at what your are exactly procrastinating and what negative emotions a specific activity triggers in you.

And then you have to dive deep into analyzing why you have negative emotions associated with that activity, or with the results that this activity would generate.

Then you have to work on the topics that cause these particular negative emotions.

Procrastination is also often a result of associating negative emotions with taking action in general. Underlying topics of why action taking causes negative emotions could be:

  • Risk and fear of being judged by others when you fail.
  • Risk and fear of being judged by others when you succeed and stick out as a winner.
  • Risk and fear of people not complying to your wishes.
  • Annoyance of that results are not instant.
  • Annoyance of that results take time.
  • Annoyance of the long process.
  • A doomer / nihilist / defeatism / futilist mindset.
  • Not letting go of drugs and continuing using them because of the comfort and numbing effect and because one is fleeing from the negative emotions from the flatline/recovery phase.

im learning to love myself a lot more and im impletning more good habits and easier to stay of the bad ones because im doing it out of self respect and not desperation :blush:

still have problems with fear of talking to attractive girls and just trouble expressing myself in general, should I carry on with self love audios or would confidence/fear reduction fields be better for my case


Why not use both

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trying to reduce the number of fields used :slight_smile:


Understandable yes but maybe try writing out what your current goals are with fields and in life then decide which ones best suit you from there instead of just using loads of fields with loads of goals focus on a few. Just an idea

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i guress what im trying to ask is if i have self love then theres no need to listen to fear reduction/confidence fields bc witth self love they just come natrually right ?

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Self-love is about being kind to yourself and recognizing your worth.Self-confidence is believing in yourself and trusting your abilities


ohhhh, okay thank you!!

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@JAAJ I have started the multi stage stack, I started on Monday till Sunday for first stage and then on next Monday I will move to next stage. My questions are

  1. Can I listen to a stage from Monday to Saturday and take a break on Sunday? and then start next stage from next Monday.

  2. Can I listen to the self love stack during the day and the wealth stack in the evening?

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Sure :slight_smile:

Yes, as long as you can absorb all those fields.
Make sure you are not overwhelmed.
Better results with fewer fields than being overwhelmed with all the fields.

I have to admit that those stack are rather still too long for most people. I will need to update them with the latest fields and also do my best to shorten them (so that they are more practical and easier to use for most people).


Looking forward to the latest shortened stacks.


There is knowledge that multiverses exist. According to quantum physics, this is so. This means that there is no one version of us as people, but there are an infinite number of them. So how does this relate to trauma healing? If there is a version of us that has never experienced it? Isnā€™t it the case that if we focus on traumas, we somehow strengthen them because we give them energy? Instead of affirming at the same time, e.g. sentences like: I have always had a happy childhood, life, health, etc. What do you think? After all, what really matters is HERE and NOW and the awareness of I AM. I move my state of consciousness to reality when I have always been perfect in every aspect.


You can try PUā€™s Soul Continuum field to switch to a timeline where you are free from all trauma.

But since your consciousness focus is already onto this particular timeline here where you might have experienced trauma, the only way to properly switch over to the other timeline is heal the trauma ā€“ which the field may help you with.

You cannot switch to another timeline if your are not vibrationally aligned with it.
In order to become vibrationally aligned, you need to change your vibration.
You change your vibration by, for example, healing trauma that you have experienced in this timeline.

In the same way, there maybe a phone number which when called you will hear beautiful music. But in order to call that number you need to first know about this number (!) and then also stop participating in your current phone call and then dial the new number.
The mentioned field and the all the other fields here are helping you with that. These fields help you become aware of the other numbers available and then help you to stop your current call and enter a new call.

Yeah, but you are NOT in the here and now and you are NOT aware of who you truly and fully are. 99% of ā€œyouā€ is stored in the Subconscious Mind, this includes especially trauma stuff, and hence you are not in the state of consciousness where you can miracously change everything in one second.

The thing with trauma is exactly that: the Subconscious Mind burries and hides it inside of itself in order to protect your waking conscious mind from the pain of it.

Thatā€™s the whole thing with shadow work, becoming aware with your waking consciousness of what is in your subconsciousness. You can only change what you are aware of or if you know how to directly cooperate with your own subconscious mind.

If you become 100% of your whole ā€œyouā€, then yes, you can instantly in the here and now switch over to other timelines. But by this point in time you would already be ā€œchrist consciousnessā€ level and most likely wonā€™t need to participate in this incarnational game in the first place.


Thank you very much for your answer. I think my logic has been satisfied :) Because in the end it was a bit more of an ego question. Iā€™m glad Iā€™m starting to understand it more.
And if I affirm all day long and imprint the affirmation on my subconscious: My life has always been perfect. But specifically, all day long, for example for 2 months, focusing on the mental diet and constantly concentrating on this thought. Can this also work and wonā€™t it work faster than listening to morphic semis?

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This here will probably answer your question:

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Thank you very much. So I guess I found morphic fields not by accident. Morphic fields are a faster method of changing beliefs than affirmations and subliminals. Can I make affirmations while listening to the fields? Does it even matter?