JAAJ's Daily Self Love Stack 2024 šŸ¤

Yes, you can.

Probably not.

Instead of affirmations, create a vision board with pictures.
Choose pictures that trigger feelings and this will be much much stronger.

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:white_heart::white_heart::white_heart: JAAJā€™s Daily Self Love Stack 2024 :white_heart::white_heart::white_heart:

Updated: 3rd April 2024

2024 UDPATE:

  • Now 5 Stages long for more effectiveness and coverage

  • Now with separate stacks for Sapien Medicine as well as Psychic University, as well as a combined ā€œBEST ULTIMATE COMPLETE SOLUTIONā€.
    Psychic University is the only other fields creator whom I approve and recommend.

  • The ā€œPsychic University Patreon Onlyā€ stack is very limited and does not cover all important aspects. Therefore, I highly recommend that if you choose to go with a Psychic University stack only, that you aim for the paid stack as much as possible or fill the gaps with free fields from Sapien Medicine.

  • The paid stacks are more effective than the free or the patreon ones.

  • The ā€œBEST ULTIMATE COMPLETE SOLUTIONā€ stack is the best and most effective version.

  • No private projects NFTs are part included in these stacks to make sure everyone can use them.

  • For each stage, I have also included an ā€œUltra Short Versionā€ of the stack.
    However, this comes at the expense of results, so these should only be used either as an inspiration of what is the most important when building your own self love stacks, or when your time to listen per day is limited to less than 1 hour.

  • The BEST ULTIMATE COMPLETE SOLUTION needs to be worked with PRO-ACTIVELY and WITH INTENT while listening. This is because there are certain fields in this stack, like e.g. Soul Continuum, that will do a lot of the heavy lifting when properly instructed.
    The other 4 regular stacks can be simply listened to passively.


Everything start with Self Love.

There is no manifestation of positive things in life until you truly deep down believe that you deserve it and that you are good enough for it.

From my experience, all change starts with increasing your Self Love, Self Worth and Self Esteem.

Because only when you deep down feel worthy of getting results, having your life changed and transformed beyond what society has indoctrinated into you, you will actually allow yourself on a subconscious level to have those changes and gift all the good stuff to yourself.

The more worthy you feel and the more self love you have, the more effective the fields will work for you.
At least, this has been this way for me and everyone whom I know.
Our Subconscious Minds manifest our realities and our subconscious levels of worthiness decide the ceiling of how much we can receive and manifest.

Loving yourself is absolutely the NUMBER 1 thing to do and the prerequisite for everything else (faster healing, manifestation, abundance, luck, how you are treated by others etc.).

Learning more Self Love is the most important incarnation goal that most souls have when they incarnate on physical earth.
You can not learn advanced skills like compassion until you first learn to love yourself.

Nothing, I repeat nothing, is more important than loving yourself and the work you do to love yourself even more.
This this is the most important job in the world, which means this can also then be the most important stack for you for a certain amount of timeā€¦ how you treat this stack/topic is how you treat yourself.


I think this has already helped a lot of people on their journeys.

As you will see there are a lot of trauma healing fields in the stacks.
This is because traumas are one of the main reasons why your Subconscious Mind executes its programs to keep you safe from re-experiencing those negative experiences again, which through this, keeps you stuck in repepetive behaviors and coping loops.

Releasing traumas = allowing your level of self-love to rise again further beyond a certain level, because when the traumas are released, your Subconscious Mind will allow for this raise of self-love to happen and will no longer try to hold you back in a safe place of misery.

How long to listen?

Until you see major changes in your life and other fields start working really well for you!
For some it can take 2 months, for others a year. Depends on how much trauma and hidden bagage you are bringing with you.
Never give up and keep in mind that it is your life and you are the most important person in it.

:muscle: :v: :+1:

I highly recommend that you also do your research on this forum and try to understand why certain fields are included here.


The five stages build one upon the other and are intended to be used one after another and in the exact recommended order.

Use each stage stack daily for 1 week and then move on to the next stage.
1 stage each new week.
Once done with all five stages, restart with the first stage again.
Do in total at least 10 complete iterations of all four stages (1 week * 10 = 50 weeks = 1 year).

Do not skip any stages!

So again:
Listen to the same stage for one week every day (which means in total 7 times).
Then in next week, move on to the next stage.
The whole stack therefore takes 5 weeks.
After 5 weeks start at Stage 1 again for another iteration.

With each iteration you will be peeling off additional layers of past trauma and negativity and re-install a higher and higher baseline of self esteem and self love into yourself!

After less than one year, you will be a completely new and changed person.
And this will be reflected by the outer reality and manifestations as your Subconscious Mind will adjust your personal reality bubble to your new level of self-esteem.

Do not listen to these stacks while driving or while operating machinery or working with dangerous tools etc. as various fields can trigger strong emotional releases.


Stay as best as you can away from news, TV, p*rn, TikTok, social media feeds, politics, toxic people and places, music with negative lyrics and similar negative stuff.

Do not just remove your existing trauma, but also make sure to avoid being exposed to new one!

Do not re-limit and re-traumatize yourself again by continuing the lifestyle you had before.
If you are going to continue the lifestyle you had before, then you will absorb new limiting beliefs and new traumatic stuff from society again.

It does not matter what you consciously think about the stuff that you consume, it only matters what your subconsicous mind is soaking in like a sponge.

Get rid of as much of this sh*t as possible and see how your results skyrocket and accelerate beyond imagination! :rocket:

Treat your Subconscious Mind like the holy temple that it is and no longer feed it with societyā€™s negativity.
Only feed your Subconscious Mind with the most positive, most empowering and most educational input.

Make sure that your momentum of freeing yourself is stronger than any additional new negative input from society is!


STAGE 1 ā€“ Enablement Stage:

This stage is a cleaning and preparation stage in order to enable maximum possible results and maximum possible healing from the next stages.

STAGE 2 ā€“ Trauma Healing Stage:

Probably the most important stage and the pre-requisite for loving yourself is the healing of trauma as this is the biggest block for self esteem (and by this also the biggest block for manifestation of positive things).
Trauma = self sabotage of any further results.

STAGE 3 - Release Stage:

This is like a second wage of trauma release, focussed on forgiveness and emotional release. Equally important.

STAGE 4 ā€“ Increase Self Love Stage:

The stage where you will be refilled with all the love that you always deserved, wanted, needed and that has always been already hiding inside of you.

STAGE 5 ā€“ Become Love Stage:

With a the new level of increased self love and self esteeem, letā€˜s cement the new level into stone.
Letā€˜s make the newly reached level a new fixed baseline and project it outwards into the worlds to manifest all the great things and treating ourselves and others better. Manifesting positive and loving situations will further cement your new level of self love.

:white_heart: :white_heart: :white_heart:


I place this as a solid candidate for the Post of the Year 2024.

Congratulations for the massive post, and thank you very much for it :white_heart:


Text versions of the main stacks ā€“ for people who want to copy paste the field titles in the forumā€™s search engine:

STAGE 1 ā€“ Enablement Stage:

FREE Sapien Medicine

1x Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning
1x Angelic Vibrations (ver 2.0)
1x Ego Dissolution
1x Etheric Cord Cutter
3x Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0
1x Clear all Negative Energy and Entity Removal
1x Energy Blockage Removal
1x The Mana Circuits
1x The Internal Alchemical Crucible
1x Flower of Life
2x The Litany Against Loneliness
2x Resilience

PAID Sapien Medicine

1x Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning
1x Angelic Vibrations (ver 2.0)
2x The Malleable Ego
1x Point of No Return
3x Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0
1x De-Inhabitor Combo (3 audios)
3x Karma Crucible NFT
1x Soul Core Energy Restoration
1x Auric and Energy Repair
1x The Mana Circuits
1x The Internal Alchemical Crucible
1x Blueprint of Life
2x Conceptual Conglomerate
2x The Litany Against Loneliness
2x Stress and Anxiety by Manhattan

PATREON Psychic University

2x Crystal Alchemy for Unblocking Results with Fields (PU)
1x The Will To Live (PU)
1x Cord Cutting Crystal Alchemy (PU)
1x Energy Body Repair (PU)
2x Fix Neurotransmitter Dysfunction (PU)
2x Reconnect to the Idea of Being Loved (PU)

PAID Psychic University

1x Crystal Alchemy for Unblocking Results with Fields (PU)
1x Increase Your Vibration (PU)
1x Subconscious Limits Dissolver with the Higher Self (PU)
2x Higher Self Soul Healing (PU)
1x Consciousness Repair and Expansion (PU)
1x Higher Self Karma Clearing (PU)
1x Dissolving Non-Beneficial Soul Contracts and Vows (PU)
1x Cord Cutting Crystal Alchemy (PU)
1x Energy Body Repair (PU)
1x Sun Healing and Development (PU)
1x The Soul Continuum (PU)
2x Fix Neurotransmitter Dysfunction (PU)
1x Reconnect to the Idea of Being Loved (PU)
1x Negative and Entropic Triggers Dissolver (PU)
1x The Ultimate Integration Tool (PU)


1x Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning
1x Crystal Alchemy for Unblocking Results with Fields (PU)
1x Angelic Vibrations (ver 2.0)
1x The Malleable Ego
1x Point of No Return
1x Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0
1x Subconscious Limits Dissolver with the Higher Self (PU)
2x Higher Self Soul Healing (PU)
1x Sun Healing and Development (PU)
1x The Soul Continuum (PU)
1x Higher Self Karma Clearing (PU)
1x Dissolving Non-Beneficial Soul Contracts and Vows (PU)
1x Blueprint of Life
1x Soul Core Energy Restoration
1x Consciousness Repair and Expansion (PU)
2x Fix Neurotransmitter Dysfunction (PU)
2x Conceptual Conglomerate
1x The Ultimate Integration Tool (PU)

STAGE 2 ā€“ Trauma Healing Stage:

FREE Sapien Medicine

1x Angelic Vibrations (ver 2.0)
1x Ego Dissolution
3x Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0
1x Amygdala Healing
3x Alchemical Revision of Trauma
3x Alchemical Revision of Childhood
3x Alchemical Revision of Guilt
3x Alchemical Revision and Pre-potential Revision of Sexual Trauma
1x The Internal Alchemical Crucible
1x Flower of Life

PAID Sapien Medicine

1x Angelic Vibrations (ver 2.0)
2x The Malleable Ego
3x Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0
2x Conceptual Conglomerate
1x Amygdala Healing
3x Alchemical Revision of Trauma
3x The Alchemical Blueprint of the Past
3x Alchemical Revision of Guilt
3x Alchemical Revision and Pre-potential Revision of Sexual Trauma
2x The Crucible Of The Past
2x The Crucible of Stored Trauma
1x Blueprint of Life

PATREON Psychic University

2x Trauma Dissolver (PU)
2x Reverse the Negative Effects of Anxiety (PU)
2x Heal Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders (PU)
2x Higher Self Revision of Emotional Pain (PU)
2x Higher Self Revision of Sexual Trauma (PU)
2x Humiliation Washer (PU)
2x The Shame Washer (PU)
2x The Fear Washer (PU)
1x Overcome Fear of Abandonment (PU)
1x Heal Unhealthy Obsessions (PU)
2x Overcome Self-Sabotaging Patterns and Explore Your Full Potential (PU)

PAID Psychic University

1x Increase Your Vibration (PU)
1x Subconscious Limits Dissolver with the Higher Self (PU)
1x Higher Self Soul Healing (PU)
1x The Soul Continuum (PU)
2x Trauma Dissolver (PU)
2x Reverse the Negative Effects of Anxiety (PU)
2x Heal Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders (PU)
2x Higher Self Revision of Emotional Pain (PU)
2x Higher Self Revision of Sexual Trauma (PU)
1x Humiliation Washer (PU)
1x The Shame Washer (PU)
1x The Fear Washer (PU)
1x Overcome Fear of Abandonment (PU)
1x Subconscious Wounds Healing (PU)
1x Heal Unhealthy Obsessions (Crystal Alchemy) (PU)
2x Overcome Self-Sabotaging Patterns and Explore Your Full Potential (PU)
1x The Ultimate Integration Tool (PU)


1x Angelic Vibrations (ver 2.0)
1x The Malleable Ego
1x Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0
1x Subconscious Limits Dissolver with the Higher Self (PU)
1x Higher Self Soul Healing (PU)
1x The Soul Continuum (PU)
2x Conceptual Conglomerate
1x Amygdala Healing
2x Reverse the Negative Effects of Anxiety (PU)
3x Alchemical Revision of Trauma
2x Trauma Dissolver (PU)
3x Alchemical Revision of Guilt
2x Higher Self Revision of Sexual Trauma (PU)
3x Alchemical Revision and Pre-potential Revision of Sexual Trauma
2x The Crucible Of The Past
2x The Crucible of Stored Trauma
3x The Alchemical Blueprint of the Past
2x Higher Self Revision of Emotional Pain (PU)
2x Heal Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders (PU)
2x Overcome Self-Sabotaging Patterns and Explore Your Full Potential (PU)
1x Blueprint of Life
1x The Ultimate Integration Tool (PU)

STAGE 3 ā€“ Release Stage:

FREE Sapien Medicine

1x Angelic Vibrations (ver 2.0)
1x Ego Dissolution
2x Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0
2x Forgiveness and Release
1x The Honored Ancestors
1x Regain your Innocence
1x Inner self Critic to Inner Self Supporter
1x Grief Loss Loneliness
3x Alchemical Revision of Inner Self Love
1x The Internal Alchemical Crucible
1x Flower of Life
1x The Outlook Retrainer
2x Resilience

PAID Sapien Medicine

1x Angelic Vibrations (ver 2.0)
2x The Malleable Ego
2x Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0
2x Conceptual Conglomerate
2x Forgiveness and Release
1x The Honored Ancestors
1x Alchemical Revision of Innocence
1x Inner self Critic to Inner Self Supporter
1x Grief Loss Loneliness
3x Alchemical Revision of Inner Self Love
3x Smart Tap Tapper
1x The Internal Alchemical Crucible
1x Blueprint of Life
1x New Perspectives
2x Detached Resilience

PATREON Psychic University

1x Forgiviness (Crystal Alchemy) (PU)
1x Self-Forgiveness and Acceptance (PU)
1x Beyond the Victim Mindset: Harness Your Inner Strength and Take Charge of Your Life (PU)
1x Heartache and Sorrow Healing (PU)
1x Trapped Emotions Release (PU)
1x Negativity Transcendence (PU)
1x Intrusive Thoughts Dissolver (PU)
1x Reverse the Physical Effects of Stress (PU)
2x Rejection Washer (PU)

PAID Psychic University

1x Increase Your Vibration (PU)
1x Subconscious Limits Dissolver with the Higher Self (PU)
1x Higher Self Soul Healing (PU)
1x Sun Healing and Development (PU)
1x The Soul Continuum (PU)
1x Forgiviness (Crystal Alchemy) (PU)
1x Self-Forgiveness and Acceptance (PU)
2x Beyond the Victim Mindset (PU)
1x Heartache and Sorrow Healing (PU)
1x Repressed Anger and Hatred Dissolver (PU)
2x Trapped Emotions Release (PU)
2x Negativity Transcendence (PU)
1x Intrusive Thoughts Dissolver (PU)
2x Reverse the Physical Effects of Stress (PU)
1x Emotional States Liberation (PU)
1x The Ultimate Integration Tool (PU)


1x Angelic Vibrations (ver 2.0)
1x The Malleable Ego
1x Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0
1x Subconscious Limits Dissolver with the Higher Self (PU)
1x Higher Self Soul Healing (PU)
1x Sun Healing and Development (PU)
1x The Soul Continuum (PU)
2x Conceptual Conglomerate
2x Forgiveness and Release
1x Forgiviness (Crystal Alchemy) (PU)
1x Self-Forgiveness and Acceptance (PU)
1x Alchemical Revision of Innocence
1x Grief Loss Loneliness
3x Alchemical Revision of Inner Self Love
1x Beyond the Victim Mindset (PU)
1x Reverse the Physical Effects of Stress (PU)
1x Blueprint of Life
1x The Ultimate Integration Tool (PU)

STAGE 4 ā€“ Increase Self Love Stage:

FREE Sapien Medicine

1x Angelic Vibrations (ver 2.0)
1x Ego Dissolution
2x Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0
1x The Brain Refresher
3x The Archetype of Parental Love
3x Self Love and Acceptance
2x Become Whole
1x Unconditional Love (free on patreon)
3x The Inner Pillar of Power
1x Extreme Self Confidence/Self Esteem Boost
1x Flower of Life

PAID Sapien Medicine

1x Angelic Vibrations (ver 2.0)
2x The Malleable Ego
2x Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0
1x Mandelbrot Symphony: Heart Throbbing
1x The Brain Refresher
2x Conceptual Conglomerate
3x The Archetype of Parental Love
3x Self Love and Acceptance
2x Become Whole
1x Unconditional Love (free on patreon)
3x The Inner Pillar of Power
2x Self Respect
1x Extreme Self Confidence/Self Esteem Boost
1x Blueprint of Life

PATREON Psychic University

1x Remove Gratitude Blockages (PU)
3x Love Yourself (PU)
2x Recognition of Your Own Efforts (PU)
2x The Loved Body (PU)
1x Self-Love Directed to the Organs (PU)
1x Arcturian Therapeutic Sanctuary (Mental Health Treatment (PU)
2x Positive and Uplifting Talk From Your Higher Self (PU)
2x Higher Self Subliminal Messages for a Better You (PU)

PAID Psychic University

1x Increase Your Vibration (PU)
1x Subconscious Limits Dissolver with the Higher Self (PU)
1x Higher Self Soul Healing (PU)
1x Sun Healing and Development (PU)
1x The Soul Continuum (PU)
1x Crystal Alchemy for the Heart Chakra (PU)
1x Remove Gratitude Blockages (PU)
2x Love Yourself (PU)
1x Omega Love (PU)
1x The Loved Body (PU)
1x Self-Love Directed to the Organs (PU)
1x Arcturian Therapeutic Sanctuary (Mental Health Treatment (PU)
1x Positive and Uplifting Talk From Your Higher Self (PU)
1x Higher Self Subliminal Messages for a Better You (PU)
1x The Ultimate Integration Tool (PU)


1x Angelic Vibrations (ver 2.0)
1x The Malleable Ego
1x Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0
1x Subconscious Limits Dissolver with the Higher Self (PU)
1x Higher Self Soul Healing (PU)
1x Sun Healing and Development (PU)
1x The Soul Continuum (PU)
5x Crystal Alchemy for the Heart Chakra (PU)
1x Remove Gratitude Blockages (PU)
1x Arcturian Therapeutic Sanctuary (Mental Health Treatment (PU)
2x Conceptual Conglomerate
2x The Archetype of Parental Love
2x Self Love and Acceptance
2x Become Whole
2x The Inner Pillar of Power
2x Self Respect
2x Love Yourself (PU)
1x Omega Love (PU)
1x The Loved Body (PU)
1x Positive and Uplifting Talk From Your Higher Self (PU)
1x Higher Self Subliminal Messages for a Better You (PU)
1x Blueprint of Life
1x The Ultimate Integration Tool (PU)

STAGE 5 ā€“ Become Love Stage:

FREE Sapien Medicine

1x Angelic Vibrations (ver 2.0)
1x Ego Dissolution
2x Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0
2x The Blossom of Abundance
1x Childlike Wonder (Revamp Excitement in Life)
1x Unconditional Love Infusion (The Flow Album)
1x Unconditional Love Environment Saturation (The Flow Album)
1x Love Gratitude and Appreciation
1x Attract & Radiate Quantum Love Album (4 audios)
1x Blessings Of Aphrodite
1x Higher Self Connection
1x Flower of Life
1x Mind Body Soul Graviton

PAID Sapien Medicine

1x Angelic Vibrations (ver 2.0)
2x The Malleable Ego
2x Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0
2x Conceptual Conglomerate
2x The Blossom of Abundance
1x Childlike Wonder (Revamp Excitement in Life)
1x Attract More Love Into Your Life
1x Torus Weaved Respect
1x Unconditional Love Environment Saturation (The Flow Album)
1x Love Gratitude and Appreciation
1x Attract & Radiate Quantum Love Album (4 audios)
1x Blessings Of Aphrodite
1x Flight to Fight NFT
1x The Holy Paladin
1x Blueprint of Life
1x Mind Body Soul Graviton

PATREON Psychic University

3x Confidence Boost 2.0 (PU)
2x Omega Gratitude (PU)
3x Freedom 2.0 (PU)

PAID Psychic University

1x Increase Your Vibration (PU)
1x Subconscious Limits Dissolver with the Higher Self (PU)
2x Higher Self Soul Healing (PU)
1x Sun Healing and Development (PU)
1x The Soul Continuum (PU)
1x Healthy Expression of Being (PU)
2x Confidence Boost 2.0 (PU)
1x Omega Gratitude (PU)
2x Freedom 2.0 (PU)
1x The Ultimate Integration Tool (PU)


1x Angelic Vibrations (ver 2.0)
1x The Malleable Ego
1x Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0
1x Subconscious Limits Dissolver with the Higher Self (PU)
2x Conceptual Conglomerate
2x The Blossom of Abundance
1x Attract More Love Into Your Life
1x Love Gratitude and Appreciation
1x Attract & Radiate Quantum Love Album (4 audios)
1x Blessings Of Aphrodite
1x The Holy Paladin
1x Blueprint of Life
1x Mind Body Soul Graviton
2x Higher Self Soul Healing (PU)
1x Sun Healing and Development (PU)
1x The Soul Continuum (PU)
1x Healthy Expression of Being (PU)
2x Confidence Boost 2.0 (PU)
1x Omega Gratitude (PU)
2x Freedom 2.0 (PU)
1x The Ultimate Integration Tool (PU)


Highly appreciated, thanks so much for the update

Since you didnā€™t include an all in one stack, does it mean you donā€™t find it as effective as the multi stage version? Or is it simply not there because of overwhelm?


Thank you.

There are many reasons to do it with shorter stacks and in several stages:

  • A single stack would be too long, time-wise and also energy-wise for most users. Too many people would be overwhelmed by so many fields at once.

  • Stages allow for a better focus on the specialized sub-topics of increasing self love. Each stages is like an attack ftom different flanks on the topic.

  • Stages also allow for a stronger effect of the iteration process, where issues are peeled by layer by layer like with an onion.


Thanks a lot! In the last option (the best, complete solution) you combined the Sapien and PU fields. What would such a synthesis look like for Patrion fields?

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You are invited to explore and combine yourself :slight_smile:

As recommended, it helps to understand what each field is doing and the reasons why I included them in the stacks.

Thanks for the precious service you provide. I saw you included sun healing and development in almost every stage, would you recommend everyone to buy it? How would you describe your experience with it?


Thank you Matteo.

I recommend this field to everyone who is on a spiritual path, who is serious about healing and shadow work and internal growth and who wants to be more of their true self. I assume this description fits those people who are on this forum and who are serious about increasing their self love. When someone proactively decides to work on their self love, that is probably one of the most spiritual things you can do.

I have shared what I wanted to share so far in the public Sun Healing and Development thread.


Welp, first go at stage 2 (freebie Sapien config). This is rather intense in some of the sensations.


I also want to express my sincere thanks to @JAAJ for putting together these stacks! I have started with the new free stacks last week and I like the new set-up better. I have worked with the previous stacks for quite some time last year and have achieved a lot of healing in general, but I come from afar when it comes to self-love.
Also appreciate the introduction to the Be Set Free Fast technique, truly underrated stuff, very powerfull.
Happy to be a part of this community :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Iā€™m thinking about getting a couple of devices, idk old nokia lumiaā€™s (they are dirt cheap, bought 4 of them for avg price 5ā‚¬). Upload the self love stack (the free one) and leave the phones in some random places of my town with a post it to listen to the fields


Most people do not understand fields, so a stranger who finds the phones will not even care at all unless a magical fairy appears directly in front of them within then first 1 minute of playing the audios. Most people are brainwashed to be sceptics against anything non-materialist.


I will try to superimpose those phones to go to the ones they are supposed to find them.

Let us see, today I bought a Lumia for 1ā‚¬ :joy::joy:

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Where do you find this stuff? I guess they have a really bad battery life?

Also, do they work? The cheapest Iā€™ve seen anyone buy a phone was 20ā‚¬, I think. And it didnā€™t work.

If I could find some 5ā‚¬ devices with some battery life Iā€™d be increasing my devices and letting destiny run wild xD

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You wouldnā€™t believe but my 3 lumia 625 have more than 40 hours battery life with loops.

The 530 a bit lower, they last Idk 14-16 hours

Those are incredibly good for the price, as the OS has been discontinued, there arenā€™t any programmed obsolescence updates.

(I put them in fly mode no WiFi, band and other bullshits, and battery optimisation mode)

I buy integer one and with chipped screen, donā€™t care too much about the aestetic of the phone

I get them on Ebay

The 1ā‚¬ is a 530 with crashed screen, but it is supposed to work fine enough for my goals, if not, not a disaster


Thatā€™s really good. Nokias are still a thing then xD

Aaaah they are fine enough. Could be way more cracked. And as long as they work for audio.

Heck they look like they could be even better than my current phone, that was more expensive ofc.

Gonna look into it then. Thanks for the info. I would have never thought it was possible. Talk about limiting beliefs xD

Auctions are a thing, usually you win them at the first bid, for the unchipped 630 I had to fight and take it at 7ā‚¬ :laughing:

(But it was with original box, charger and USB cable, very premium :ok_hand: )

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Like a message in a bottle, may the sea take it to whoever should receive it.