JAAJ's Daily Self Love Stack 2024 🤍

@JAAJ Will both alchemical revision of self love and trauma ever be able to be put on patreon? I am only on week 2 and already feel a little better but I find it a little irritating that I have to switch from my efficient VLC playlist to YouTube and back to listen to everything in the correct order. Alternatively could I put them at the very end of the playlist for convenience? If not it’s fine.
I want to say thank you very much as well for creating this program. I have been frustrated by lack of results for a long time but was reluctant to put in the proper time to heal up my trauma from the past and lack of self love. Guilty of always looking for the quick easy fix. I’m determined to stick at this and emerge a new happy person

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I don’t know. Captain decides.
You could post your wish in the “Field Requests” thread.

:muscle: :rocket: :raised_hands:

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@JAAJ this might be a stupid question but is it ok to split up the playlist throughout the day? Maybe one half in the morning and the other in the evening?
And one other question. Do the audios need to be heard or could I have them at a low volume? I just like to be sure of things

Hm, I download Youtube video as mp3 via an online tool for those not available on Patreon, so that I can group them all in the same playlist.

Yes in almost all cases.

Keep in mind that Aura/Energy Body Deep Clearing may “delete” the previous 4 hours.

Low volume is enough.

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I wonder though is the quality affected and would it work as well? I’ve used that converter in the past for music and sometimes it wasnt great. I’d be doubtful of something as complex as a morphic field working as well through conversion

Thanks JAAJ, your advice is always appreciated

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@JAAJ Once we finish the stack for 10 months, what do we need to listen to for maintenance?

Every type of events occur in the world, most of them leaving a negative effect which will affect self love.

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The vibration raise fields, e.g. like Angelic Vibrations 2.0.
So that you keep counterbalancing your increased vibration from the Earth’s and society’s low vibrations.

Also staying away from low vibrational things like news, most of social media, toxic people, porn, unhealthy food etc.

Also, continueing your path on being mindfull. Because every time when you are not proactively making a choice, the system will choose for you…


Im curious about peoples experience with detox symptoms when running stacks like this. Im running a self love stack and I almost fell asleep at work today, I was overcome with a wave of extreme tiredness… (is this normal? I have not seen other people describing symptoms like this…)

And despite my day being pretty good (its friday and I got off early) I was extremely angry and emotional. (This seems more common)


Sometimes I hardly go through the day. Once I passed my day at office nodding and drinking coffee and shifted everything to next day telling everyone I am busy in some urgent work while I did nothing and just sat and stared at my laptop.
Sometimes I just want to sleep all day.
It depends but mostly it is quite tiring. My mood had been quite bad and angry at certain people in the start but now my mood is stable and I can pass many tough emotional situations quite well.


Okay good to know im not the only one. I did expect being “emotionally charged” but the tiredness was quite surprising.

Well at least Im reaping good results, so its all worth it

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Yup very normal at first, and a ton of nightmares

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My personal experience:

Every process where you are healing what was previously fragmented (trauma) or bringing it to the surface (from unconscious to conscious) will go hand in hand with the release of this negativity. Mostly this release happens through negative emotions, since what is released is usually the negative emotional energy that was attached to old negative beliefs and patterns.

This is logical to me as you cannot rise higher unless you release all that previously stored negativity that was keeping you down.

This is a multifaceted release process with different negative emotions describing different negative things that are released.
For example, anger can happen because you realize that you have lived a lie and was telling lies to yourself just to stay comfortable or in denial. When you come clean with yourself (which you have to do in order to feel complete and whole again), then all these lies to oneself also are becoming consciously clear now and which can trigger anger and resentment towards yourself and the world around you – because you have simply lived a lie. Now with you coming clean with yourself, it is natural to feel some anger about how you were so foolish and how you didn’t love yourself enough and allowed yourself to live this lie in the first place.

So all those negative emotions usually represent all the frustration about why and how you did not loved yourself in the past.

The “detox” and release of negativity is stronger in beginning but becomes less over time.

I am in the process of “becoming whole” and “vibrationally ascending” myself on a daily basis. As you can tell from my posts sometimes, there are days where I vent a lot – these are days when I have strong release symptoms. But as @Beast mentioned, it is all worth it, because every time when the process is finished, you emerge at a higher and new permanent baseline.
It is literally the process of “Leveling Up” and “Ascending”.

It is also called “burning off karma”, because you are "burning the negativity off of you and as we know “burning = unpleasant”.

The tiring aspect mostly happens when your new state of being is being followed up by its physical manifestation. For example:

You release a trauma → your Subconscious Mind now has new beliefs about something → your Subconscious Mind begins to readjust the wiring in your physical brain according to these new beliefs → physical rewiring requires energy and can be tiring


Becoming whole and complete (i.e. loving yourself more), also means that that which was previously fragmented and operated by its own respective negative energy packages, now when being combined again, has to release that energy again.

It is a very similar process as in nuclear physics: 2 separated nuclear cores that fusion together, release their excessive energy, because they don’t need that much energy in order to be whole together:

Here are other examples:


Thanks for the indepth answer :pray:


I have started to become mentally tired a lot lately. I have noticed sometimes when I am working in office and listening to the stack on earbuds, I feel like an earthquake is coming. Sometimes I feel like I am sitting and suddenly my head moves like there is a tremor or shake in the body. Could it be due to listening to many fields ?
Apart from the self love stack I am listening to 3 other audios (plasma flaunt, alchemical revision of wealth, advanced healing )

Could be.

Anything trauma release or vibration increase means heavy processing of stuff for the mind and the energy body.

If you add Plasma Flaunt and Advanced Healing on top of it, which require extra physical building blocks (i.e. nutrient dense food and supplements), then you are working your system on all three level (mind, energy body, physical body) all at the same time and from different angles. Which can be very tacing energy wise.

Therefore, I recommend:

  1. Do slower and with fewer fields, i.e. less input that has to be processed
  2. Add extra nutrients and supplements to your diet for more resources for the physical body
  3. Add extra energy fields like Jing, Chi, Shen and Ojas for more energy resources for the energy body

I start with the self love stack in the morning and finish by afternoon with small breaks in between. At night I listen to the other 3 audios, I will add the following stack in later afternoon / evening:

  1. One Jing audio
  2. One Chi audio
  3. One Shen audio
  4. Force of Life
  5. Jindan
  6. One Ojas audio