JAAJ's Daily Self Love Stack 2024 šŸ¤

Here are the newest stacks as YouTube playlists for anyone interested: click !


Thank you very much for creating these and sharing here.

 {Self-Observation (some of my observations and conclusions might apply to everyone, to some people or even just to myself)} 

After listening to Brain Regeneration or Brain Recalibration fields, Self Love fields Are Next, to create new, Better Connections and Patterns in the Brain, Fostering Self Love and other things associated with it.

Of course, other fields, for other needs can be listened to, after resetting or healing the brain and the mind (the same applies to or rather what Iā€™ve written here mirrors the Ego Dissolution or Malleable Ego followed by fields which introduce New Desired Patterns).

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If I donā€™t have the following audios (from different stages), can i substitute with any free audio?

  • Higher Self Soul Healing (PU)
  • Higher Self Karma Clearing (PU)
  • Dissolving Non-Beneficial Soul Contracts and Vows (PU)
  • Overcome Self-Sabotaging Patterns and Explore Your Full Potential (PU)
  • Crystal Alchemy for the Heart Chakra (PU)
  • The Holy Paladin
  • The Soul Continuum (PU)
  • Freedom 2.0 (PU)
  • Higher Self Soul Healing (PU) ā†’ Higher Self Connection

  • Higher Self Karma Clearing (PU) ā†’ Higher Self Connection

  • Dissolving Non-Beneficial Soul Contracts and Vows (PU) ā†’ Higher Self Connection

  • Overcome Self-Sabotaging Patterns and Explore Your Full Potential (PU) ā†’ no

  • Crystal Alchemy for the Heart Chakra (PU) ā†’ no

  • The Holy Paladin ā†’ Amygala Healing + Excalibur + Confidence Boost + Resilience

  • The Soul Continuum (PU) ā†’ no

  • Freedom 2.0 (PU) ā†’ SLR 3.0

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About the Daily Work of Moving Up your personal BASELINE and CEILING levels:


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If I ask this question again, but this time: can I substitute for any from sapienā€™s paid ones?

Yes, thatā€™s what the Sapien Free Stack is for.

Is there a substitute for Self Love Free Stack 2024 Week 2ā€™s ā€œAlchemical Revision and Pre-potential Revision of Sexual Traumaā€.

This track is under $22 Patreon premium tier.

The other general trauma fields are likely to solve sexual traumas as well in the longterm ā€“ it will just take them longer because they are not targeted to work specifically on sexual things.


So, I was doing the second stage and Iā€™ve noticed how much itā€™s been draining my energy, I feel this need to sleep a lot even after I wake up and sometimes even easily irritable. Is this normal or am I overusing it? I took a break for a week and still feel drained, and also, Iā€™ve noticed an increased heart rate sometimes and my head and neck were kind of throbbing. It went away after I stopped using itā€¦ I just want to know if I should take a break or continue using it and pushing through these feelings?

Trauma processing can take up a lot of energy.

If it is only energy drain:

  1. Get more rest, i.e. more sleep and avoid additional input that your mind and body have to process. Do only what you need to do for your health, job and family, and take the rest of the time for resting. Avoid watching anything for a few days (i.e. no social media, news, movies, series etc. all of this is mostly negative input that your Subconscious Mind also has to process on top).

  2. Add in a few loops of each of the free Jing, Chi and Shen fields for having more processing energy.

  3. A lop of the processing and healing happens in the physical brain too, so additional nutritients and sugar are often helpful.

If it is also emotional processing:

Make a break and do it slower again, i.e. Stage 2 with fewer trauma processing fields in it.

Some of the fields in there can trigger many different deep seated trauma topics. The Subconscious Mind has burried those emotions for a reason. Facing them can take up a lot of energy and emotional courage. But ultimately it has to be done.

I have already split the Trauma Healing phase into two stage (Stage 2 and 3).
If you find this still too overwhelming, do a slower with few fields, i.e. the extend the whole Trauma Healing phase onto even more stages and weeks.

Both are viable options and it is up to you how you personally feel in the moment. If you can, push through those emotions. If it is too overwhelming, make a break and do it slower (i.e. Stage 2 with fewer trauma processing fields).

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Can I listen to these stacks while doing other activities like reading or cleaning?
And do I need to leave a time gap between each video?
Iā€™ve been listening to subliminals and morphic fields since 2019, but I havenā€™t received any results. I hope that listening to the stacks on a daily basis will help me manifest my desires.
Thank You

Hi @wolsim!

Welcome KY Gem Peach

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why isnā€™t the knight mindset on here?

Because I donā€™t have this field and am not familiar with it.
Feel free to add fields to your personal stacks as you see them fit :wink:

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Hi, I have completed listening to four stages so far. I think there must be some internal changes within me, but I havenā€™t noticed anything significant yet. Am I supposed to feel immediate effects after listening? Iā€™ve tried both active and passive listening methods, but I havenā€™t observed any noticeable differences.
Also, Iā€™ve been listening to Height Booster for two months but havenā€™t seen any results. Please help.
Thank you

It is a gradual change.
Of course most of it will be highly subjective.
Sometimes journaling over a longer period of time helps to consciously realize the changes one has made.
The most important indicators of change will be how you feel about the world with regards to your own self worth. And then also the difference in how people treat you and what experiences you are generally manifesting in your life.

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