JAAJ's Mystical Journal

Chapter 5 of 20: Loyal, Brave, True



Soft Body. Strong Soul.

The Ultraviolet Hero, The Daughter of Helios:

“Hello. My name is Ultraviolet and I was born into a world you may not understand.”

“I’ve never failed to complete.”

“It’s what I’m good at. I am a titan. A monolith. Nothing can stop me.”




Security Computer:

“Warning. Warning. Firearms detected.”

“Number of weapons found --”



Aura is everything.

Wherever you are are, your Aura is with you.

Wherever you go, your Aura is with you.

Wherever you go, you Aura is already there before you are there.

Aura manifests reality.

Aura influences everyone and everything around you.

It expands and reaches out far beyond this world and the next world.

Aura is everything.




We are never manifesting alone.

Every scenario and situation is a shared co-manifestation with other parts of consciousness of the whole.

The process of manifestation is your Subconscious Mind holding a feeling (= a concept of something) based on a core belief (!), and by this creating a temporary morphic/energy field that influences everything else and everyone else in existence. You then carry around this feeling/projected energy with you whereever you go with your aura, torus field, energy system etc. and by this trigger the external reality to comply with your projections.

As within (internal feeling/concept), so without (manifested reality).

And then additionally, ALL Consciousness manifests everything collectively, including all the experiences pieces of consciousness are making with other pieces of consciousness.

So everyone experiences the reality bubble where everyone else complies to their own core beliefs and manifestations.

If a manifestation is not possible, people will simply switch to timelines where it is possible.
All combinations are possible and manifestations always manifest.
One way or another.

Now, most people have a very strong limiting belief that “they have to manifest it all alone and by themselves”.

The ego is proud to declare that “it can do all by itself” and “does not need nobody”.

But, you do not have to manifest alone and indeed you are never actually doing it.
You are part of the collective consciousness and are co-manifesting with others.
Other physical humans on the planet, other beings on other planets and other astral beings and entities.

None of the mainstream LoA books ever mention this.
But this is key.
You are not alone.

There are 8 Billion people with you on the planet (and even more entities) who will be triggered at the right place at the right time to co-manifest the reality bubble for you that you have chosen for yourself.

This limiting belief that “one has to do it all alone” is one of the biggest blocks for people in manifestation. And something the matrix uses to distract and divide people from their own internal power.

The ego loves to believe that “it did all the manifestations alone”.
– but this is just self-sabotage!
A trick of the system.

Do you see the difference in manifestational power?
Believing “you are manifesting alone” versus believing “you are manifesting with Trillions of helpers”.

Of course, taking physical action definitely helps in accelerating manifestation, but then also, others can take action for you as well.

8 Billion action takers!

You cannot “take” all the action by yourself anyways.

To subconsciously allow others to help you, you need to truly see them as your co-manifestor Allies.

You have to love them, forgive them and see them as your secret manifestational helpers, even if they are not aware of this with their human waking consciousness.

You have to accept them as co-manifestors on the ego level as well so that the ego does not interfere with its “I can do it all alone” bullshit.

No one ever does anything completely alone and by themselves.

That’s why the “Attract More Love Into Your Life” audio and the “Flow NFT” are so powerful.
They help you to make others your manifestational allies.
You become a conduit for love.
This lifts others up.
And they are more likely, out of their own free will, to thank you by helping you.

It cannot be any other way, since Free Will is an absolute law and will be respected in all cases.
The only way others can and will help you (without you taking on karma), is through their own free will decisions.

Luckily, the planet/galaxy/universe/creation is big enough and there are ALWAYS a ton of beings happy to help :relieved:.

The key to receive help from others is self worth and self love.
Others will always treat you as you deep down believe you are supposed to be treated.
Also, in order to learn to “receive the action taking from others”, one has to heal one’s deep seated shame and guilt, which most people have because of society’s brainwashing.

Life is an adventure.
An adventure of exploring all the possible manifestations of creation itself.

And this Adventure of Life can only happen with the help of others!

It cannot be any other way.

"This video is energetically programmed to work towards creating the experience of glory, but a divine sort, literally the feeling of ‘the heavens’ opening up.

Also that special unique feeling from winning, perhaps winning a battle.

The energy will surround and infuse you with this glorious energy.

The benefit from it, is that, it will create that glorious situation for you!

It means, if you use this for anything you need odds of success and winning in it will give you that edge and sharpen your sword."

( The Meaning Behind Lady Gaga's 'The Edge Of Glory' Is Even More Beautiful Than The Song Itself | HuffPost OWN )


When “the difficult” becomes your source of dopamine, life becomes an exciting game.


Very interesting read ! Keep posting on this thread @JAAJ … your ideas are liberating


I feel you
In every stone
In every leaf of every tree
That you ever might have grown

I feel you
In every thing
In every river that might flow
In every seed you might have sown

I feel you

I feel you
In every vein
In every beatin’ of my heart
Each breath I take

I feel you, anyway
In every tear that I might shed
In every word I’ve never said

I feel you

I feel you
In every vein
In every beatin’ of my heart
In every breath I’ll ever take

I feel you, anyway
In every tear that I might shed
In every word I’ve never said

I feel you

I feel you

“Mysteries are revealed in the light of reason.”
– Glimmering Shrine, Diablo 1


Chapter 6 of 20: The Final Incarnation


अ’ सतो मा स’ द्गमय
त’ मसो मा ज्यो’ तिर्गमय
मृत्यो’ र्मामृतं गमये’ ति॥
विद्यां चाविद्यां च यस्तद्वेदोभयँ सह
अविद्यया मृत्युं तीर्त्वा विद्ययाऽमृतमश्नुते
यस्मिन् द्यौ पृथिवी चान्तरिक्षमोतं
मनः सह प्राणैश्च सर्वै
तमेवैकं जानथ आत्मानमन्या वाचो
विमुञ्चथामृतस्यैष सेतु
इन्द्रियेभ्य परं मनो मनस सत्त्वमुत्तमम्
सत्त्वादधि महानात्मा महतोऽव्यक्तमुत्तमम्
यदा पञ्चावतिष्ठन्ते ज्ञानानि मनसा सह
बुद्धिश्च न विचेष्टते तामाहु परमां गतिम्
य यायाय यदा यदाया या
य यायाय यदा यदा यदा
यदा यदा यदा यदा यदा
भिद्यते हृदयग्रन्थिश्छिद्यन्ते सर्वसंशयाः
क्षीयन्ते चास्य कर्माणि तस्मिन् दृष्टे परावरे



„Man fears time. But time fears the pyramids.“
– Arab proverb

8 sides



Earth pyramids and Orion

Earth and Mars pyramids and Orion

Earth = 4 rays/star arms
Orion Empire = 8 rays/star arms

NATO: 4 & 8

UN: Earth & 4 & 8

WHO: Earth & 4 & 8 & Snake

NASA: Orion constellation at the top

Umbrella Corporation: 4 & 8

BIS (the central bank of all central banks): 4 & 8

OECD: Earth and 4 armed star halfed and mirrored

IMF: Double Earth = 4+4

ICRC: 4 rays, 8 outer corners

World Bank: Earth divided into 8 vertical and 4 horizontal sections

ICC: Earth divided into 8 vertical and 4 horizontal sections

CIA: 4 & 8

World Economic Forum: the 3 pyramids connected by a line

Original star and crescent symbol that became the modern symbol for Islam: 8 armed star

Christian (and most other) crosses: 4 arms, 8 outer corners

Swastika: 4 main arms, 8 equal lines

Hinduism, Wheel of Dharma: 4 & 8

Star of Ishtar: 4 & 8


Greek for fire; heat; :fire:

From [Middle English] [Orioun], from [Latin] [Ōrīōn], from [Ancient Greek] [Ὠρίων] (Ōríōn), speculatively from [Akkadian] Uru-anna, “heaven’s light” :fire:


Не забывай
Помни меня
Ты не один
Навсегда вдвоём

Не забывай
Пламя огня :fire:
Где мы с тобой
Греем себя

Я улечу в себе
Я улечу к тебе…

На небо за звездой
Тихий полёт
Это легко…

На небо за звездой
Тихий полёт
Это легко…

Не забывай
Сердце моё
Песни мои
Навсегда с тобой

Не забывай
Ночи без сна
Где мы с тобой
Я не одна

Я улечу в себе…
Я улечу к тебе…

На небо за звездой…
Тихий полёт…
Это легко…

На небо за звездой…
Тихий полёт…
Это легко…

Не забывай…


"But touch my tears with your lips.
Touch my world with your fingertips.
And we can have forever."



“Mercury (which is also one of the seven planetary metals) can mean both the element and the planet. In either case, this alchemy symbol represents the mind, as well as a state that could transcend death. In ancient times, mercury was known as quicksilver, and it was believed to be able to shift between liquid and solid states. Therefore, in alchemy, mercury was believed to shift between life and death.”




Very often, the matrix game uses the desire to “save everyone” to trick souls into re-incarnation.

Then many souls incarnate more often than they initially wanted when they started the game.

During additional incarnations they make new additional friends.

Then they want to save those too…

And then, as per default case, the whole incarnational journey takes usually longer than initially anticipated at the beginning.

I guess this is all part of the lessons that a souls learns here.

It is like with addictive substances, one is curious to try them once, but does not want to become addicted or thinks one is “too strong to become influenced by it”.

Physical incarnation is an addiction for many and the “savior syndrome” is real.


The way out of the incarnation cycle is the same as gaining total emotional mastery over oneself, like one would do when overcoming any other addictive thing.



Removal of limits, obstacles and road blocks is the biggest scaler that most souls can experience and do to get ahead in life.

Not blindly pushing and running forward, but first removing the chains from your legs and mind, so that pushing and running forward becomes almost like flying while being lifted by the wind.

Key fields:

  • Karma Crucible NFT
  • Subconscious Limits (Removal) Ver 2.0
  • Ego Dissolution or Vibration of Transcendence
  • Trauma Healing fields (→ Self Love Stack)
  • Unworthiness Healing fields (→ Self Love Stack)
  • Excalibur / Spear of Destiny / The Sword of Destiny NFT
  • Point of No Return
  • Conceptual Realizations / Conglomerate (→ Shadow Work)

More (math) on this topic:

Chaos Star: 4 & 8

Chaos (entropy) is the way further into the illusions of the Empire.

Liberation happens when dispersion is transformed into a focussed ray of limitlessness.

The Lightning Sorceress is always free.


Free Will is everything.

The Final Incarnation is a proactive decision which you make as a proof to yourself that you have developed enough real free will and are able to make such a decision.

You know you are ready when you proactively can make this decision.

“Wherever you go, there you are.”
– Holy Shrine, Diablo 1

“The way is made clear when viewed from above.”
– Secluded Shrine, Diablo 1


Transmuting lead into gold in a single post, especially with that Love, Gratitude and Appreciation drop at the end, really good stuff.


“Light” and “Dark”, two sides of the same coin of the Orion Empire control system. Divide and conquer. Divide et impera.

Orion Empire = 8 rays/star arms
Orion Empire on Earth = 4 rays/star arms

Sith & Jedi – controlled oppositions:

Sith: Palpatine’s Throne: 4 & 8

Jedi: High Council Chamber: 4 & 8

Jedi hologram display: 4 & 8

They are everywhere, but people look for the wrong symbols.

People look for corporate logos or masonic symbols etc.

Those are all low level stuff.

They are tiny parts of a much bigger picture.

Corporations and “secret societies” mean nothing.

People are blind to the symbols of the bigger picture because they are so focussed on “exposing” the conspiracy at a small insignificant level.

This is like looking for the truth about the ocean while only studying the beach.

While truly, everything is straight in your face at the very top level with the most famous religous icons, symbols, star constellations and world organisation logos.

British Empire: 4 & 8


"One step closer.
One step closer."



Chapter 7 of 20: Arcane Sanctuary


"Did you ever think of me
As your best friend"


“Safe haven for those who seek peace, welcome.”

Vandora, Goddess of Lightning

„And Vandora came forth with fire from the Sky upon her lips and sanctified the sacred fountain with her kiss. “Thus”, she said, “he who follows me shall cast off the bonds of flesh and become as elusive as the mist.”