JAAJ's Mystical Journal

"yes boss, i’m on the mic
i’ll try to give you what you like
i can be soft, i can be hard
let me do the b-part
please, please"

The Bird in the Tree

Most people have less self love and a lower sense of self worth than a bird on a tree.

Every single morning, when the sun goes up, the bird simply starts singing.

It does not ask for permission from anyone whether it is okay to sing.

Neither does it care whether others like its singing in the first place.

It simply and freely expresses its natural behavior.

But how many people feel free to express themselves and simply sing loudly along a song they like?

Or simply dance to a song they like?

How many people do really feel free to express themselves freely?

How many people have been brainwashed into believing that it is not okay to sing and dance if their singing and dancing is not already on a superstar level?

How many people feel guilty and ashamed for expressing themselves?
Even for trying or thinking about it?

Waiting for external permission and approval is self sobotage.
A lack of self love.

Anyone who is still waiting for permission from “JOI” on “what to do”, is giving away their power and externalizing that which should come from within.

Are you a “Good Joe”?

Or are you a free bird?



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The Nature of Stress

Why do humans crave “emotional security”, “safety”, “comforting” and “solace”?

And what is “emotional security” in the first place?

What does being hugged and receiving a spike of Oxytocin and other hormones and neurotransmitters really mean?

It means a feeling of “Everything is fine now” or “Everything will be fine”.

“Everything will be fine” is an emotional concept that consists of 2 main components:

a) The fact that Love is present
b) The fact that Stress is absent

Love is negentropic. Love and Life are eventually the same thing.

Stress is the emotion that occurs when love (life) fights against entropy.

People have a need to feel safe and be hugged, because they want to reduce stress (reduce entropy) and increase the presence of love (negentropy).

The deeper the dimension that one is currently at, the more entropy one has to overcome. This is per game design.

The physical plane is the most dense, and thus the entropy levels here are at maximum. In the physical universe, entropy is dialed to the max, which means overcoming this entropy comes with the biggest amounts of stress.

Maximum entropy levels = maximum fighting against those entropy is necessary to sustain life (sustain negentropic order) = maximum levels of stress

The experienced stress is the emotion that occurs when life fights against entropy.

“Everything will be fine” = Love (order and negetropy) is present, while stress (the fight against entropy) is absent.

While being incarnated, in the physical universe, I don’t think it is possible to be completely stress free. Because even if you are the most relaxed Buddha sitting under a tree, your physical body that consists of physical cells, still experiences a minimal baseline of stress at all times. The cells are still working hard to survive and replicate. The immune system is working non-stop to fight off parasitic organisms etc. The physical body is always at a minimum stress level – regardless of your chill and enlightenment levels.

That means, ultimate peace is not to be found while being physically incarnated.

Here, physical life forms, be it cells or whole bodies, are in a constant fight for survival, fight against entropy.

Because of this, physical life forms, the more sentient they are, the more susceptible they are to stress coping mechanisms.

Facing and dealing with this stress, IS the challenge.

And the only way to find real temporary peace, is to consciously astral project out of the physical plane.


On The Nature of Beauty

Beauty is the result of order and negentropy.

When we find something beautiful, it is because this something is in alignment with order and negentropy.

The more order, the more beautiful something is.

Source is always beautiful.
At the Source level, there is absolute order and negentropy, and therefore, absolute beauty. While the deeper down we go away from the Source level and into the physical, the more entropic and ugly things become.

Some would say, that there is also “Beauty in Chaos”.
But I am saying, this is just one single specialized concept.
Yes, one can see the beauty in chaos.
But this is an exception. Not the rule.
The rule says, that everything that chaotic and entropic is not beautiful at all.

Physical earth, in most cases, is a dull and ugly place.
Because life, which is negentropic, barely survives on this planet.
Most humans barely survive.
The trauma is everywhere.
Beauty is almost always absent here.

And this absence of beauty is also represented in how most humans live their lives.
Dirty cities, dirty homes, ugly art, shitty movies, boring books, bad memes etc.
Entropy is almost always winning here.

But with technological advancements, humanity will be able to express more and more of divine negentropic beauty.
Technological development is a symptom of consciousness development.
And consciousness development will sooner or later lead to more negentropy, and thus to more beauty.

People can realize their own state of consciousness, whether it is entropic or negentropic, by their current sense for beauty. Whatever you are doing, if you are doing it with a sense of beauty, you will automatically infuse it with order and negentropy.

As within, so without.

  • A messy apartment = entropy = no order = no sense for beauty
  • A non-cropped screenshot = mindless state of being = entropy = no sense for beauty
  • Scrolling through a TikTok feed = mindless trash consumption = no sense for beauty
  • Becoming overweight = no self love = no sense for beauty

  • Cleaning your home = negentropy = making it more beautiful = sense for beauty
  • Going to the gym = desire for a beautiful body = sense for beauty
  • Eating healthy = desire for a beautiful body = sense for beauty


People surround themselves with beauty object and decorational items, because it helps them to remind themselves about the nature of order and negentropy.

When we look at beautiful things, or hear beatiful music, our consciousness is reminded about order and negentropy.

So the more you surround yourself with beauty, the more your help your own mental and energetic system to come into order themselves.

Be beautiful my friends.

“Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world. The disarray. I choose to see the beauty. To believe there is an order to our days, a purpose.”

— Dolores Abernathy, Westworld


I kind of still disagree, my friend.
But anyway, Peace. :v::grin:

Someday I’m gonna read this whole thread.
It IS Amazing.
Anyway, gotta go.

Edit: i know the thread is always expanding, so I need to visit it more often.

That’s why your life is still kinda chaotic.
And why you still tolerate a certain level of disorder around you.
You have not yet done the negentropic shadow work, and thus you don’t care for order (beauty).

Peace is negentropic :wink:

One day you may wake up, and the whole thing is deleted.

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I’ll take screenshots. Uncropped. :grinning:

Heres the thing: I do, but beauty is so vast it is expressed in countless ways.
I admire Life, Beautiful Women, Beauty in General, beautiful people, animals, nature, art, manga, music, etc. It’s all beauty, these are all beautiful.

However, i do have quite the entropy still present within and without, but far less then before.

Anyway, I think that poorly dressed beggars are still beautiful, maybe not in a fashion(able) way, but they have souls, which are far more sublime than anything material…

Anyway, I see beauty in everything, and perhaps even chaos or entropy has its beauty, since the lotus grows in a mud.

There is a purpose in entropy, at least I think so.

Edit: and I’m obsessed with my looks.
Well, maybe not obsessed, but still close. :joy:

So, I do want to look as good as possible and as soon as I’ll drop weight, I’ll be Hot as…

Also, riches, beautiful cars, beautiful relationships, beautiful life, I desire all of these.

YET, Idk if we can ever have only beauty, there’s a balance in everything.

Anyway, gotta go.

Peace. :grin:
This is your thread, i won’t spread my heresy lol.

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Yes, see my post about stress above.

Entropy creates Stress.
Stress triggers Growth.
Growth happens by reducing entropy and increasing order.

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Therefore entropy isn’t bad, it’s just less favorable and well, far less appealing, compared to her hot sister, Negentropy. :joy:

I will. As I said, i intend to read the whole thread.

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"Do you still remember how we used to be?
Feeling together, believing whatever
My love has said to me
Both of us were dreamers
Young love in the sun
Felt like my savior, my spirit I gave you
We’d only just begun
Hasta mañana, always be mine
Viva forever, I’ll be waiting
Everlasting, like the sun
Live forever, for the moment
Ever searching for the one

Yes, I still remember every whispered word
The touch of your skin, giving life from within
Like a love song never heard
Slippin’ through our fingers, like the sands of time
Promises made, every memory saved
As reflections in my mind
Hasta mañana, always be mine
Viva forever, I’ll be waiting
Everlasting, like the sun
Live forever, for the moment
Ever searching for the one

Back where I belong now, was it just a dream?
Feelings unfold, they will never be sold
And the secret’s safe with me
Hasta mañana, always be mine
Viva forever (viva forever), I’ll be waiting (I’ll be waiting)
Everlasting (everlasting), like the sun (like the sun)
Live forever (live forever), for the moment (for the moment)
Ever searching (ever searching) for the one (for the one)
Viva forever, I’ll be waiting (I’ll be waiting)
Everlasting, like the sun
Live forever (live forever), for the moment
Ever searching for the one"

< This post is an intro for the next post >

CONSCIOUSNESS, being the only truth and the only thing that really exists, USES the following FORCES as TOOLS to create “worlds” for realizing and experiencing itself:

The “Positive” Forces:

  • Negentropy
  • Love
  • Self Love
  • Appreciation (i.e. recognizing negentropy in creation)
  • Compassion (i.e. expanding negentropy from oneself onto others)
  • Beauty
  • Healing
  • Creating

All of these are conceptual synonyms!

The “Oppossing” Forces:

  • Entropy
  • Boredom
  • Stress
  • Sickness
  • Destroying

All of these are also conceptual synonyms!

Factors which are above and beyond those forces:

  • The process of Consciousness manifesting Reality
  • Conscious having Free Will


"Don’t stop, make it pop
DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, I’mma fight
'Til we see the sunlight
Tick tock on the clock
But the party don’t stop, no"

How are Angels so Compassionate?

After a long day and night of binge re-playing through one of my all time most favorite computer games, Dungeon Keeper 1, with some newly released 2024 modifications, I finally went to bed.

But still had too much energy to fall asleep lol.

So I started looping Angelic Intercession+ and called for the Angels.
They appeared by making me feel comforted and by channeling a stream of thoughts through me.

At first they made an inside joke based on Dungeon Keeper 1 which had me burst out laughing loud because it was so funny. I was literally shown a mental picture of the funny scene.
The Angels, for sure, are able to see the comedy in our human lives and are able to reflect it back to us in a way that is entertaining and funny. The sense for humor exists across all of creation and is not limited to human understanding.

Then I asked them why do humans, or certain souls in general, have the need for the feeling of safety, concealment, comfort and solace? And why do they, the Angels, not have any of those needs in the first place?

Then the answer came instantly as a conceptual download.
It happened pretty fast and within like just 20 seconds, as this was how long it took me to translated the download concept into human words in my head.
I was astonished that the answer was so obvious and how I didn’t see it before that by myself lol.

The answer:

Having personal needs is the main obstacle in easily having compassion towards others.

Compassion is easy when you have no personal needs.
When you don’t need to receive anything, you are in your natural state of giving and spreading negentropy onto others.

Compassion is hard when you have personal needs, and unless those needs are satisfied first, it is a real challenge to give to others unconditionally.

Which brings us to the human physical experience:

The physical plane is the most harsh and most entropic environment for a soul to practise compassion at.
It is the most challenging environment because here, the forces of entropy are at their highest.

The highest level of entropy = the highest levels of stress and the highest requirement to fight back against this entropy, with requires constant proactive and conscious efforts.

This physical environment of maximum entropy, which acts as the oppossing force to your own natural negentropy, creates all types of personal needs within you.

When you have personal needs, you are struggling to keep your own negentropy alive (so that you can continue to exist on this physical plane).
And only when your own “negentropic survival” is ensured, the idea of sharing with others and showing compassion for their struggles, enters the mind again.

Angels are always in a very low entropic environment, i.e. they exist surrounded by bliss, community, beauty and negentropy.
Thus, they have no personal needs like we humans do.
So they are free in expressing they own natural negentropic compassion.
They have compassion towards others at all times because they don’t have those entropy-created needs.

Angels also have compassion towards others, like e.g. us humans, because we are those parts of Universal Consciousness and Creation, which actually venture onto these fights against entropy in high-entropy environments like the physical plane.

It us, who enable the Source to ultimately experience those certain aspects of itself that otherwise would be impossible to explore.

Angels have a lot of compassion and love towards us because we are doing creation’s hard work of making the harsh experience of fightning max levels of entropy and at the same time growing immensly through developing negetropic skills (like the ability for even more compassion).

Through our physical-plane-high-entropy stress-test, the gain in experience that we get from as consciousness, is the super fast speed at which Source grows.
The biggest the stress, the faster the growth.
This applies for the Source as a whole too.
So by us souls doing our adventures in harsh environments and growing so fast, Source itself also grows fast. We are one of the aspects of the Whole, that does the speedruns for maximum overall growth speed.

When you show gratefulness for the Angels’ help, you are becoming part of the negentropic force, i.e. you are joining the “positive forces” who are in the fight against entropy.
With your gratefulness you are contributing in the raise of vibration, and the Angels love to help those souls, because you and them are working towards the same (towards negentropy) and you are basically becoming joint forces with them. This is the power of being grateful and appreciative.

On the other hand, people who are arrogantly demanding something from them, may not receive their help just like that. Why? Because by demanding and being arrogant, those people become part of the “non-appreciation” aspect, i.e. part of entropy. Angels will not help those who have “more entropy” on their agenda.




This is very insightful, thanks JAAJ. Plus I don’t know if you noticed but it’s 333rd post. It’s not a coincidence.


“Come find me when you wake up!”

— Rita Vrataski, Edge of Tomorrow

The concept of “Empathy” seems to be an intermediate stage to the actual goal: the concept of “Compassion”.

Empathy means you are able to consciously feel what someone else is feeling and you are the able to grasp this feeling within your own qualia.

Whereas compassion means that you are not simply able to feel what others are feeling, but that you are also making a conscious free-will based decision to take their feelings serious and to help alleviate them and to fill them up with joy.

So in spiritual development, the goals for everyone walking this path, seems to be to replace Empathy with Compassion in the longterm.

The challenge of empathy is to feel others shitty emotions and learn to deal with what you are perceiving.

The challenge of compassion is to master dealing with this and going beyond to the next step, where you are not only able to deal with others’ shitty emotions, but also be so good at dealing with it, that you are able to also love them and help them to become more negentropic.

Becoming an emotional management master of sorts.

It has to always start with yourself first – because, due to the emotional management challenge, you cannot become compassionate towards others unless your are compassionate towards yourself first.

There seem to be different routes leading to the same outcome, here are two that I am aware of:

Route #1:
You are an energy sensitive person → you automatically feel everyone’s shitty emotions → you are realizing the suffering of everyone, not just your own → you develop compassion

Route #2:
You are not an energy sensitive person → you do not automatically feel everyone’s shitty emotions, but you realize only your own suffering → at some point you realize that others have real souls and consciousness too and with that you realize that others go through the same suffering as you do → you decide that you don’t want to live in a world full of traumatized souls → you develop compassion

There are for sure other routes too.

So what’s the point of this writing here?
“Empathy” is just an intermediate stage for the next stage.
It is neither the end goal nor the final wisdom.
It is nice to have, but not enough if you want to learn all your Earthly lessons.

“My middle name is Rose.”

— Rita Vrataski, Edge of Tomorrow


There seems to be a big difference in “the amount” of Chi versus “the vibration” of the Chi energy.

Just because something has “a lot of energy”, does not automatically mean that is energy of “high vibration”.

The Chi that is present at a place seems to take on the vibration of its environment:

  • When it is inside a low vibe person, it will vibe at this person’s vibe.
  • When it is inside a high vibe person, it will vibe at this person’s vibe.
  • When it is inside a low vibe planet, like Earth, then the average here will be low vibe Chi.
  • When it is inside a higher vibe planet or star, like the Sun, then the average there will be high vibe Chi.

That’s why there are “positive” and “negative” vibe places on earth.

And depending on how much Chi is there at these place, one can measure it with Bovis units. The more Chi the more Bovis units.

A high vibe energy place with a lot of Chi (high Bovis count + high vibe) will lift you up and charge you up with Chi.

A low vibe energy place with a lot of Chi (high Bovis count but low vibe) will pull you down and charge you up with its low vibe Chi, which can make you sick. (“DOR” aka “Deadly Orgone”)

A low vibe energy place with a lack of Chi (low Bovis count and low vibe), like in a crowded city slum, will pull you down AND drain your Chi from you.

If you look at the pictures of most places on earth where people love to party, you will see that most people who are there are not high vibe at all.
Most of these people look super unhealthy and not really spiritual.
But they still feel well there at these party places because it is a place of a high Chi (high Bovis count) and a vibe level that fits these people and where they feel well.

Have you ever noticed how people choose restaurants and clubs based on their own vibration?
It is because they don’t feel comfortable in places that are higher or lower than their own vibration.

It is important to learn to feel the difference between “low Chi” vs “high Chi” and “low Vibration” vs “high Vibration”.

Chi (energy) can be a lot (high) or it can be only a little (low).
And Vibration of something can be high or it can be low.

For example a very old sage, can be low on Chi, but be of high vibration.
A young criminal boy, can be high on Chi, but be of low vibration.

People who lack Chi by themselves will be drawn to people with a lot of Chi.

People who are connected to their intuition and inner wisdom will be drawn to people of high vibration.

That’s how for example a low vibe woman with a lot of Chi, can still sexually attract a man and bind him. The man she is binding to herself is attracted to her high levels of Chi energy and is pulled to her. But because his is not spiritual he is not able to discern her low vibration and gets trapped.

A man who is spiritual and listens to his own inner wisdom, will feel a strong warning sign to stay away from such a “Jezebel” archetype woman because he will feel something is vibrationally wrong with her Chi.

In the “Interview With The Vampire” movie, Louis de Pointe du Lac stays emotionally the same wreck for Centuries, becoming trapped in his own loop, i.e. being “a damned one”.
All because he is desperate for Life Force, but is afraid of raising vibration.


Why do we want certain things?

Because it feels good.

So does this mean that we are actually victims of the Definitions of those feelings?

Some things are defined as creating good feelings and some things are defined as creating bad feelings.

Good feelings feel good because they are negentropic.
Bad feelings feel bad because they are entropic, chaotic and destructive.
And we are pushed to want to experience only good feelings.
Are we victims of those definitions?

Did the Source made those definitions?

Or is it because we ourselves are LIFE and life is negentropic, and therefore we are naturally drawn to everything negentropic?

If everything is Source and Source is playing with itself…

…Playing a game of where “Negentropy has to fight against the artificially created chaotic force of Entropy”…

…and with this to make sure that the game is always won in the end, the Source has to define the game rules in a way that all participating consciousness that is playing the game, is always drawn to the negentropic side.

ROFL :crazy_face: :rofl:

Those definitions of what feelings are negentropic were created by the Source to make sure that Source always wins its own game in the end!

In the end Negentropy always wins, because Source wants to win the game it is playing with itself.

It cannot be any other way, because how crazy would it be if Source would create a game where it would lose? LOL

Source has infinite self esteem, therefore losing a game and ceasing to exist by getting destroyed in entropy can never be an option…

While we as individual souls have Free Will and can decide to go against this push of seeking good negentropic feelings, when we utilize this free will and follow through with it, we will feel bad, i.e. feel entropic. A reminder from the Source that the game is won in the other direction.

So is Free Will actually free if you get punished by a bad feeling for making certain choices?

Well, it is actually free, because you DO HAVE this option.
You have the option for making an entropic destructive choice.
The option is absolutely there!
So yes, Free Will is there and is free.

But the Source’s own Free Will is bigger than your own soul’s Free Will and the Source already decided that it wants to win the game! LOL


Manifestation is always THE answer.

  • Manifestation makes competing obsolete.

  • Manifestation makes the “need to be special” obsolete.

  • Manifestation makes “self importance” and busyness obsolete.

  • Manifestation makes the arrogance of ignorance obsolete.


:leo: :leo: :leo:

"I see the moon, I see the moon, I see the moon
Oh, when you’re looking at the sun"


Over the last week I was conducting instense studies of astrology and natal charts while looping Conceptual Conglomerate and other helpful fields.

I am still a noob to astrology, however I think I finally understand the connection between astrology, consciousness and its influence on our lives.

I am finally seeing the bigger picture where everything is logically connected and makes sense.

Where it is no longer just something to “believe in”, but something that is as real as radioactivity, even when you cannot see it with your eyes.

For someone like me who comes from a family of scientists, this was a huge achievement for finally being able to integrate astrology into my mental world model.


So yeah, I was wrong about astrology in the past.
These things are real and they do really have an impact on the soul that is physically incarnated.

The influence of astrology onto the physical incarnation, is part of the incarnational game and another layer of the game that makes up this physical incarnation self development platform.

I also came to the conclusion that the natal chart is so far the most accurate “psychological test” out there. Forget the “Big 5” and other mainstream stuff, those are way too innacurate, because they are based on wrong assumptions about consciousness, souls and psyche. Companies who hire based on “Big 5” or similar „tests“ do themselves a big disfavor LMAO.


So now speaking about natal charts…

…the good news:

Yes, it is possible to change and rewrite and overwrite your natal chart – unlike what most astrologers think and say. Impossible is nothing. People who think that the stuff in the natal chart is “set in stone” are not realizing how it really works in my opinion. I am not saying that I completely understand it, but with what I realized now and the experiments that I conducted, it is not fixed and set in stone for eternity.

…the bad news, if you want to make actual deep changes in the natal chart:

The Requirement and the Sacrifice:

The Requirement:

Realizing and integrating most of the required conceptual realizations that one wanted to achieve in this incarnation as per original incarnation plan and with the current natal chart personality setup. We incarnate with a certain personality setup in order to learn certain lessons, realizations and collect certain experiences. Once those realizations have been made, the Higher Self releases certain aspects of our natal chart and these become flexible and can now be changed. Astrology itself is a tool for personal shadow work and conceptual realizations about onself and one’s life. Free will that is developed from overcoming natal chart challenges ultimately always overpowers what was previously been written down in the natal chart. Or in simpler words: when you have integrated the lessons from the natal chart, these natal chart aspects now become free to change.

The Sacrifice:

Completely giving up your current personality setup.
Since the natal chart, like a morphic field lol, overlaps your own soul consciuousness and by this adds a layer of personality traits to the whole personality setup, it is obvious that once you change ANYTHING in your natal chart, your whole personality always changes.
It changes because it was not real in the first place but just a tool for your consciousness to develop itself.
So being able to do changes in the natal chart comes at the sacrifice of giving up your old personality setup and adopting a new personality setup. Kind of a jump into the unknown and a leap of faith where what you decide with your own free will is then what you have live with.

I think most people would not be willing to give up their current personality setup for the freedom of acquiring a new personality – and so, they must live with and work with their current natal chart. Giving up one personality setup for a new one, is probably way too dreadful for the ego of the current personality.

So yeah, if you want something completely new, you have to complete the previous one AND then be willing to sacrifice it for a new one.


Also, by studying Dua Lipa’s natal chart, I was able to conceptualy understand and realize the “Secrets of Fame”. Some really deep level stuff that only makes sense once you realize it. Not gonna share these though, because this is just too valuable information.