JAAJ's Mystical Journal

You are thinking within the illusions of time.

The whole game is already burned onto the disc.

You just decide which stuff of it you want to actually play and experience.


Hopefully I chose the right game lol.

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…only you can answer this question for yourself.

In most cases it is…


…but also, you ALWAYS have Free Will, even while playing.


Think of it this way. You’re holding the controller and there is an obvious empty corridor in front of you… you keep going back and forth into it thinking “oh, it’s here, so there must be some secret for me to find, and if nobody did before, then I’ll be the one who’s special and does find it!”

The corridor is left as either an oversight or a joke by the game’s creator, a joke or oversight you ended up wasting so much time on.

Eventually, you have to realize there’s more of the game to explore and move to another tile.

The corridor was obviously empty, but you chose to commit to it anyway… sooner or later you have to examine your UI and the game’s design to realize you’ve been wasting your time. Not everything in the game has meaning or a secret. Some things are there as filler.

Edit: but, on the flipside, there is conceptual perspective which can be useful. For instance, in Dark Souls, there is a pattern that you can study… and since the game was made by the same creator, you can be sure that pattern is echoed throughout the majority of the game and by adapting to it, you’ll have an easier time reaching the end.

The kicker is… you can always choose not to play :smirk:


Who’s the Game Creator?

Our Higher Self/Selves?

Another Being?

The Totality/All That It Is?

Excuse my noobish questions.

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And What or Whom Are They/It?

I know a few concepts from Christianity and Judaism and from Gnosticism as well.

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You have to find that out on your own. Otherwise I would be enslaving you, not helping you.


Thank You.

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This is you. Not me. Confer gratitude unto yourself and expanded consciousness, not people and things. Be thankful “for” them, not “to” them. Or the flow to your crown will either be hindered or slowly wane.

Edit: people are so quick to pull themselves out of awareness. I wonder how many “aha” moments can you have before your throat can’t take it anymore and you’d rather just shut up to avoid feeling the fool (not addressed to you, just speaking generally)


As many as it takes :sweat_smile: or better said as many as I need; for me, personally, my own Evolution is more important than External validation, although I value that as well, yet perhaps “to avoid feeling the fool” is something you meant more as an internal process and not in relation to others or rather my perception of their perception/view of/about me.

I think that these are roles anyway, so I’ll become the fool, to gain more knowledge, but I’m also aware that i have other roles to play as well.

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Yes… your truths need to be crucified at the cross in order for them to echoe back to you in case you somehow failed to internalise them. Well observed!


The Tao te Ching clearly describes the Tao as a wave … trying to grab it instead of surfing it is beyond insane …


Our Higher Selves and their Higher Selves and their Higher Selves.


Aren’t we then Schizophrenic?

Maybe a little bit?

I mean, so many masks, so many Egos and Selves and Higher (!!) Selves…


Someday, when I’ll be/become/identify as a Higher Self, I’ll give the person I’ll play everything he/she wants, I’ll pamper them with luxury and joy…

Because I will remember this life, how struggle sucks.

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Asking such questions can be counterproductive on its own, it creates segregation where Oneness is needed.

As for the game, this forum is sort of explicit place in it, similar to other alike areas - “Taurus labyrinth”, many threads run here, including this one. All you see and read can be just part of the labyrinth, there’s no Ariadne, but say a Switch of Theseus :slightly_smiling_face: - turning off the machine that connects your vision to it.

No reason to think about who started this thread or created the game - the very such thought manifest the game while there’s no one - in a sense that it complicates reasoning without any gain. Think about not HL, but Stanley Parable if we continue the analogy, narrator is explicit to the player, not Stanley, that winning is just closing the game - no more, no less.


I have this question: why is Oneness needed (as a concept, accepted/to be accepted by the individual), when/if it is/exists regardless of our views, understanding or perceptions?

Anyway, @JAAJ, sorry for these questions…
Your Mystical Journal becomes Mystical Debate(s)…

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I don’t need explanations usually that’s why it’s hard for me to explain. Why do you need complexity where simplicity yields more? That’s the answer. Singularity moves you to desired state instantaneously, anything else is just more complex and less useful.


I agree.

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