Neither have I´ve taken the course nor can I make choices for you.
But I´ll offer you the perspective of somebody who walked around most of his life being very receptive to external thoughts and energys. To the extend of avoiding going out/people at all. Not even talking about working normal jobs…
It will become easier for you to understand and connect with people.
But you will also become more receptive to the negative stuff. Anxiety, hate, (sexual) trauma,…
Noticing the things they can´t/don´t want to admit to themselves.
Your perspective will shift.
For example, I could tell that people were very promiscuous or got raped in their past, just by the energy they gave off. Got physical sensations in the corresponding bodyparts when women cheated on me. Stuff like that.
Ofc I don´t know you and your energy system. I can´t tell to what extend this increased energy sensitivity will manifest for you, and how you will be able to deal with it.
Maybe it will be easy to manage for you. Also, we can make use of Shielding fields like Dragon Bone Armor, Shielding 3.0 and the one Atreides mentioned.
Michaels Mandala helped me to get along very well in negative environments.
But this is something that you should seriously think through.
In general.
Especially if you are already empathetic/psychic.
The use of fields will change you, way faster than most people will ever change in their current life.
Your energy, beliefs, mindsets, wishes, preferences, social environment etc… all this will change again and again along the way.
My 2 cents on it.