Jojo's Brain Journal

Yes, indeed I thought of that being a possibility as well.

But then I started noticing it with new fields and experiencing it with things I hadn’t felt before. It was a few huge steps outside of familiarity.

I guess it could be subjective, but if I’m having those realizations then it works for me. Hopefully, if someone else tries it out they will uncover that stuff as well.

If not, it’s just trying a more in-depth perception which I think would be beneficial either way as it leads to more understandings. Thanks for the perspective.

But now that I think about it @Matt1 I think CC may simply be finding newer patterns as I focus on the energy embedded within the fields. It may simply be a meditative analysis leading to the decoding of more details about the chosen field.

Another sign that psychic abilities truly set us apart.


The most important thread


Thank you, I’m honored.


Now we speak on brain circuits:

Philip expressed this in previous threads like The Guide to NextGen intelligence fields or Brain fields cheat sheet, but to reiterate, and maybe even simplify in order to help people understand the advanced brain fields (Brain fields starting from the Manhattan Method and later.) better, they should think in terms of circuitry.

Basically, whenever you continuously do a certain activity, your brain becomes structured in a way that makes the habit easy and almost unconscious. This is circuitry.

When you put on a shirt, you don’t even have to think about it, you just put on that shirt. When you pour a bowl of cereal, you automatically know how to do it. It takes 0 effort. That is because your brain is wired in a way through your experience continuously doing the same task over and over until it’s something you just “know” without even trying. This is circuitry, even if it’s an easy task. (Hope you got the joke :rofl:)

The advanced brain fields are not like permanent brain enhancement in which it “electrically stimulates” a certain brain region like the prefrontal cortex by increasing neurons in a certain area. Basically at this point, the newer brain fields have circuits that connect all over the brain. These circuits can be very skinny, like a thread of hair, yet that thread of hair can contain multiple millions of neurons (maybe even billions) and those neurons can have a thousand (give or take) synaptic connections EACH.

This is why you may randomly begin performing a new mental operation while listening to certain brain fields because you are doing a specific cognitive task “energetically” hundreds to thousands of times, and in turn, you can display these cognitive abilities in your lives without trying.

Fields like Cyber Brain, Conceptual Conglomerate, Wholistic Thinking, and others, may not induce a lot of autism symptoms because they are not stimulating a certain area, they are creating circuits all over your brain, and as stated earlier, these circuits can be so small that you don’t even feel it, yet over time the tasks that they allot will reveal themselves in your consciousness.

Your frontal can connect to your hippocampus, to your parietal lobe, to your temporal lobe, to your thalamus, to your amygdala, to your basal ganglia, and more just to create a circuit for “pattern recognition”. These circuits from the newer advanced brain fields connect all over the brain in very complex ways. I myself don’t know everything there is about them.

Circuits also take longer to build than simply growing a lobe or something. So expect certain fields to take a littttttle bit more time, but the payoff will be amazing if you stay the course.


Next I will discuss Genes (very much prevalent to Advantageous Brain Plan) and how they correlate to intelligence in various factors.

Genes alone can shoot you up many intelligence points.

Good thing for us, we can get the most efficient ones possible. Let’s discuss those next.


Even though it doesn’t have the specific wiring abilities that the other fields have but the fact that it essentially does some of what the other field does is insane, with even more greater features to explore.

I can see why Doc said if if you were to get a field, CC would be it. Loved how you broke it down.


Jojo please could you write the abbreviations of the brain fields? Thank you

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Yes indeed, it has a good chunk of almost everything since it upgrades you from the lowest level of thinking and up.

Although a lot of brain fields tend to overlap. Which is amazing. Manhattan Method also has many intertwining characteristics with many different fields.

It’s great to me. You can boost things like “pattern recognition” with multiple fields, and it just gets better and better.



Here’s a list of some acronyms me and other brainiacs have been using in case people don’t know the meanings.

MM - Manhattan Method
BK- Brain Key
MMM - Manhattan’s Mathematical Madness
SS - Snapping Synapses
KtB - A Key to Babel
DoM- Drops of Memory
CB- Cyber brain
CC- Conceptual Conglomerate
BG- Brain Game
ABP - Advantageous Brain Plan
PBoY - Plasma Brain of Youth
M8K - Manhattan 8k Res
WT - Wholistic Thinking
WM - White Matter
SB - Social Bonder

I’m sure there’s many more, but this should be a miniguide if anyone has read our previous comments and didn’t know what we were referring to.


Thank you good sir, looking forward to see you post your knowledge. :muscle:



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Going to be taking a break from this for a while. Thanks for reading and interacting guys. Hopefully it helped a little bit, or atleast offered some perspectives.

In a few weeks, after the Integration Tool cycle, I’ll restart with MM, but this time I’ll also add BG
in the same period. Let’s try to really make a breakthrough.

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I wonder which of these new-gen ones are for the left hemisphere function.

Key to babel and conceptual concglomerate would be awesome to have, I guess I could get those in the future.

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Advanced brain fields target areas all over the brain bro.

But if your goal is to have speech production and comprehension benefits than key to babel has you set. It’s a huge jump in linguistical processing and understanding.

That is great for someone like me that recovered from aphasia. So I guess that means if I listen to something for math I would get benefits at the left side, etc, etc.

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Yes, there is a circuit in mathematical madness that crosses through the left side of the brain but I’m not sure about the power of numbers, also not sure how much benefit you would derive in terms of speech, but it should be some. Mathematical madness is the best frontal lobe field though.

I recommend you read the section about brain circuits above.

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Thanks. It is a bit funny actually that I am just listening to power of numbers even tough I just passed the math and I’ll never do the math again probably. I am sure it will give me a boost in many areas tough and I am grateful.

What is your brain stack?