JonDoe297 Height Stack

To be updated this week.


Waiting for the stack :eyes: (to see your recommendations), as I began using HGH, Grow Taller and a few subs for height (to maximize my chance and to speed up the results); so far, I grew like (maybe) 2 inches, most likely between 1 and 2 inches (I have not measured myself - idk if its a good idea, but I can see that i am taller and surprisingly, a neighbor told me that i look taller, also my mom told me the same, I have not told them what i was doing).
I have listened for a few weeks already, i dont think that i have a month yet.
Btw, I’m 31, I was under 20 (maybe 19,i forgot) since I stopped growing.
I’m not a tall guy, somewhere above 5 8, but idk if 5 9, since I dont want to measure my height, yet.

Edit: I use the Endocrine field (Endocrine System Rejuvenation) and Vitamin D as well.

I am also planning to use visualization/imagination (used it just a little bit for this purpose) and autossugestions.

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Just one question: is it better to listen to height fields and subs while lying in bed?

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31 and you grew taller. Wow bro, amazing. Looks like, your current stack is working for you.

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Overnight hardcore if you want.

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Thanks, Bro! :pray::grinning:

Yep, although I believe in My power and the fact that each one of us can do WONDERFUL things with one’s Subconscious, Still, THE CREDIT Goes To DREAMWEAVER, his field opened those knees plates (while for my subconscious and as for the subs, Everything else helps as well).

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I listen with my woojer vest feels like a hyperbolic chamber

Look into it if you can.

Next level field immersion.

But yes sleep or a supine position is best especially for height

Spinal compression throughout day is reversed.

Let me update this thread soon, just been swamped lol.

Ține-o tot așa!

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Inspirational bro :metal: also using anti aging (sets cells back to 16-18), tremendously will help you grow faster.

Sadly height is of an issue for me, because I keep seeing myself as short. Working on fixing that with a subliminal. Good luck brother!


Thanks - All The Best to you and Jon and anyone reading as well, my brother! :pray:


It’s alright bro like you said a year or 2 at most,

You got this.

It only seems painful waiting now because we have suddenly become more conscious of time passing with our coming of age.
And it feels like an eternity or otherwise vice versa

Atleast from my perception.
All in due time bro

I will speak to Dream about a public height project, if he’s willing

I helped gather a lot of notes for Skyscraper thanks to Josh.

But we always evolving I think it’s time for an upgrade


Yup a year or 2. :muscle: not going to allow myself to be obsessed. Just going with the flow.


Wu Wei as we all know it


Just wanted to add this:

I personally viewed myself as if already am at the desired height and then just listened to the field with joy, relaxed and detached.

Also, i have failed to grow years ago, this is not my first try. :sweat_smile:

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Thank you for that proverb. Time to read Neville Goddard again :slightly_smiling_face:


can you share your entire height stack please?

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