im gonna try to create an app, can someone give me some ideas
Higher self app to help guide which fields to use etc.
Any area?
I had an idea for a psychic testing app I was going to make for myself
Basically you need your eyes closed, something pops up on the screen and you need to be able to tell what it is.
It could be numbers, colours, foods, substances etc. Different categories.
There can be different levels e.g. easy is one digit number, 2 digit a bit more difficult etc
However this would just be for practice, I doubt there would be a lot of demand
It’s like conceptual thinking practice.
I suppose it can also work the other way around where you try to influence the outcome.
There can be statistics where the benchmark is the probability of you guessing right and the evaluation is based on that Vs how you did
I can try that
It will help alot of people who change their playlists constantly.
That would be great, I’m using cards now
Out of curiosity, what is an “app” in this context? Obviously you aren’t talking about smartphone games.
I thought it would be a smartphone app…?
It doesn’t always have to be a super complex one with 1000+ hrs of dev
yea smartphone
Would you make it for Android or iOS?
most likely iOS
Sad (for me) but understandable
I just realized I should get good at it before I ask for ideas , ill be back in some time when I get better at it, gonna practice
Yeah OCD ego dissolution could help maybe
Not necessarily, the best way to learn (after the basics) is to have a little project and learn how to solve things as they come along!