Judgement day

Like…there is a belief in the Islam religion that this world will come to an end one day because there will be a time that the sun will rise from the west.

What I don’t like is how these so called prophecies are something very obvious that’s going to happen anyways.

These kinds of things just keeps people in fear and what’s more sad is if you ask 99% of people what they think of death, they are instantly in fear

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The idea of something being corrupt is that it existed in a previous time or exists in another place currently in a non-corrupt state.

Talmud of Emmanuel:

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Most cultures/religions refer to some kind of events that have either happened before or are the goals of the religion itself. But specially referencing the two mentioned here. They seem like natural progression of humans, or fear of humans escalating in their progression “away”.

It does help to have a mapped out timeline for how humans will naturally evolve over the years, a time of conflict before enlightenment sounds more like necessity than prediction.

But it’s always the final righteousness spreading over earth and winning over, which… I think is very natural for humans to want to ‘predict’

Lots of savior complex is always involved :sweat_smile:

Personally, I think this is how earth/pre-earth life started. It brings a full cycle this way.

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I dont get this part.
Can you elaborate?

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If you look at it from a more biblical perspective you will find life starting in “heaven”, Eden etc
If you consider the mythological perspective then the theme of heaven on earth is also present
Then the eastern angles will tell of the unseen lands that nurture themselves in hidden realms (shambahalla, for example)
Then also if you look at it from a cosmological perspective combined with history (romans)

of course there is always agartha who seem to have started this in reverse (hence their presence in inner earth) and likely started with “war” first and are now enjoying their heaven.

But these are all personal theories and connections from these pointers and maybe a few more, the only one that I know of that is supported by more concrete markers is the age of gold and its research (history, cosmology, mythology) but it’s a very consistent theme.


Now that I think more about it, I also understand that there is a big ancient rival that likely needs to enlighten humans for it to settle down again :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

But, personal theories :) although, this one isn’t really personal.

Tiamat, Mother of All

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These are some Great theories, and backed by spiritual, religious and mythological connections and ideas.

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Everything that has a beginning has an end.

7 chakras/planets/seals/trumpets, kundalini rising… those books aren’t about the end of the world though.

These processes have been going on since the dawn of time, and they won’t stop if people forget how to understand them.

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@Rogue I didn’t get it ? How is it gonna happen anyway ? What’s the explanation to it ?

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I love this theory ! But where do I find the audio ?

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So the “New Sun” as in “Saturn” ? The sun that rises from the west as mentioned in Islam ? Because it is mentioned that once it rises from the west your sins will never be forgiven no matter how you try. As if the connection between earth and god is cut…

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A thought just arrived, what if “the sun rising from the west” is a mirror of sorts, an opposite or a fake world (a copy)?
Crazy thought.

fear of god it’s not about you trying to fear god

god made good and bad

the bad things that people go through like illness and ghosts and demons and name whatever you want there God made it.

that’s why people fear God, it’s not about an airy belief.More likely an aknowledgement of what God really is.Don’t fool yourself you have to fear God either :laughing: you really don’t have to.

but otherwise I don’t have things to contribute to the conversation.Don’t think anyone can answer too, I mean someone can see the future? Prophets generally do that’s why they are prophets.

Religions are mostly built on the concept of “heaven” and “hell” so do you worship your god because you are afraid of hell ? Or should you be worshipping him because you love him ?

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Never heard of that before @SoulStar33

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what anything but my worship itself has anything to do with all that?

why it matters to me? It’s like what? an election of some short I have to participate and you giving me the options?

come on man, don’t try to start a conversation with your beliefs. You do conversations to try to learn more.

I am not trying to force anything on anyone here. Me asking those questions is out of confusion not me trying to prove you wrong.That is the point of this whole conversation. I am trying to find a path to follow.

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should have said it firsthand. The subject is really complicated to have only two options you know. No harm done anyways, I didn’t took it like that.

Anyways, it’s a personal thing to worship and of course worship is just that, be it fear or love it’s still worship. There are other things that make you worhip such as admiration,gratitute,lucky moments,courage and yes all those other feelings too that are considered bad can give you motivation to worship. All things like that happen.

And generally I think those things choose you not you them.From my own experience and as I saw others too.

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There is a reason it’s called an “Emblem” because the symbolism it carries dives a lot deeper than that. This topic of earlier convention/transformation (dark)/then it’s rise is not only relatable to Saturn but also… “other ‘figures’”

It’s very hard to talk about without being deliberately cryptic let alone bring it up at all. This “split” is just a reference to many possible events…

Again, it’s all a sum of personal references and encounters. But the resources are many.

While I do know about the redirection of the sun, it could be a symbol of veil thinning, predictable collision, a full round of change, or nothing literal at all. I don’t know your beliefs so I don’t think I can touch on this topic. It’s better if you find out what makes sense best to you based on multiple sources that direct you towards some kind of multilayered understanding.

These are 2 different theories one has to do with the beginning and one has to do with the time that we are in now into the ‘end’ of time.

(Tiamat is a Private NFT - Emblem NFT is Public)

PS: It’s not the path that makes a difference but sometimes it’s more how you approach it, some don’t thrive in a path of hierarchy and linear transformation while others find themselves thriving in it. If you are able to eliminate the mental setbacks to the least resistance, you can find your own way in any path…
To an extent :)

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