July Gumroad Sale Has Ended! šŸŒ¹


It was over yesterday we got a grace period of 3 more days.


Any clue when the next sale is?

The expectation of a sale is a bit rude, isnā€™t it? No one knows when a discount will be.

It was a normal question. If no one knows then you couldve just said that.

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Nothing official at this time.

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Thank you.

It is a little bit rude. Sales are usually an unexpected surprise, but generally you would expect them around the holiday months, so, the next one would probably be Halloween.

I have questions and i was told i should ask them on the forum. The holidays in america and britain and the holidays in my country are different.


Yeah, thatā€™s what youā€™re allowed to do, but Iā€™m just giving you my opinion on what your question sounds like.

From the history of past sales, weā€™ve had the odds tending to be higher around the holiday months, but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s guaranteed. Nobody really knows when the next one is going to be.

I just realised its 12 august and the sale was over a month ago. Time moves very slowly for me and a day seems like an eternity. It feels like it should be the end of august already.

I thought there was a schedule, like a year time table. I didnt know sales are unprompted. I understand, wont ask again. Ive missed a lot of sales so i thought i would be extra prepared this time lol

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The chances are higher around the holiday months but nothing is guaranteed.

Donā€™t see how your comment was rude lots of people have done the same on the forum in the past.

It would be rude to demand a sale not just ask a simple questionā€¦

Also people have to remember not everyone is always in a financial situation to spend alot of money on these amazing tools this is open to the world not just the better of countries. Not saying anything about your financial situation just people should be aware of the possibilities.

Anyway If you go through the announcements thread and you can see when past sales happened and base it off that is your best bet.



Make sure you have the Announcements category set to Watching:



shoot man cant wait for the next sale so i can get The Conceptual Conglomerate for my next purchase or after i get paid hehe


Thankyou, i was getting scared of commenting on the forum :sweat_smile:

@Rosechalice oki iā€™ll track the category, should i set it to watch first post or watch?

