July Gumroad Sale Has Ended! šŸŒ¹

Donā€™t worry, I havenā€™t. About a week ago I gratefully cashed in on Tapasya of Savitur, my last major NFT after Karma Crucible haha :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Little bit off topic but both are magically unfathomably life transforming. Will post reviews soon. šŸ«”


Aah that explains it! Well I wish you happy festivities then! :partying_face:
Yeah time will tell if teespring is going to join in on the celebrations haha. Either way, very grateful for the sale on Gumroad. The sales happen with a high consistency as well, more than I could ask for. Has made my bank account very happy this year :raised_hands:

Thank you for your patronage sir.


Lol, I know that feeling all too well. It stopped when I learned to let all my major decisions be made by the intuition in my heart instead of my mind. This also enables me to pick the fields that I need and those are not always the same that I mentally want and THINK I need. This in itself has also saved me a lot of money. Your divine intuition always knows what is best for you and when, the tricky part is that it doesnā€™t always make sense to the ego mind because there is not always a rational explanation for what your divine intuitions tells you at that moment. So you just got to learn to trust it with blind faith and ignore the resistance of your ego mind. This gets easier over time because the answers of why your intuition told you something will always reveal itself afterwards and my intuition has NEVER been wrong. This builds trust, you just gotta pay attention to the unfolding.

Simple relatable example in this topic: for the past year Iā€™ve been eyeing some fields and just when I was about to buy them from my mind I checked with my intuition and it told me ā€œNOā€. *Insert whiny ego voice: ā€œBUT WHYYY, I WANT IT, I NEED IT!! :sob:ā€ But I still listened since the Divine always has the highest authority. And not long after that Captain introduced a major unexpected sale. When I checked again with my intuition I got the green light to buy the field. And afterwards my mind is always like: ā€œOoh, thatā€™s why :sweat_smile:, glad I listened :grin:ā€.

I would invite you to learn to trust your divine intuition for everything. I know it is easier said than done, for me it still is sometimes. But the more I let go of control of the ego mind and realize how small and insignificant I (human ego identity) am in this human form compared to Source, the easier life flows. Just my take on this though :pray:t4:


Thank you for the sale! I got The Kinetic Quasi Crystal, Automated Tibetan Rites, Plasmafied Near Infrared Chakras, and Hydrogen Accumulation + Fission :grin: I canā€™t wait to rest these out!


Thank you for the sale :rose:


Yes thank you so much! :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Bought two fields.


Picked up soul restoration brow finally :relieved:


Thank you very much for the discount.

Is there a chance that PayPal could become available on Gumroad as a payment option in the future? @Dreamweaver


just acquired vox, radiant sexuality, and koritsudoā€¦
Dream and the whole Sapien Med team thank you, thank you, thank you! :bowing_man:
i am really blessed and eternally grateful to be here and to be working with these fields man, it really is surreal. Dream is fr making CHEAT CODES!
this quote from Freedom is exactly how Iā€™ve been feeling lately,

I already know these new, new gen fields are gonna be otherworldly lmao
cheers to eternal evolution :beers:


I got koritsudo right before the sale xD
but all I can say is itā€™s worth more than the full price :eyes:
Thank you Captain :pray:


Nice birthday present to myself, Opus Manhattan and White Matter acquired, hopefully I waited for the sales. :smiling_imp:

PS : Also Radiant Sexuality and an another mystery field.


Thanks for the sale!

I bought:
*Resiliency Max+
*Plasmafied Near Infrared Bones

Thanks Dream for creating these :rose:


My tradition of buying something on sale continues :)
Got ā€™ The Major Elixir of Alchemical Effect ā€™ :mage:
Thanks Captain :love_you_gesture:


I hope everyone gets Koritsudo, by far the best think you can get and the one that will reward your life the most by far, but thats my opinion.


Koritsudo ?




The description alone shows the potential of that field

The price as well shows how ā€˜crazyā€™ it is