So if I buy a costum carpet with the booster sigil and sit there saying the word, will my field be boosted? so does my energy system? permantly?
real questions asked
lol i like your idea of custom carpet with sigil it can be anything.
but as for your question remember when sammy said the intention drive the action more than the words, so if your intent to boost the fields they it will be boosted, maybe you will be boosted too who know some must to take chance and experience lol
the thing is if I boost myself (without even the carpet, I mean you can draw it on floor inside a circle) there must be some disavantages like sleeping deprivation etc
yeah it can be any sigil in it for ex. sigil that charges your room with energy for manifestation…
you mean more energy?
yeah i get that sometimes when i forget about all the field tags in the same room. then i have to replace each in different room, one day i forgot and put the 10 fields in the same room i couldn’t sleep whole night.
But what if you boost ALL aspects of self then?
Including the negative thoughtforms attached to your ego?
Boosted negative thoughtforms lmfao, someone make a movie out of this.
You’ll be universally fked then.
yes but one need to be more creative because its carpet, fixed installation maybe and continous use. if one time use will be just a waste
if you put them in the box they came from wouldn’t it be good enough to stop the energy?
you can do it after you counter all the negative thoughtforms and boost yourself to remain like that for longer.
Longer may mean forever if you find a point where you know the boosting is gone but you are still without negative thoughtforms.
Exactly my thoughts, the booster would be amplifying the negative and positive aspects of the self because I dont think it comes with a filter for the negative side, it seems
If you can do that, then you’re already boosted to the highest level possible.
Who are you kidding tho ;D
Remember, just because its quiet and strategizing a new plan doesnt mean its gone ;D
Negative thoughtforms/beings “play dead” all the time.
i think it wouldn’t be enough
And then when it becomes too unbearable for you, are you gonna dispose yourself like I did to my expensive watch with Confidence, Dominance and Authority field which I boosted just once? :Sigh:
no, your body doesn’t remain the same. As time goes by it will change.
It changes but towards the worse, usually.
I don’t know man. Just the idea sounds very dangerous to me. Although that’s what I want to myself. Boost myself so that I ascend quickly lol. But CDA field gave me some lessons about boosting, which are:
- Never boost any field,
- Read no. 1 lesson again!
I know that, its just an idea
Boosting yourself seems risky, especially without a way to intelligently regulate the process. Like others have said, you don’t want to boost your personal demons…that’d suck.
However, your idea inspired me to think of printing this on a Welcome Mat and place it outside my front door:
possibly in combination with:
I confirm. Last year I had boosted a Stem Cells Sapiens field with a powerful booster and in the following hours I had felt pains in my belly. I knew immediately that it was caused by booster that as accelered the field, so I immediately stopped it.