I just discovered this forum while searching (desperately) for Sapien Medicine NFTs and people who own and sell some they have bought and own. Looking forward to become a member to share and exchange them with you (just didn’t figure out how to DM @Rosechalice and @Nice2knowU yet, time might tell when I got to know the forum here).
I really value and appreciate the work from Sapien Medicine which probably took so much time and effort to create them. Spend quite some money on it but never regreted any field I’ve bought :) Sad to see something so great remove it’s content from their youtube channel and the internet :/
I am really interested in morphic fields and also other technologies (RIFE, Binaural Beats, Tesla Scalar Fields) to create frequencies which might be of help for people.
Looking forward to engage to you from Switzerland.
All the best and talk to you soon.