Justice for All: Official Thread

Thank you.

I think it would be an awesome field if it helps all the people and companies in the world. Does anybody know a field that could achieve this goal?

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the meditation field,meditation mandala

the one used for mass meditations

or the NFT that is called the blessed path

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Great! Could you please link me the meditation mandala?

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its on patreon unfortunately I don’t have the link

but @anon32464289 has it as a profile picture just to know what it looks like

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thanks bro much appreciated :blush:

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I think you mean the Justice NFT?

If this is rather the Mass Meditation mandala, it is on Patreon or the pic is here as well:

Strong one, I should write about it in upcoming days.

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JUSTICE will be served.

To Everyone and Everywhere.

I’ve already used the Justice NFT 3x in the last five days.



what is the justice NFT Jaaj?

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So this NFT provides justice to all the people and legal entities in the whole world?

Thank you very much!

No, it provides justice to the cases that the NFT owner requests.
And I have opened a lot of cases with this.


does it provide justice to cases which are not mine? For example people of other countries which have legal battles with legal entities or companies against companies etc?

Yes, please read the description of the NFT.

Angel Raquel sees everything.



You see, using this scares me. I don’t want to have to face the truth on who wronged me or doing something terrible behind my back. It’s like everything will change for the better, but at the same time, it will sting deeply in the mind.


Yes, but not forever. Eventually you will process and keep the wisdom and hopefully, the compassion you gained in the process



How many times have you listened?

I recently got sick. I had a really bad sore throat yesterday and all day today I laid in bed using different fields to heal. My body temp was a little higher, stuffy/runny nose, you know how it goes. So pretty much I had used every healing field that I possibly had and they kinda helped, but I still felt bad until I played this, within minutes I felt 60% better. Which I think is so strange, I never would’ve expected this field to do that for me but now it feels like my sickness is subsiding.


This is a fabulous field. It helps in so many ways and so harmoniously :pray: how I wish I had this in my childhood or even 20’s! Just tweaking situations and creating growth and peace in both parties.


Yes indeed. I give SO MUCH credit to this field