Justice: Testimonials

The Justice Project

  • Helps you attain justice no matter what situation you’re in, both legally and personally.
  • Helps you avoid getting into situations that require justice in the first place.
  • Provides intercession from powerful beings of Justice who will measure and deal out justice.
  • Heals, clears, and strengthens you to all things related to justice so you leave every situation at peace with yourself and accept how things went.

Concepts and Subfields

Creates negentropic order for justice.

Helps you attain good outcomes and justice no matter where you are. What I have in mind is courtrooms, traffic stops, traffic accidents. Anyone involved with what’s going on will want to give you maximum leniency and have a deep, genuine desire to help you.

Helps you attain justice no matter who you are. Will specifically aid in bringing justice in issues of discrimination or where your status and anything about you or who you are associated with, blocks getting justice.

Helps you present your case verbally, through video, or written, anywhere in a way that you are believed, you state the exact evidence with exact facts and figures, and are able to advocate for yourself in the way that gives you the best outcome.

Actively removes attention from those things, people, and situations who could place you into any further trouble or sabotage your case. The people you are seeking to get justice from, police officers, gangs, those who seek to blackmail and their blackmail, and those who seek to extort or put you in a situation where you and your words are being recorded.

Helps you attain the removal of bills, fines, and aids in taxes. Any bill or fine that can be potentially written off or reduced will have that happen. Your taxes will go through with no hiccups and be accepted and look correct to all algorithms/people. Any errors will be rectified easily.

Places you in the flow of luck for achieving justice and staying out of harms way. Sometimes for several reasons your attempts to achieve justice will be foiled by bad timing, things being lost, saying the wrong thing, etc. You will find yourself easily knowing and avoiding people or situations that can create further injustice or get you in trouble.

The homes of yourself and loved ones will be protected from thefts and ill intentions.

Witness support

Causes those who witness an injustice put on you, or who have any additional information, to want to help you as much as they can. If possible, they will give statements, appear in court, and see you obtaining justice as a worthy goal.

Removes any fear, doubts, hesitation that would block helping you and replaces it with unconditional love and a sense of righteousness.

When things occur that don’t have sufficient witnesses, or you don’t have all the needed evidence, the field will do its best to create a situation where you are believed and action is taken on your behalf. This could even include the person who wronged you admitting to what they did either consciously or through a slip-up.

Legal specific

Helps you win over the jury, judge and public opinion

Gives you the stamina, patience and tenacity for long depositions

Protection against blackmail, private investigators, and those who wish to sabotage your case.

Will help put the best judge for your situation to preside over the case.

Prosecutors will not be politically pressured/bribed to open cases against you.

Helps you find the best, honest lawyer for you in your price range, or one that will work pro-bono. As above, helps you present your case to your lawyer so they find value in helping you.

If possible, in cases that aren’t serious crimes, causes them to not even be brought to trial. Its not common, but if a DA does not try a case within a certain amount of time, you automatically walk away. Any number of factors can magically influence this.

Helps you obtain the maximum amount of $$$ in any legal battle, and to lose the least amount of $$$. An aspect of abundance when it comes to legal matters (not an abundance of legal matters, mind you :D) Also helps you get people to pay up. People can dodge paying you for years with various excuses.

Court cases and legal matters come with a lot of very specific steps in order to succeed. Helps you become aware of anything and everything needed to successfully present your case.

After the case, removes all negative emotions that could lead to further injustice.

Online Specific

Helps you guard against identity theft/hacking and put an end to any existing identity theft/hacking occurring.

If the person stealing your identity is close, will make them known to you

Already stated, but helps protect against any online slander, and gives you an awareness of who to avoid online.

Helps to quickly put an end to any flame wars or arguments, helping both sides see their faults, apologize and move on.

Court of Personal Opinion Specific

I’m leaving the full text because @music summarized it beautifully.

Cancel Culture Shield (Court of Public Opinion)

There is a court that lies outside of any official judicial system, and that is the The Court of Public Opinion, the most powerful one of them all. People who mean you ill often resort to using The Court of Public Opinion to damage your reputation or ruin your life. Especially in an age where short attention spans rule and indignation is currency, this can prove incredibly deadly for those caught in the crosshairs.

This subfield extends the “aura of innocence” (described further below) to you in such situations, when people try to damage your reputation publicly.

Further, any attempts to “cancel” you will fail and immediately backfire, making those who attempt to cancel you look worse as a result.

Accusations may not even make the news or go viral. But be assured, even if they do, things will not go your accuser’s way. Those who disparage you may find that the public is not on their side. Or perhaps something else comes up in the news that immediately takes attention away from you. This shield will work magically on every level to turn the tide in your favor.

Further, you will be shielded psychologically, socially, and metaphysically from the effects of gossip, and negative energy sent towards you and your name will be returned to sender where appropriate. Rumors will not spread, and you will be able to live in peace, your reputation unblemished.

And most likely, this Shield will be able to stop any potential attack at the source, and people will not even try to “cancel” you at all. You may never even have to take a step inside The Court of Public Opinion.

Furthermore, propogates a field of respect, positivity, and warmth to those who meet you as an added buffer against ending up in these situations

“Social Justice” Shield

It can also easily be observed that “social justice” campaigns are ironically not rooted in justice at all. Rather, they are consumed with dark energy, hatred, and toxicity. Often they are used by negative entities as tools to stoke division and distrust among the masses. This shield, in conjunction with the Cancel Culture Shield, protects you from any potential bias or prejudice others may otherwise have about you due to the negative effects of any of these “social justice” campaigns.

Fear not, your actions, words, behaviors, etc. will not be distorted by any “Social Justice Warrior” agenda, and people will see you clearly without such negative bias clouding their perceptions.

Self-Healing and Strengthening For Justice

  • Gives you the feeling of deserving justice

  • Healing from any damage done by injustice. (Energetic, mental, situational, behavioral)

  • Anger release and unhealthy ego pattern dissolution when experiencing injustice.

  • While maintaining healthy behavior towards getting justice.

  • Be able to see the situation from a higher/neutral perspective and see if it is actually that bad.

  • Provides emotional support, grounding, and healing after and during any stressful incidents such as when in court and testifying against someone.

  • Helps you to forgive as needed. In a way that you can forgive them but still seek to obtain Justice.

  • Helps you accept the situation as it is to help you change it.

  • Integrity - helps you remain integrity no matter how bad the situation gets.

  • Self Love - Helps you maintain self love after you’ve been wronged

  • Self respect - helps you maintain your self respect no matter what

  • Courage - will be fearless when attempting to obtain justice

  • Patience - allows you to wait for the right moments and helps you deal with the fact that many processes can take weeks or months.

  • Tact - you will figure out the best strategies to get justice and will follow and execute that plan flawlessly.

  • Gives you the feeling that Justice is obtainable and inevitable in any situations that require it (and is actually obtainable)

  • Will help you be satisfied with the outcome of anything related to the situation. Sometimes you can seek revenge rather than Justice, endlessly creating more and more negativity for yourself.

  • Helps you to let go and cut relationships with toxic people or people who have wronged you.

  • Removes victim mentality

  • Helps you accept injustice as a natural part of life, but where you can do much to help out.

  • Removes any and all Jinn, Hexes, Curses, negative energy, Evil Eyes, Vows, Soul Contracts, Bindings and Karma from you.

Dealing with the other

  • Causes those who have harmed you to realize what they have done and seek to make things right (if desired)

  • Causes those who have harmed you to give up in court, seeing your victory as inevitable.

  • Causes any guilty party to take on an aura of being guilty. Those around the guilty party will see him as being guilty and remove their support, or actively aid you in your efforts to receive justice.

  • In court and anywhere you need it, the person you are against will experience extreme confusion, forgetfulness and be unable to present their case well or say details they know will tank their case. This also applies generally before the case so they can not build up a good legal defense.

  • Can provide a measure of Inner Justice, where those who have harmed you get what they feel they deserve for doing harm to you.

  • Has a directional reflection shield so any time negative energy is sent to you, it rebounds back onto whoever sent it to you. Creates an effect of Instant Karma.

  • Karmic speed up effect - accelerates the rate at which Karma comes into the life of the person you are seeking justice from.

  • Further, they are left with the intuitive understanding that these negative karmic repercussions were from trying to harm/wrong you, so they can learn from their mistakes. They will thus feel unease about trying to wrong you further.

  • Brings strength whenever you are dealing with any situation involving justice, so no matter what the circumstance or obstacle, you feel capable of handling it.

  • Aura of Terror and Justice for those who seek to harm you in any way. Feeling of heavenly justice, or the intuition of some much larger force coming through you and surrounding you. (this will include your loved ones as well as your and their possessions)


Provides intercession by Angel Raguel, Lady Justice, and your own Higher Self can be called upon to send justice to any situation in the world that needs it.

Proactively calls for the support of the Angels, Deva, Aliens and other benevolent beings who can help (otherwise they cannot interfere so there must be a call based on the free will of the user).

Raguel is able to deliver fully the karma that they incur from harming you, but also everyone else that they have harmed in relation to the situation if needed or if it’s impersonal to you.


  • Integrates the Tarot cards of Justice and Judgement within the scope of the field.

  • Rune Tiwaz

  • Integrates crystals for justice - Red Jasper, Garnet and Hematite & BLACK TOURMALINE


Looking forward to the testimonials for this one! I exerted so much self-control to not join, lol. This is such a great idea and so useful! :+1:


There is a powerful Angel figure with massive wings behind Justitia. Probably Archangel Raguel…

As always, Captain hides amazing details in his artworks :star_struck:


@Beltloop after reading the Legal Specifics do you think: this can help when in law school/ help when practicing law


Absolutely @Violet. The parts about making a clear legal argument seem to interface directly with your intelligence so it should help.



everyone go check the trading thread lol





Nosotros, somos Bandidos !


Guys is it still available ? I’d love to own a copy.
I now own a copy. :two_hearts: thanks to my dear seller and thanks to all of you for making this. Should I print it out or can I get it full benefits by having it on the digital wallet only?


How did you get a copy?

Traded for it

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Hello everyone. Can someone tell me how or where I can purchase this NFT? Please and Thank you!

I’m new to purchasing NFTs and I would appreciate any help.

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I will also be redoing this NFT in the future after I finish other projects.

I believe the main idea is solid, but it could definitely use some upgrades to add more of an energetic punch to the things it does so well.

It will also allow more people to get this NFT (possibly could be made public), as only 14 or so copies were released.


It’s kind of a loss to people who did buy it :confused: but I understand your point. Everyone needs a bit of justice in their lives in today’s world.


Bro, you remaking this soon?

Yeah its unfortunate @Cathroulette but its something quite a few people have asked me about. I created the Justice NFT to help with a situation in my own life and invited members so we could purchase enough NFTs. Justice For All is a field that many people use throughout their life and I want to spread the Good Will.

@SirChiropractixalot I will remake it in the New Year most likely.

I have the outline done for our new submission format but haven’t polished it just yet.


Is the idea of remaking it still alive? @Beltloop

