Karma and The Shadow

It has been shown to me that most of not all karma is manifested in the shadow self. So, integrating your shadow=freeing yourself of karma.


Karma Crucible kicking in?


My Karmic Debt audio actually. Then I did a bunch of legal dabs and did a long astral thing.

I need to get The Karma Crucible.

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Thanks for posting this. It makes perfect sense.


Makes sense,

You no longer punish yourself for neglecting parts of you.


Thank you for this. I’ve kept it in mind since I first read it. Makes sense.

Technically not, it may free yourself moving forward as you’re not interacting on a lower vibe and creating from a place of lack/trauma however to release karma requires forgiveness on your part as in forgiving yourself for actions, thoughts etc but also the person you had the interaction with needs to forgive you to release the attachment. This how bonds/cords are made/formed, soul contracts etc. No such thing as unfinished business, it will repeat until released.

The biggest thing I noticed on this is going back to the core wound, which took me into passed lives. I was shown how it threads through into each incarnation until fully resolved.

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