Kidney and Adrenal Healing (feat. Vakkuum)

Maximum 3 x a day since it does feed you some jing to that area and we wouldn’t want to overload or overdo the jing portion cause it can end up making you feel groggy and not so great.

That being said if you can handle a few more then do so but it’s what might work for you the best if you feel like your not getting relief from the one use right off the bat. What I used to do is do 2x right away and then later in the afternoon I’d do 2 again. But again that’s me and everyone is different so try it out and see what works.

It does not seem to have a lot of effects… for me it’s not as much about the fatigue, more the sleep disturbances because I’m constantly overwhelmed or do not get “air” feeling of suffocating in the brain… think this is due to the lack of cortisol.

I feel constantly overwhelmed and overstimulated in the brain. That’s where the pressure and feeling of headaches come from.

Have you tried brain regeneration a few times or even shot in the dark here cause I’m just assuming maybe you don’t get enough blood oxygen in your blood have you tried bone marrow enhancement?

Hey buddy, thanks for helping me out. In the previous post The Acu-Automaton (Acupuncture) - #81 by Pythagoras I went into more detail on what exactly is happening… yes I do not get enough oxygen in the brain but the reason this is happening is because of mental stress and a lack of cortisol to balance it out.

I need Yin energy, to calm, relax and restore.

How is the Bone Marrow Enhancement supposed to help?

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Need some help. I’ve tried this field two weeks ago. Gave it two listens. Immediately felt tension and aching in the kidneys area. Then for several days I felt uncomfortable, slight aches. Today I decided to give it another try. Again it worked immediately with same negative effects. Also feel somewhat dizzy and even fear. I know it could be part of the healing process but these are scary feelings. Has anyone experienced something like this, maybe with different fields?
And also, is there a field to cancel the effects of other previously applied programs?

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Energy Body/ Aura Deep cleaning will clear out any energy work done in the 3 hours prior to your listening.

But what you’re describing sounds like a combination of healing process as well as potential energy system overload. For the healing process, you can always play a small portion of the field and build up from there (because you must be playing this field for some reason in the first place, right?).

For the potential energy system overload, you can play some of the Grounding fields. You can also shorten your stack (because I’m wondering what else you were playing as part of your routine).


Thank you.
I played Spinal Tapper once before Kidney and Adrenal (once too).
Yes, something must be wrong with kidneys if I get this kind of reaction. Not sure I would continue with that because it still feels bad after sleep and body temperature has risen.

To be clear, I didn’t say that.

I said “I’m presuming you have a reason for listening to this particular field.” If there’s no known issue with your kidneys, why are you listening to this field in the first place?

It may well be that there nothing wrong with your kidneys and your well kidneys are reacting to your field to let you know they don’t need this field.


I definitely have had some tension there over the last few years. Never acute though, not like after listening to the field yesterday.
The last point is very interesting. Never thought of this kind of interaction.

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