Kidney function eGFR rate low...after stem cells field

Does these fields make you loose weight…Ia already quite week

They help u to lose weight. For example when I hit a plateau, it really helped me to break thru that. But u also need to do your part and clean up your diet. U cant continue to eat a lot of crap and expect to heal quickly. (U can treat yourself once in a while)
U will heal much quicker if u do your part. Also doing some sort of physical activity every day, even walks, really helps.
Nowadays most bodies dont “wear out”, they “rust out” from non use

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There are also SM fields that can help u build muscle. The more muscle u have the more calories u burn. This works best if u do some kind of muscle resistance exercises.

Auto workouts (free):
Automated Workout System
Automated Upper Body workout
Core Strengthening
Automated Leg day
Automated Gluteal workout
Stomach Shrinking and Toning…and others

There are also paid fields that are more inclusive


Thanks…I will also start doing muscle building exercise.

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