Kidney function eGFR rate low...after stem cells field

Hi my friend is 76, male and he recently experienced intense Kidney pain shortly after using Stem Cells targeted for Kidney, liver, lungs, heart etc. He went to the doc after several days and got blood checked. His present eGFR (estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate is 63. Average eGFR for age 70+ is 75. His diet is mostly vegetarian, he does not smoke or consume alcohol. Every now and then he has a strong reaction to the fields but mostly positive. What programs or series of programs would you suggest to revitalize his kidneys? Thank you for any suggestions. And yes he will have a follow up with his doc in a few weeks. Until then is it even possible to revitalize kidneys?


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It can be done. If he has not tried them yet, then these may help:


Thank you so much skyhigh, I appreciate your input. I will pass these along to him. It will give him some hope.


Also, to have better and faster results with the audios/fields from my and others’ experiences, I suggest he listen first to these preparatory audios, if he hasn’t done it yet:

Thank you Skyhigh, we wondered if Advanced Healing + voltage repair would assist?

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Thank you Emily, for your suggestion my friend doesn’t have that field yet.

It may be helpful for your friend since " it heals what needs to be healed." ( a post I read from a user asking Dream about it). So, it really depends on the user since people will respond differently to a healing audio. I only posted the free fields/audios since they are already powerful, although I also use the plasma protocol and advanced healing and other paid audios daily for health maintenance.

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I am going to add some medical perspective here. For a 76 yr. old man a eGFR of 63 isnt bad. It indicates a SLIGHT or mild decrease in kidney functioning. Should it be watched, sure. He should continue to see his doctors. Tell him to increase his water intake. Suggest the above mentioned fields. eGFR decreases as u get older, it is a part of the normal aging, the kidneys become less efficient.

He may be able to slowly bring this numbers up …or not.

When the year my mother was dying 2008, I was 52, I started getting some new symptoms. I noticed them because I am “in tune” with my body. They were subtle but there. I felt like there was a heaviness on the top of my head, pushing me down and I felt a bit more tired, but I KNEW it was a NEW problem I had never had before. I went to my regular doctor, (a specialist in allergies and infectious diseases), told her my symptoms she arranged blood tests and thats when it came back that my kidneys were deteriorating. SO she had me come back in 3 months for a repeat and the eGFR kept decreasing…3 months later it also dropped, etc. well it went down to eGFR of 32. I was about 54 yr old. (I do know how this happened BTW, due to a viral infection in my muscles, my muscles started breaking down mostly in my limbs, these byproducts going to my kidneys and damaging them), then it leveled off, plateaued for a while (about a year). I was in the “grey area” as they call it. NO treatment for it. A level lower and I would need to seriously consider dialysis. Then it slowly slowly started to increase. It took years. ( This is BEFORE I found Dream’s fields in Spring 2017) So now my is eGFR is 58-60 at age 65 and steady . The moral of this post…I’m still alive and kicking. Unless it starts dropping quickly this (most likely) isnt going to cause his demise. Please understand, I’m not saying its NOT a concern, but its important to keep it in context.

Added later: he needs to keep eating correctly (proper nutrition), it seems loss of appetite, ( and actually loss of taste for food) can occur. AGAIN keep up the healthy fluid intake,it helps the body to eliminate the toxins . (I actually had to do this for my cats too)

“Growing old ain’t for sissies” - Bette Davis, (sassy) famous actress of the 30, 40’s and 50’s.


You should use advanced healing as last resort if anything. There are other smart fields that can help with healing as well. Also advanced healing requires lots of energy to heal which can make your body tired. But the voltage repair one shouldn’t be a problem I think (unless it has advanced healing aspect included which I think it doesn’t)

Description of the advanced healing tag:

speeds up the natural healing process by 500 to 700%. This item can increase that healing rate by 10 to 20 times. Limit Use Time This item was once restricted to short time use but it has been modified so as to regulate the healing power of the item to the capacity of the wearer’s available energy. It is still capable of speeding up healing 10 or 20 times faster than our faster healing item but will not do so if it will leave a person exhausted. As a result it can now be worn full time. The body has the capacity to heal at many times the rate we normally see, even without reaching into the world outside of regular Medicine, there are so many documented cases of rapid healing that it makes one wonder why we all don’t heal at these incredible rates all the time! The main reason is that we are designed to protect our energy stores, so we do not starve to death or face exhaustion in times of peril. This item is very strong and works very fast for most people, it is not recommended for people that have already suffered a long term illness though, as it can drive people into near exhaustion if not monitored carefully. This item was not originally intended for sale, however you need to make your own decisions on how to use it.

And personally I wouldn’t recommend advanced healing to anyone who is 50+ and has serious issue in general. Even I’ve used it only few times until now. Although the effect of the field depends on your own energy reserve it can make you tired as well But that’s just my personal opinion tho nothing else. Not some kind of law or anything. I’d recommend to use plasma field since it’s art field and can push away any kind of disorder. Plasma and other fields mentioned above should do the work

Hi SilverZuzu, your story is very inspiring and absolutely puts things in context. James has a healthy appetite, a vegetarian who likes fish once or twice a week. He has recently increased his water/fluid intake, doesn’t smoke, drink, or do drugs, and lives a healthy outdoor life in a rural setting. He’s very strong physically but has physical limitations with swelling in the ankles for the past two years. He is fully committed to doing the fields mentioned and keeping salt and potassium low. Your comments are very reassuring and we wish you continued good health.


Thank you Azin, this is excellent information and I will pass it along to James. I know he has used the field and likes the voltage repair especially. He’s very conservative in how he uses the fields even to the point of being inconsistent which can slow his progress down. I am encouraging him to stick to a few as mentioned above and make those work and then see what happens.

It is still advanced healing with added voltage repair.

Yah I checked the description a while ago. First I thought it doesn’t include it

Either way, it shouldn’t be a problem listening to advanced healing/voltage repair, many use it almost everyday without a problem. But, I wouldn’t overdo it. Few times of voltage repair is fine. I find that Cosmo-volt and -25milivolts -50milivolts are good combo.


Thank you, I had wondered if we should add cosmo volt so it sounds like both these could work well together.

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I also had hepatitis E last year and corona as well…but prior to that as well I seem to have a bacterial and fungal infection since childhood. I feel better with kidney field…but any hormonal or adrenal field doesn’t suit me. Also, seems this infection caused insulin resistance, destroyed my sweet glands. The majn issue is that…I feel a lot of cravings for chocolate and sweets…which I am not able to control :tired_face: and it’s destroying my health. Though I feel a lot better then last year, thanks to sapien.

Did you take any supplements for infection. Or what diet did you follow.

I follow a healthy low carb diet (not keto). I have for many years now. Average about 50-60 Gm. carbs/day mostly in the form of low carb veggies. No corn or wheat.

If u look thru some of my previous posts I have also continued once a day on a mealtime SM audio stack, which I continue to this day.

MOT-C x2
Glycolysis X2
Enhanced Fat Metabolism X2
Enhanced Cellular Nutrition Absorption X1-at least 30 min. after the meal

If need be u can use the above stack after 2 meals, thats what I used to do

If needed for hunger, (although when u are on healthy low carb your craving are much decreased):
Hunger Inhibitor


Did you take any medicine as well for infection?

For the viral infection at that time (2008), I was on no medications.

However now there are SM audios that can deal with that

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