Attraction and Lust are part of the matrix game
– on the physical and on the astral and maybe even on higher levels.
I would even say that the source created everything and all the games out of the lust and desire for experience in the first place.
Any game mechanism that you seemingly have no active control over, can be considered a “trap”.
But when you as your Higher Self have entered the matrix game, you were aware of the fact that you would expose yourself to certain game mechanics and seemingly “lose control”.
The experience of “first losing control and then slowly regaining it” is part of this game’s journey.
If you want to regain control over this particular mechanism, the first step is not to fight it.
“What you resist, persist.”
If you try to surpress this energy, or feel shameful or guiltful about it, or consider it as something “bad and not being part of you”, then you will always create a cognitive dissonance and continue to experience this as a trap.
Instead, you need to learn to love, embrace and appreciate your lustfull energy and then, as @WellBeing mentioned, use the other game mechanism of transmuting it to other goals of yours.
You can’t get rid of this energy while inside the game because it keeps you alive and is part of your creational power. But different game mechanics allow you to choose how you utilize this energy.