Kill attraction

Attraction and Lust are part of the matrix game
– on the physical and on the astral and maybe even on higher levels.
I would even say that the source created everything and all the games out of the lust and desire for experience in the first place.

Any game mechanism that you seemingly have no active control over, can be considered a “trap”.

But when you as your Higher Self have entered the matrix game, you were aware of the fact that you would expose yourself to certain game mechanics and seemingly “lose control”.
The experience of “first losing control and then slowly regaining it” is part of this game’s journey.

If you want to regain control over this particular mechanism, the first step is not to fight it.

“What you resist, persist.”

If you try to surpress this energy, or feel shameful or guiltful about it, or consider it as something “bad and not being part of you”, then you will always create a cognitive dissonance and continue to experience this as a trap.

Instead, you need to learn to love, embrace and appreciate your lustfull energy and then, as @WellBeing mentioned, use the other game mechanism of transmuting it to other goals of yours.

You can’t get rid of this energy while inside the game because it keeps you alive and is part of your creational power. But different game mechanics allow you to choose how you utilize this energy.


It’s a part of being human and don’t think you are something above that. Sapien medicine works but it cannot make you become more than human, there are limits to our existence.


This is exactly how you don’t “win the game” :wink:


Lmao believing you can fly doesn’t make you fly, you need to walk with an optimistic yet realistic mindset through life - and the game ends not by winning but you can win by enjoying the game :wink:

The so called…

…is basically a collection of around 5 Millions different limiting beliefs that 99.9% of the people on 21st Century earth carry with them 24/7.

As long as you chose to participate in that group think, you will always have the experience of the group, i.e. being powerless victims, whipped by “external circumstances”.


Off-topic: True, but having that belief can keep you from trying to learn how you can fly, which might be a problem if you really wanted to fly.


Do you practice meditation or any other similar spiritual practice?

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That’s true, I quote myself “an optimistic yet realistic mindset”. You can try to fly but if it doesn’t work there MIGHT BE THE POSSIBILITY that it doesn’t work.

So just by listening to subconscious limiting beliefs I can fly because I no longer have a “victim mindset”? I’ve listened to this audio a lot and I still fall when I jump from high places. There might be something like gravity that exists which is why that happens. If sapien was able to produce an audio against gravity I would be extremely impressed - but is it really possible, even if we think it is?

Just google for historically documented cases of levitation :wink:

…and that is just for the homo sapiens part. So many alien races can levitate and change physical matter at their will as they please…


SLR is just a start. And based on your questions and statements I would say that you haven’t open your mind wide open enough yet.

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And just as logically, there MIGHT BE THE POSSIBILITY that it does work and you haven’t yet figured it out.

And, to be clear, I’m not debating you for the sake of debating you. (I have no interest in any kind of debates.) I’m pointing out how you’re arguing that these tools can’t make you more than human (even though we have fields titled “Superhuman Genius” lol) and that there are limits to our existence. That’s all well and good if this is something you want. (You get to be right.)

But if it’s not something you want, then these ideas are not the “truths” that you’re presenting them as, just like our friend who started this thread was doing. And that’s good news because we have tools to easily change beliefs which no longer serve us.


I wish you all the best with your “open minded set of beliefs”. In the case of us being able to levitate, don’t hesitate to reopen this conversation and prove me wrong. As long as it isn’t proven, both of us are in the right. For your open-mindedness I recommend you to include in your belief system that there could be limits sometimes, it gives you a broader outlook on things.

If someone that has unconditional love that flow so much.

You will love all equally. Both men and women.

So much love that you don’t even need a partner. Because you already filled and overflowed. That you radiate it outside and you attract those people naturally.

Attraction is natural. It’s become unnatural when one is too desperate.

( I used to be like this :rofl: learning to detach myself) :kissing_heart:

I get the point of this thread. Yes it is a socially construct that men should date women. Ect

Even the way we eat. What you like and what you don’t like is also the part of this game.

That’s cultural construct.

The only way to do it is to embrace the thing. :slightly_smiling_face: after all


God gave you not just one, but TWO hands. Sometimes, you just have to recirculate the blood so your feet don’t get cold…

It’s science :rofl:




Some people here don’t like my question. So can I ask, How to see everyone and every thing with an equal vision? No attraction and no repulsion. Or Is it possible only at the stage of enlightenment?

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New Audio Field: Conceptual Realizations

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This allows you to peak into the true concept or real meaning into what someone has said.
It helps you to develop this ability as a natural part of yourself.

How’s it related to what I asked?

Read the whole thread.

Get the field and listen to it.

Then you will see through all the patterns of everybody, which is the next best thing to…