Kinesthetic Intelligence


Dr! hello i had han accident long time ago and i had at traumatic brain injury! and had trouble to extend my right arm, its like dystonia or muscle rigidity. can this help me with! i need help!

Dystonya seems to be a mental conditions. So I don’t know.

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wich audio can i use for that? can you make a audio for that please?


I don’t make anything, I’m just the Wizard’s “assistant”. @Dreamweaver makes the sapien magic.


ok Dr! send much love to you and all the community here! thanks

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Just wanted to confirm that this field helped me with much better sexual stamina and I am real happy with this benefit. Also my left side has improved quite a lot in providing balance to my body in a better way - I noticed this most in my walk how my left leg/ hip is more balanced.


Hi @MD81

Nice to See you again flame

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Can it help in posture correction, if someone suffering from APT-Anterior Pelvic Tilt?


been using it since it came out and it didn’t help me with that

Ok, thanks for confirming.

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It won’t, it’s not made for that :slight_smile:

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Hi @dr_jackal!

KY Green Nice to see you again

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I disagree, since I’m using it and coupled it with maleable ego, I just stretch naturally and copy the movements of the persons I encounter, made huge progress


Listen to do this and Manhattan method huge crazy results

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The craziest experience I’ve had is kinesthetic intelligence coupled with subliminal warlock’s god frequency wich is just a mega mega mega booster. Thought I knew my yoga, played thoses two back to back and just unlocked new postures without even have to question were the knowledge came from, felt fully integrated and natural. I’m using the manifested nft also


@anon26800771 sharingan hours. :ok_hand:

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Discussion for other similar Channels on YouTube

with this… i will can do slick back easily… i hope

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