Kinetic Quasi Crystal

@anon73693188 you are absolutely right, this field has a slightly cooling factor for our bodies, today we are having a very hot temperature, 38° and this is keeping me quite confortable without AC!


I have started using this, I am on the 7th day and feeling in my head that my stack is somehow too much on me.
So I lower my loops from two to one.

But wanna ask about something else.
If I am already doing only one loop for every field in my stack and I introduce a new one, should the new one treat just with one loop, or should I loop it more a few days until it is fully integrated into my aura/energetic structures?


idk what others do but for me if i introduced a new field to my aura i list it first before for 30-mins to 1 hour to get the feeling then after many hours ill add it to my stack and put it in single loop

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hi :slight_smile: well i wanted to know if KQC also helps with integration of fields rather than keeping the energies for longer in aura too? what i mean is that i’m scared of potential issues with getting results from fields etc i’m using energy body/aura cleanse,energy blockages removal and some others but still i’m overthinking this and i hope the answer is yes lol i really want to buy it but at the same time i’m okay with looping my audios myself for all day so what i need is something to help with integration and sensitivity to fields

i know the price is amazing for this field and any hesitation is ridiculous but it’s too much here and i want to buy wisely


Lol. I’m not sure either, although I use it daily.
I guess you need to read it’s thread, fully (in case you haven’t done so already).

I assume that it helps with integrating fields faster too, since I see faster and stronger effects from fields [10-20 minutes of looping for some fields (together or after KQC) brings me the equivalent of 40-60 minutes of looping (before I had it/without KQC), but perhaps even stronger results, not just the equivalent].

I hope I’ve understood your question.

Anyway, I have never had any trouble, even if I looped fields for hours (since using KQC).
Anyway, there are a few fields which can be dangerous if looped for too much time, so it’s better to be informed (read their description and threads too, for more info).

My suggestion is to go for it and buy it, but it’s your choice of course.

Best Of Luck and Best of Experiences. :pray:


hi!! you definitely helped me with my questions :slight_smile:

thank you for the suggestion and everything i’m wishing you the best too! :four_leaf_clover: