Kinetic Quasi Crystal

Hey how did you boost a field through a song? Also what are the difference between this and quasi aura since I am thinking of getting quasi aura.

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with this are people only listening to fields once a day ?

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This is why ive been overwhelmed to hell recently :OOO Dang this is gonna save so much time lol


What about stacks guys? Daily listening or once every 2 days

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I personally listen to this field every morning and find no issues with overwhelm and I play fields nearly the whole day and night literally.

You are talking about overwhelm and you have just started looping a lot of brain fields Iā€™ve seen maybe thatā€™s whatā€™s causing you the issues here


This does contain all the listed mono atomics, right?


I recently just played KQC twice while scaling back my brain fields back to once a day since I donā€™t want to get overwhelmed. Iā€™m doing it again this week just to be safe before playing the brain fields twice then Iā€™ll rinse and repeat this process until I can get back to playing brain fields thrice a day. (Donā€™t want to get my brain heavy again while Proactive in loop and finishing MM then Brain Dancer in another Bluetooth speaker)

Its just me since Iā€™m not in a hurry to grind and at the same time Iā€™d like to get the feel for it if I can take it. Probably you can scale it back for the meantime just to make sure not to get overwhelmed again, but if you feel you can do more loops after you played KQC once for a few days or so, then do it.


Yeah im cooked right now i looped brain fields all day with kqc :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:


Nerve Inflammation Help (Antioxidant targeted)

This feels amazing try it


how long does the boost last? if i play it at 7 am will the boost last until 9pm?

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thanks that helped loads 3


In addition to all the great effects described, this could help crystallize the chakras?, I feel that would make it a very OP field and an immediate purchase




I feel like a crystallized kaleidoscope inside so i guess so lol


This mini review is fresh off the oven because I just bought this, finally. It has been on my Sapien Medicine shopping list forever and a day!

Ok, so it has been very hot in my country considering itā€™s only the end of May. Too hot for a wonderbread white sun dodger such as myself. Itā€™s humid, itā€™s nasty, it robs me of my energy. I played this once (ONCE!) and felt in real time how my skin started to cool off. Insane but much, much appreciated :heart:


Is it true that playing this enhances any other fields you listen to throughout the day?


Yes, it does seem to have that effect. Some report feeling it as a booster, I feel it more as an effect stabilizer/extender; the fields played after it seem to linger long after they stop playing without me having to play them again and again. Additionally, thereā€™s a sense of order (stabilizer) to any number of disparate fields - my energetic system doesnā€™t seem like itā€™s a chaotic mess of a traffic jam as much as a multi-lane highway. The traffic is on the road longer and itā€™s well ordered.


This is my take on how it works


Is the implementation of MState Gold and Silver here, in any way, functionally different than the standalone release?

Asking to see if I need both KQC and MGaS in the same stack.


The song is so underrated! Iā€™m a sucker for piano related music and I wish I can listen to this forever. The energy feels super powerful and it really holds and amplifies your other energy fields for a while.

Tested with some of my healing fields and I felt them for an entire day. I only play 1x for all of them.