Kinetic Quasi Crystal

Thank you for the info
I will give it a couple of days and post my results on how it’s going for me


Can anyone please help me by letting me know how long should I play this on it own before adding a new field to my playlist i’m on day two of this field and the only thing I am feeling from this fields so far is a light headache I want to add the The Torsion Field with this field how long should I what before I add the Torsion Field Thank you


If you have a headache that’s not the time to add anything new. Wait until you no longer get the headache and then add


Thank you Jen for your reply I will wait until I no longer get a headaches from this field before adding a new field


How many times are u listening to it in a row @Elo87 ?
IMHO no need to listen more than 3 times in a row.
I myself listen to it 1-2 times.

Light headache- drink more water


What @SilverZuzu and @Jen said.

Also, @Elo87 take supplements (A-Z, protein), if you can, as fields can be demanding on your body.


Hi SilverZuzu I am doing 2 in the morning and 2 at night last night I had a lot better sleep then I usually do I always wake up tired in the the morning and have cramps in my calfs today I got up a bit early and also I have a overactive bladder and go about 10 times a night I think I almost half it last night


Thank you SoulStar33 I take a superfood protein powder which has greens and fruit as a supplement


So just for one field type a day?

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Depending on your general health, strength, age and endurance I would be cautious about adding more fields until your general health improves and your symptoms subside.

I hope u are seeking some medical help for your overactive bladder. Waking up 10 times/night to urinate and the fractured sleep it is causing is definately negatively impacting your health.
Cramps are often caused by low magnesium levels and sometimes dehydration. Google foods high in magnesium and drink more water.


Maybe you were referring to someone else, because I don’t have this problem that you wrote.
Thank you

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U are correct, sorry.
Will change the @name
Although the first sentence of my answer does pertain to u.


Hi SilverZuzu I have seek medical help and they said it because I take to much caffeine from taking pre workout every day with out taking breaks from them and to stop taking caffeine for a couple of month and to retrain my bladder by holding on as long as I can before going and they also have me on medication and the headaches have stop but I am going to give it a month before playing any thing else and the cramps I get because I have a vitamin b problem my doctor said to me eat more chicken which I already eat a lot of and I had vitamin b injection which didn’t do a thing for me and I also have lv 2 autism which I have same health problems because of it


I am thinking about buying the Energy Awakening Course but I don’t know how I would go about understanding it with my autism


Shouldn’t be an issue. The bulk of the content is a collection of audios (fielded) and some instructional videos explaining energetic exercises to help with sensitivity. If you understand stuff from YouTube videos, you’ll be fine with this.


Thank you for your reply if it’s audios and instructional videos I should be ok a understanding it but do I have to be able to understand the Articles that came with it


I would say most of the articles are written at a 15 year old or younger comprehension level but are also not at all necessary to the course content. The only two I think I’ve looked at more than once are “Exercise Sheet” and “Exercise Regimen”.

Not to mention, with AI, you can just copy/paste the contents and ask the AI to rewrite at a specific age or grade level. You can use to verify the “grade level” of any text.


Thank you I did not know there was a AI app for that also do you think I should buy the point of no return audio or should I see how I feel after the course

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To anyone worried I dropped Elo mid-convo, I took it to PM so we could stop hijacking the thread.


Damn the boosted energy from this is real. I can feel all my ‘energy’ staying far closer to my body if that makes sense, like it’s not dissipating outside at all. A strong force keeping everything ‘inside’. Nearly 2 listens. A closed loop Vs a open loop is more efficient in absorbing fields and keeping their effect for a longer while…